
Meeting the King

Me and asuna got out of the carriage walked towards the king. when we where eight feet away i stopped walking. I watched as asuna walked up and hugged the king.

"how are you doing father." asuna

"just fine, what happened to you. why are you late, you where expected back a few weeks ago, and who is this man." the king said that looking at me at the end.

"well father on the way home i was attacked, all my guards where killed. luckily i was saved by an adventurer. in the end the adventurer took me to the closest town and left me at the adventurers guild where i hired this man to guard me on my way home. we were supposed to take over a month to come back but thanks to him and his magic we only spent two days on the road." asuna

the king walked up to me stopping at about three feet away.

"and you young man what it your name." king

"Kaneshiro katsuki sir, but you can just call me shiro." shiro

"shiro huh, ok well i thank you for helping my daughter but i have to ask you, why are you wearing a mask." king

"the mask is because of my face sir. most people who see my face become stunned and ive had tons of females chasing me because of it. it became distracting and it was hard to practice my magic while being chased so i wear this." shiro

"your face huh. so your saying your good looking, why don't you show me then." king

"well sir, good looking is an understatement, but if you want to see then i have no reason to refuse." shiro

I pulled back my hood once more and my blonde hair flowed in the wind. I then took my mask off slowly then stared back at the king. he looked at me and was stunned, shocked might be a better word for it.

"understatement huh, you were perhaps right about that. I can see why you wear a mask now, and your eyes are they perhaps because of your attribute." king

"why yes they are sir. the silver eye if because of my high spacial attribute, and my gold eye is something i don't like to talk about." shiro

"very well, why don't you come and have dinner with us just make sure to put back on your mask, or they might not be eating." king

"well i would love to sir but i need to be going back to the guild and claim my completed mission." shiro

"why don't you come eat with us tho shiro, you are royalty after all so it can't be that weird right." asuna

"I might be royalty princess but im not royalty among humans it has different traditions and respects." shiro

"wait your royalty?" king

"yes he is father, he is the third prince of the elf kingdom." asuna

"elf kingdom but your clearly human? " king

"well sir when i was little the elf king found me within the forest of his kingdom and adopted me because of my magical talent, he has loved me as a son. taught me magic, he raised me as his own son. even tho i am human i consider myself an elf." shiro

"well if your a prince why are you working for the adventurers guild out in the world where it is dangerous. you could be back in the elf kingdom living comfortably." king

"well sir when i became 15 years old my father sent me out of his kingdom to gain experience and to try to interact with other humans, and so far sir i haven't liked it. there are from what i can tell assassination groups and even bandits and thugs. everyone trying to kill one another to gain power. in the elf kingdom everyone works together, yeah they have some small occurrences with crime but nowhere near as bad as humans." shiro

"yeah im not going to lie, its a pretty bad place but there are good places." king

"good places huh, your not wrong there. so far within this kingdom i have found some lovely forests where all the trees where happy." shiro

"trees, how can you tell if a tree is happy." king

"well sir you can tell by magic. druid magic to be exact." shiro

"druid magic, but humans can't use it. its only usable by the elf's." king said confused

"well sir, druid magic can be used by humans and elf's. it's just you live different life styles. you live in city's with buildings where its safe. the elf's live within the forests high within the trees. in tree houses and city's build within the trees. they can use nature magic like they do because they have lived there life along side nature. its not a power you can control like the other elements, you must become friends and help one another and by what i have seen the human race isn't to keen to helping they just like to control. thats why elf's have higher magic talents then other and thats why im most likely the human with the highest magical talents alongside the elf's." shiro

"huh, interesting this gives me so many ideas. thanks young man. well then thats all the more reason for you to eat with us tonight come, come lets go." king

"very well." shiro

that day i had a feast and a talk about magic with the king and his family. after the feast he asked if i would like to stay the night and i declined, i told him i can't sleep in a bed. that a tree is my home. he took my word for it and gave me a token to allow me access to the other gate and to come visit within the castle.

I teleported outside the castle and headed towards the adventurers building. it wasn't hard to find because of how big it was. i turned in my mission paper with the stamp of the king and getting the rewards i then teleported back outside the city and slept within the forest.

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