
A Girl's Dream

The moon glows brightly making the night lighter and the city buzzing busily. Among those busy people, there's a little resto owned by a maiden together with her frail mother and her niece at the center of the city. The girl, went up to her grandma's room just above the resto and saw her gazing at the moon. The girl went near her grandma and looked at the beauty of the moon. She was amazed by it's glow and noticed how it's size is slightly bigger than usual. As she sits near the window sill, it seems like the moon is at her reach. She looked at her Grandma and said.

"Look Amma, the moon seems so near, I feel like I can reach it with my hands." she said smiling.

Then her grandmother ask her.

"Xiao Kai Zha, do you have a dream? What would you like to be when you grow up?"

The girl thought hard for quite a moment before saying...

"I'd like to become a nurse Amma. I would like to take care of you and Aunty when you're sick. And other people too!"

The girl beamed thinking that she would be able to take good care of her elders just like they care for her.

The elder smiled and felt happy and proud of her granddaughter's answer. She told her to listen carefully.

"That is such a noble dream. I'm proud of you my dear. Now, listen child. As you grow up, some things happen not the way as planned. But remember that things happen for a reason, may it be bad or good. No matter what, keep your eyes on your goal and work hard to achieve it. At the same time make sure that you are not stepping on anyone. Don't loose your cool, people might make it hard for you and others will say as they will but remember that you are who you are, whether they accept you or not, be true to yourself and always remember that good always prevails."

The girl tried her hardest to remember what her Amma said even though it's so long and she took it by her heart. It was weird for her Amma to say it, it feels like she's going somewhere and not coming back. She thought to herself, "where would she go then?'' Though it appeared silly to her she still ask her grandma about it.

"Amma, where you going somewhere? Why are you telling me these?" She asked in wonderment.

As the elder watched her granddaughter, she couldn't help but feel pity and her heart breaks. She's only 11 and yet she is quite mature and wise for her age. While other children dreamed of gadgets and boyfriends her Kai Zha dreamed of taking care of her family. She know that this child is patient, loving, compassionate and intelligent. Even though she's a little naughty at times, she is strong willed and persevering. When she thinks of something, she plans for it flawlessly before acting on. She knows what is bad or good and weights the facts before making a decision. She really is her late son Kaito's daughter.

At that thought, she remembered that tragic night.

Her son and at that time pregnant of eight months daughter-in-law called to visit, for it's only a month away before the baby is born, her first grandchild.

On their way to the resto, the couple met an accident. They were involved in a collision of truck. Their car was one of the four cars involved. Though they received a second impact, the car was wrecked beyond repair.

The truck was speeding because the drunk driver has fallen asleep and the opposite car was also in a hurry for having an emergency. The first car flew right above the second which the expecting couple was driving. Seeing this, the expectant father hugged his wife in a protective manner hoping that his wife and child could survive. Though it was impossible for the said couple to survive the impact.

When the authorities came. They were so shocked that they stilled for a long time before they were able to gather their strength and quickly moved to rescue as much as they can.

It took nearly an hour before the first car to be detached. And it was almost impossible for any in the second car to have survived. But as the rescuers checked the said car, they were moved by the situation. The man was bend over the shotgun seat, and seems like he was protecting something. As they removed him carefully, they were more shocked to see the pregnant wife. One rescuer quickly took the wrist and felt for pulse and cried when he felt it. He loudly shouted for immediate help hoping that the lady would still survive.

Because it was a mass casualty accident, almost all rescuers were occupied. Seeing this, the young rescuer immediately sweetheart carried the lady to the next available ambulance and personally took care of her until she was properly endorsed to a hospital.

On their way, he felt the lady held his hand, she cries saying

"Please, save my baby!!!"

He was dumbfounded to say the least. He didn't expect for her to still be able to say those words, but as he looks down to this lady, her eyes held so much love for her unborn child. He coaxed the lady saying

"Hold on for a little while, we're near the hospital, you'll be safe then."

He continue checking the vitals until they reached the hospital. After endorsement of the victim, he went back to the scene and went over to the officer in charged and informed him of the details.

The officer immediately went to the second car to find anything to identify the two victims. When he saw the lady's bag, he went through it and luckily found some family emergency numbers. He quickly dialed the first one and informed the person on the other line about the accident.

She was the one to receive the call of that accident. She immediately took her daughter and went to the hospital. At their arrival, they were assisted by the rescuer who was said to have brought her daughter-in-law. She was informed that the baby is still alive and that they need to induce the lady in order for the baby to live. But the lady has weaker chances of survival. Brokenheartedly, she told the Doctor to save the baby for she surely know it was what her son wanted.

And so, Tiu Kai Zha was born. She never get to see her parents aside from pictures. She was lucky enough to have survived the accident that caused her parents lives.

Seeing the girl right now, she felt more pity for her. She is only suppressing her body's call. Her time is out now. Soon, she will be united with her dearest son Kaito. Her illness is at the last stage and she has long accepted that she can no longer see this girl grow. So she called for her and told her to go to sleep as she was feeling sleepy too.

The girl obediently followed her grandma kissing her goodnight and hugging her with all her love.

"Goodnight Amma, I love you so much. Thank you for taking care of me." the girl said her usual goodnight wish and walked to the door and out to her room.

At that very same night, the elder gave in to her body's wish. She went to her bed and laid with a smile on her face. In her thoughts, she know that her Xiao Kai Zha is ready. And so, she slept and waited to be united with her son.

Hi there, thank you for trying my book. I'm sorry if it only have one chapter. I'm currently working but I'll do my best to update. thanks alot. I really appreciate it,...

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