13 Chapter 13: Going Home

While searching for schools within budget range, Topias seemed to be going out more often whenever she asked him if she should find ways to get a scholarship. Topias appeared to be offended as his faced turned sour and said he will take care of things.

Ever since that day he seemed to be going out of the house more often. It became so frequent that whenever she would wake up he was already gone. She could not even get to see his face as often anymore.

She started to wonder if he still wanted to be with her or not. All he wanted was to be away from her causing Pamela to not be able to look for a school to go to. She started to feel lonely without him around and wondered why he is still with her if he does not want her. From then on she only got more depressed because she rarely sees his face anymore.

She wanted to talk to his family about what had happened but all they told her is that she isn't obligated to stay. She spent the whole time thinking things over and reflecting on her own feelings.

There were many things that her confused and doubt started to set in her mind as she wondered if love will last forever. She eventually came to an idea to try to talk to Topias before she thinks about packing things up to leave. She tried to call him many times but there were no answers as well as no leaving a voice message. She texted him on her phone and still no reply back to her inquiries.

A while later she got a text back thinking Topias wants to talk to her again, but when she saw the message all she saw were insults. She started to cry thinking either he must really hate her or he is with someone and no longer wants to be with her.

With the thought that love is most likely not real as the proof is how Topias has been treating her, she called her parents asking them if she can come home. They agreed to go and get her on the weekend, they told her to make sure she has everything she needs to be packed up. After hanging up she cried for some time before getting some rest.

The next morning she made sure to get things packed up and wrote a letter to Topias saying how she wishes for his happiness before leaving at the weekend. As the weekend came closer she got a bit nervous because she felt a bit guilty.

Her parents told her they may take a while to get to her and told her to make sure she is ready.

Although she does not feel too close to his family they did let her stay with them so she made sure to thank each and every one of them for their hospitality. Topias was nowhere to be seen as her parents can be seen coming closer to where she is standing. Her parents parked the car and then helped her move her things.

Before leaving to go back home they thanked the family and said their goodbyes then drove away.

She heard her phone go off and saw Topias finally giving her a text reply asking her why did she leave without telling him. She sighed before texting him back what she has been feeling while he ignored her and wrote that they should not see each other anymore.

Although she felt depressed texting him that, in the long run, she will not have to endure being suspicious and have doubt about her relationship with him anymore.

After finally getting home from his place, she unpacked her things into her room and help her parents with chores. She immediately searched for a job online after getting everything in place in her room. It did not matter what kind of job she would get as long as they were willing to hire her.

A few days later a recruiter messaged her about a time and place for the interview for a job she recently applied for. She got really excited and told her parents what had happened and where the interview will take place.

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