
Restaurant Of In Between

What will happen when a boy gains access to teleport people from different worlds to his restaurant? Let's find out!

Charlottes · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs



To say that Denji life was terrible wasn't an exaggeration, it was worse. Even Suzuki, who saw a lot of tragic fates in his world, couldn't help but pity Denji.

And that coming from him of all people, while he was usually indifferent to care about someone's life as his own life was already hard enough as it is.

There's something that tugged at his heartstrings upon hearing Denji's life story, and the worst of all the teenager himself didn't particularly care about how hard his life situation is.

Probably because he's been like this all of his life and already accepted the situation he is in.


He wasn't sure what to think after hearing Denji's story, it was pitiful, sad and depressing to hear.

Subaru couldn't help but think how fortunate he is compared to Denji, while he has a loving family.

Denji doesn't.

While he sleeps peacefully at a stable house.

Denji doesn't.

While he lazes around and does nothing to contribute toward his family.

Denji works just to survive.

He felt ashamed comparing himself to Denji, as Denji has every right to complain about how shitty his life is.

Now he complains about his, what does that make him?

A trash.

(A/N: Subaru had a massive inferiority complex.)


He pity the kid, he truly does. No one should live like he does, because it's truly not living anymore it's more of a survival.

The more he hears about Denji the more he realizes how fortunate he truly was.

Mikami then vowed to help the kid whenever he can at the very least he could make his life a bit brighter.

There's a lot I'd like to say about Denji's life story, but pardon me for my language- Fuck that shitty excuse of a father leaving his child of a debt that wasn't even his.

Inhaled using my nostrils, either way. I decided to supply him with meals from now on, god knows how much he needed them.

It wasn't like I lack money to feed one more mouth anyway, either way I'm making sure that this guy doesn't starve on my watch.

That's the least I could do to help him in his situation.

Anyway, besides that horrible life story. It seemed that Denji's world was infested with creatures known as 'Devils'.

The blonde wasn't the best at explaining things, granted while he didn't have any education but he's just that terrible at clarifying things.

Either way, from what I've gathered the devil has been a part of their society, or more like no one knows exactly when they started to appear on earth according to Denji.

And the devils of his world aren't exactly the same from the religion of my world, like angels that fell from God's grace. Instead devils of his world came from 'fear' of humanity of that particular subject.

However, aside from that I have no idea, like I mentioned before Denji is rather bad at explaining things.

But there's one thing that I certainly know, his world is definitely dangerous. It was a place I certainly wouldn't dare to venture.

I'm just a normal human being, going to the place is literally asking death on a date. No one with a sane mind would even think of going to that hell on earth, literally.

Then I looked at the dog with a chainsaw on its forehead who saw me looking and started barking at my face.

"Are all devils like this…?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Hell nah, Pochita is more or less ugly looking than some other devils I've encountered. They certainly don't look as cute as my partner!" Denji boasted proudly.

Pochita seemed to agree with him.

Well, it wasn't like I can't see where he's coming from, but knowing that this little thing is a devil, from what I heard from Denji's very own mouth. A certain amount of caution won't be too bad handling this creature.

In the end of the day, Denji became quite close with the group after hearing his life story although he's quite overbearing most of the time, considering how he was raised it wasn't a surprise.

He could certainly be worse, but thankfully he's like…this.

I didn't mean it as an insult, but more of a compliment if I were in his shoes. I certainly wouldn't be as positive as him.

I also noticed that Denji's wariness toward us seemingly disappeared after realizing that we meant no harm to him and his devil partner.

Not to mention, we treated him normally. Like a decent human being and not as a second-class human being.

Because in his perspective we treated him better than anyone else in his life, so granted he was okay with us.

He was that simple.

After the rest left and went to their respective worlds, although Denji seemed reluctant, which was understandable but after a bit of convincing he left as I promised him that my establishment is always open for him.

"Well then, I guess it's time to start cleaning."

It took me a while to finish the task, cleaning the tables, washing the dishes and mopping the floor.

I wiped the sweat from my forehead and said. "Well, I guess that's it."

Suddenly the door opened, revealing a familiar elf.

"Hello, I'm here for the books."

I smiled at her warily. "You do realize that this is a restaurant right..?"

"Yes, I'm very aware but knowledge is more of a priority to me, however the food here is delicious so it's a plus." Serie replied with a slight smile.

What a bookworm, there's no doubt she would be called that in my world, but I'm not here to judge and say. "I'll go get the books."

I bought them from a bookstore, since money wasn't a problem for me as Serie gave me an enormous amount of 'tips' . I bought dozens of books.

From elementary mathematics to university biology.

And many more, in fact there's books about basic crafting. However, that's her to know and find out.

It took me a few rounds to completely gather the book in the table where Serie is.

Then I saw her reading one of the books that I bought for her, her ears were flipping a bit which makes her quite adorable to look at.

Then suddenly she said. "How fascinating…"

"What is..?" I look at the book she's reading, it was an elementary science book.

I thought she would answer regarding the book she was reading, however my guess was quite off.

"The fact that I can read this language even though it's completely different from what I know. I've learned quite a handful of languages over the years of my life but the words in this book aren't anything similar to the letters I know of, however for some reason I could perfectly understand it."

Oh, I didn't think of that.

It was very obvious that I couldn't believe I missed it, she is from a completely different world that isn't anything similar to earth, it would be quite obvious that she wouldn't be able to read the books I've bought.

In a matter of fact, how the hell are they even managed to communicate with each other?

I'm pretty sure I don't know her world language, neither did she know mine.

Realizing that, what comes after was obvious. The fact that we could understand each other without a problem is most likely thanks to the mysterious system that I obtained.

There's no other explanation for this.

"I-i don't think I've realized it until you brought it up…it was such an obvious one too."

"Most people tend to ignore something obvious, so don't think too deeply about it."

I'm not sure if I agree with that statement, but let's agree to disagree.

"Either way, this is certainly fascinating…I wonder if I brought some ancient scrolls back home, would I be able to read it here..?" Serie seemed to be lost in her own world.

Well I better leave her be for now, because I don't want to disturb her reading because there's one thing a bookworm hates the most.

It's interrupting their reading.

While she did promise to negotiate for the book's price, I'm completely fine if she forgets about it. After all it's nothing but a leftover from the tip she gave me.

She didn't forget, I'm not sure whether I should be disappointed or happy.

But either way, she paid for the books based on how useful it is to her, she paid me in gold.

Hundreds of them, I'm not sure of their value but I'm pretty sure I could buy over a thousand copies of the books she has.

At least she didn't pay me another fairy crystal or else I would have refused it.

Still, these gold coins look ancient.

Considering her world is still at middle age, or at least the equivalent of.

It would make sense for the money to look like it came out of ancient rome.

I tried to sell one of the gold coins and couldn't believe how much it sold for.

"10 million each..?!"

A/N: He's getting richer even though it wasn't his intention. So he's suffering from success at this rate Serie's going to be his sugar mommy.

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There's currently 7 chapter advance

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