
I'm Single and Heartbroken, I'm Entitled to a Vacation

"You don't seem to look alright, Miss Yona." Feng Yi said with a little bit of uncertainty and surprise as she looked at Yona's face that resembled the bottom of a pot at the moment.

Yona stared at her secretary with a pointed gaze before sighing helplessly.

"I never knew that Yiyi could say something so obvious with such a sense of discovery. How many times will my three views be shattered today?" She said with a slight shake of her head. Feng Yi coughed awkwardly while stiffly starting the car.

"Are we going back to the office, Miss?" Choosing to ignore the prickly attitude of her employer, Feng Yi inquired ever so carefully.

"No. Let's head to the ancestral house. I have accounts to settle." Yona answered and then slumped with little grace to the car seat. Her eyes closed, looking exhausted. Feng Yi didn't answer and merely drove, giving the other woman the space she needed.

Yona did not want her engagement with the Wilding slag to last for even one more second. She was well aware of the stakes in this arranged marriage. She also knew that the Wildings were bound to insist on it no matter what. But there was no way in hell that she would allow herself to be tied to a trash wrapped in human skin even if she was offered all the riches and benefits in the world. She seriously hopes that he would just spontaneously combust and save her all this trouble.

So much for growing up together. Clearly the Wilding couple were two upright people. It was the majority of the reason why she agreed to the marriage in the first place. Jonathan truly proved that two right people doesn't necessarily equate to someone good.

Yona might as well make the most of this situation and get some well-deserved break. It was a chance to make trouble for those three carefree people in her family. She didn't really take the entire situation to heart. It was more of her ego talking. Well, any female would react as such if she's been insulted by a chauvinistic slag. Not to mention get cheated on by one. It was such good material for throwing a pity party.

"Sinha Worth isn't the only one capable of award-winning acting." She mumbled to herself.

Yona's stepped heavily on to the marble floors of their ancestral manor. The air around her was gloomy and wretched. She directly settled herself down onto the lounge opposite a loving couple who were busy browsing a travel magazine. The subtle flirting of the two made Yona's face even darker. She was really not in the mood for a mouthful of dog food right now. She just got cheated on, alright?

She flopped herself unceremoniously in the settee opposite them. Her eyes were giving them a sullen look that bore through the skin.

Her mother seemed to feel the heated gaze directed at them. She lifted her eyes with furrowed brows and was met with the glum face of Yona. Finding this quite strange, Xing Yue worriedly went to her side and asked her what was wrong.

"Hunny, tell mum what's wrong? What happened? Did someone bully you? Tell us, so daddy could deal with whoever it is."

Yona's eyes reddened, tears threatening to fall but was stubbornly held in. Xing Yue gasped audibly. Her daughter was a tough girl. That was a well-established fact ever since she beat up her own brother when she was merely four. She was tougher than the average man. Unless it was something severe, nothing could faze her.


Yona's voice was hoarse and choking. Xing Yue was sure she was holding back her cries desperately. She turned to her husband, whose whole being started to darken dangerously. She waited patiently for Yona to continue. Yona cleared her throat twice and composed herself. Xing Yue saw this and it made her anxious even more.

"I caught Jonathan cheating. I went to his office today and saw him fucking his secretary. I confronted him. He said who would want to marry someone like me who was ambitious, unladylike, and desperate. I got mad so I punched his face and terminated the engagement. You won't blame me right?"

Yona mechanically recounted what had happened, as if she wasn't the one involved. Clearly that was how she really felt. But to the couple, all it looked like was a daughter trying her hardest to remain dignified despite being severely wronged.

'I'm now single. I'm broken-hearted and betrayed. I'm bloody entitled to a vacation.' She chanted like the affirmation was some sort of sutra.

The couple, as she expected, blew up into an outrage. She hid the arc that threatened to form in her lips and blankly looked at them. She nailed the her-soul-flew-out-her-body-because-of-shock look, which had enraged her parents even more.

Hah! Take that Wilding, you scumbag!

"Yona, baby, don't worry I'll make the Wildings give us an explanation. As for the engagement, they could shove that up their asses. I'll beat up Johnson's boy for you. A punch isn't enough. You could have beat him up more than you usually do to your brother." Her father quippred coldly, standing up with his phone in hand. Yona surmised that he planned to call the Wilding Head in a moment.

Yona sighed with a tired and resigned look.

"I'll leave it all up to you to handle, Dad. I'm tired. Can I take this… Can I take a break in the meantime? I'll call up big brother to handle the company matters for the time being. I feel suffocated." She pleaded softly with an imploring tone.

The couple nodded in acquiesce. Her mother held her hand and patted it in an attempt to comfort her.

"Alright, hunny. Go and rest. Dad and I will handle it. If you want a vacation, go get one. I'm sure your brother will gladly help once he finds out what happened." Xing Yue said in assurance. Yona already had an inkling that the both of them would grant this request easily especially since she even mentioned that she would be dragging that brother of hers to work in the company.

Sinha Worth yeeted himself to the entertainment industry, indulging in fame whilst tossing the supposed inheritance to his younger sister. Yona was all too glad to dig him this pit as a return of favor.

Aside from that, the Worth couple saw how she made an effort to foster a good relationship with Jonathan back then. Xing Yue and Aiden assumed that Yona must have taken it hard.

However, the couple also conveniently forgot that this younger daughter of theirs wasn't someone who would dwell on such a misfortune when she could even handle the old foxes in their company at such a young age. Never had they expected that she would pull the victim card just to coerce them into giving her a vacation.

But then again, Yona knew that her parents were really concerned about her which made this situation easier to handle. After all, she really needed a break. Thus, she promised internally that after she got back from her vacation she'd send the two of them to a year-long honeymoon.

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