
Reincarnation Of The Supreme God

In A World Where The Strong Strive Only Gods Reign Supreme

Smart_Fun · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs


In an abandoned warehouse a huge well built man stood in front of a weak looking boy around 18 yrs. The well built man said to the weak boy, boy do not tell anybody what you saw

Apparently Kelvin had been kidnapped by this people he didn't know anything about,his only mistake was walking upon a murder scene. Unknowingly to Kelvin his world was about to take a 360. Kelvin was captured and beaten for days he even lost track of time.


Kelvin wake up in the morning takes his bath after some light stretches. He moves to a small dinning table at the far end of the room where he had placed the sandwiches he would send to school he picks them up and and heads for school.

He attends KINGSCOURT EAGLES MIDDLE SCHOOL. A very popular high school in the city in which he lives in. Kelvin as an orphan could not pay for the fees, but for him being an exceptionally intelligent pupil he was given a scholarship to attend one of the best middle school in the city. He goes to class and walked straight to his desk which was closest to tbe window. He engrossed himself in admiring the view from outside the window.

He paid no attention in class because be was admiring the view.

After a lonv day the bell rang indicating that school had come to an end. H e picks his school bag and heads home he was met outside the hallway by some boys.

" HEY Kelvin " the boys voice sounded in the hallway. Upon hearing that Kelvin couldn't think but sigh because he knew they were about to pick on him. Of course knowing it didn't change the fact that he could do nothing about what was about to unfold.

Kelvin didn't wanna go up against these boys because he didn't want to lose his scholarship . They made him do all sort of things from cleaning their shoe to running errands for these boys just to maintain his scholarship he cursed himself inwardly for being poor but he knew deep inside him that it wasn't his fault so he just kept quiet and endured while vowing to one day take his revenge.

It was really late when Kelvin was heading back home. He decided to change his route to get home fast as soon as he branched on the alley that lead to his house he saw a scene a man very well know in the city Sir Kurtis Nakotey was standing in front of Kelvin's neighbour Mr. Hamond Nyarko. The former and the latter seemed to be talking but the former held the latter at gunpoint while the latter was on his knees begging for mercy.

The former shot the latter and signalled one of his subordinate to take care of the mess in front of him he turmed only to see Kelvin standing rooted to the spot. He ordered and Kelvin was captured he ordered them to torture him so that he dared not tell a soul what he had witnessed days passed and Kelvin was beaten he had bruises all around his body died during the night


at the same time a boy seem to be running away from something nobody so who or what was chasing him I didn't realise he was near a cliff and slipped and fell to his death define self in a world of Darkness as it was floating in the void of Darkness. Calvin said to himself isn't this the part where an old man dressed up all in white appears and decides my Faith. Kelvin thought inwardly as he was still floating and cast himself for not be able to take revenge on those bastards who maltreated him after all it is their fault he is in this place. suddenly a bright light appeared in front of Kelvin as he got drawn to it.

Suddenly Kelvin could feel his body once again he slowly moved his muscles limb by limb he was shocked as his body didn't feel familiar. Anyways he was feeling thirsty so he decided to quench his thirst he walk for 15 mins before he found one he was exhausted as this body of his was not used to walking for long distances he quenched his thirst as he saw his reflection he was sgock he was looking good too good in fact handsome was an understatement he looked gorgeous he admired himself for some time and decided what he would do next he thought for sometime and soon he decided he would work hard to be one of the best cultivators of this world.