


In a dark forest, where the sun is nearly blocked out by ferocious trees, a young child nearly the age of seven breathes heavily while picking up dried twigs. Navigating through such a terrain was known to be difficult even to the experienced traveller, nevertheless a child of that age. Although the child had more than enough firewood that he needed, he continued to place each twig carefully into the basket on his back. One could easily tell that the weight of the cargo was starting to physically stress a child of that size.

This forest path was no normal forest path. In a blink of an eye, one could be walking into the entrance of a labyrinth filled with curved paths, dangerous stones, and sharp branches. It proved to be more difficult to avoid such obstacles to the child that is just starting to get some muscles on his legs.

"Puff, Puff."

Breathing short breaths, the child shook his tired hands on his knees and straightened himself up. The boy had started the day with the goal of filling the basket and to his surprise, he had accomplished it earlier than expected and was able to return home before the sun had set. Glaring onto the path way home, he had started to walk onward. Although he wanted to run home and brag to his mother of how he had successfully brought home a basket full of firewood, he knew well that careless actions in the forest will prove to be physically exhausting.

As he diligently pushed himself out of the forest, the sun had already been almost blocked out by the western mountains. Truth to be told, it was only after coming out of the shadows of the forest that a small hill appeared. It is beyond that hill, a small village of 20 households resides. His father had built a two room log cabin at the edge of the village, where his mother is now awaiting for him now.

Although exhausted from his travel through the forest, after seeing his goal within reach, we was able to gain the strength the strength to push forward.

Mother is is probably in her apron cooking dinner for tonight. My 2 year old sibling, by her side, helping her set the table for tonight. And later tonight, all three of us will be able to enjoy our food at the dinner table. The child will brag of his increase in strength and will receive compliments from his mom for his great work. His sibling will say that he can also do it and will follow him next time, where the child will sternly refuse him. And his mother will be watching the situation with her loving smile.

Just by thinking about it, the child's face blushed bright red and was overfilled with joy. One can say that this is something that occurs everything, but these were times that he cherished. Although I am not sure that I am in a position to receive sympathy and sensitive looks from the neighbors, rather than sulk in a glaze, I lived proud that I was able to confirm everyday that I was protecting my mother and younger sibling.

It was only after overcoming the hill the village started to come into view. The child's face was covered with sweat but this did not hide the joy on his face. Now I don't have to save my strength. He then started to run towards a house with a small garden at the end of the village.

"Mama! Mama!"

The child opened the door as soon as he arrived. The child, who wanted to brag of his accomplishments, had a suddenly grown dark as the empty house. A silent house, the was child now in a totally unexpected situation not knowing what to do.

'Is this my house?'

But as he looked through the interior, he had recognized the familiar atmosphere of his house. The table in the middle of the room, the dried vegetables and bags hanged on the wall. The chair enough for two also rested on the right side wall too was very recognizable.


The child once again called out to his mother in a low voice. However, there was no answer to be heard.


No answers could be heard from his mother and his sibling. THe child had put down his basket and then walked to the closed door in his living room. The light hearted footsteps just a moment earlier had turned heavy, as well as, his joyful expression had turned just as dark. He had grabbed the door knob and opened the door with all his might to only find a room that was darker and colder than the living room. Unknown to him, his mouth had dried up and his hands started to shake with fear. The child had now faced his most deepest fear he had ever experienced until now. The child had lost his ability to be rational and started to have tears running down his face, totally unknown to him. He had shot outside of his house with the only instinctual thought of finding his mom.

Although the child came out of his house to look for his mom, there were no answers to be heard. As the child ran across the small village, he had finally come to a stop at the middle.

No one is here. He could not hear the neighbor's husky voice 'what is going on?' nor 'Are you okay? Your mommy is not home?' from the lady upstairs. Even the voice of his only friend his age, Brerial, could not be heard.

It was then that the child had stopped crying and realized that no one was in the village. He had then wiped his tears and started to inspect his surroundings to only hear the cold wind blow from the hill. The child in the middle of town, was now realizing that he was the only one in what is now a ghost town.

'I have to find mama'

If I were to be more rational, I should find clues on how to track them down. However, with the mentality of a child, he was unable to push out the thought of finding his mother. Thinking that there may have been a problem outside of town, the child started to run in the opposite direction of the forest, yelling for his mom.

The child was sure that he had arrived home well after sunset that day. On normal days, he had saw the stars with his brother at night; however, he had no intentions of looking up tonight. With a heavy heart he had returned to his village, but even as he was returning he had thought,

"It could be that mom could have already got back home."

He had started to run home as soon as this thought came to mind. Even though he was exhausted from walking in the forest all day, as well as, running around outside the village in search for everyone, he had brought up the last of his strengths thinking that his mom and sibling will be waiting for him at home.


Yelling harder, he had opened the door to his house to find the same dark and cold house. This time, it felt like the room was even darker and colder than before. The child tried to push back the tears with little success. With tears running down his cheeks the child walked towards the chairs, rested himself and thought,

"I will try and wait here. If I wait here, Mama will be back."

Although the tears had not stopped, the child had fallen asleep from his difficult day.

The child had a dream. The child made his way down to the front of the house, where a man was sitting on a rock hitting something. As the boy approached the man, the man turned to smile at him where he realized that was the face of his dad. The father asked the boy,

"Have you slept well?"

The boy smiled and said,

"Yes, dad. I had a scary dream."

The dad turned his head, continued to do what he was doing and asked,

"What kind of dream was it?

The child thought that his dad was making something and to see what it was, he walked closer to him and responsed,

"I don't know. It was so scary that I kept crying."

The dad laughed and dropped his hammer. He was smashing in a small nail onto a wooden item.

"Are you okay now?

Unable to overcome his curiosity, the child stepped one step closer.

"Yes, but what is this?"

Father had inspected the wooden item, grabbed a drill and started to drill a hole.

"This? This is a present."

The child watched as his father put a thin string through the drilled hole.

"Is it mom's?

Father started to dust off the sawdust and started to wipe a small metal object.


I thought so, he looks happy, but not enough.

"Is it Amy's?"


"Then is it mines?"

The father looked down at the child, holding what looked like a pendant and laughed.

"You're right. It is yours."

The father then placed the pendant on the child's neck where the child started to inspect the new contraption. It was bright wooden color the size of the father's thumb, with some sort of metal design struck into it.

"From now on, that will protect you."


The father had started to laugh again; however, the child could feel that sadness within the smile.

"What is your name?"

"My name?"

"Yes, what is your name?"

"My name........"

"That's right. Don't forget. You have to remember that name."

"My name is...…."