
Reincarnation of the strongest sword god-reincarnating once more

This is a fanfic of the novel "Reincarnation of The Strongest Sword God" by Lucky Old Cat, where, after ten years of fighting in the Greater God's Domain, Shi Feng reincarnates once again. Note: I might change some things and come up with new ways of how things work in my fanfic that are different from the original novel, as well as ignore some things said in it and the Side Story continuation. If someone hasn't read the continuation where he comes back to the original timeline (where he got fired from Shadow), you might not understand some things. Also, I'm not a very creative person so a lot of stuff, or at least the happenings and items, will be the same, and I might copy stuff and ideas from other fanfics. Note: I will try to make the characters have more emotion and add some romance, but don't expect much. The cover for this story doesn't belong to me. If you're the owner and want me to take it down, contact me at tdi547165@gmail.com

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97 Chs

Taking Over The District One Of Fallen Comrades

Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add.


Sitting up in his Virtual Gaming Cabin, Feng stretched his body, but even though he had been logged in for nearly a week straight without his physical body getting a chance to move around, there wasn't any sense of uncomfortableness due to the quality and quantity of the World Energy his body now naturally absorbed; along with the effects of drinking an S-rank Nutrient Fluid. 

A moment later, sounds of more Virtual Gaming Cabins opening were heard from the other four cabins in the room, which caused the originally fairly spacious bedroom to seem a bit cramped with five of them in it. Four beauties rose from the Virtual Gaming Cabins one after another, their flawless bodies causing a stir within Feng. 

However, he still had things that needed to get done, so, as much as he'd like to just spend the entire day chilling with his women and have sex, the fun stuff would have to be postponed. 

Since his favorite tracksuit previously got put out of commission by Aqua in her hurry for them both to get undressed, and most of his other clothes were either still at his apartment or packed in boxes when some of the stuff got transported to the Greenwater Villa, Feng just put on a plain white t-shirt and shorts that he had on hand, before leaving. 

As he passed through the training facilities of the villa, Feng saw the restored members of Zero Wing training their bodies using various machines. Normally, he or some of the guild's other experts would help and guide lower ranking members whenever they had a small amount of free time or weren't logged in, working to improve the strength of every member in Zero Wing. 

Now, though, he wasn't able to assist these restored members, as anything they needed to learn or work on could not be accomplished with their current physiques and Mental Strength, along with a lack of high-quality resources like the S-rank Nutrient Fluids or Life Potions, while they could manage the basic stuff that people would train at their current physical standard by themselves. 

Feng then left the Greenwater Villa and left for Zero Wing's Workshop that was nearby on foot, where there were members whose turn had come to be restored by him. 

While making his way to the offices in the Workshop, Feng witnessed more people training, but these were unrestored members who not only worked on improving their bodies, but also used the latest training equipment available for improving control that Feng had previously tasked Jing with purchasing after he had restored her memories. 

Nowadays, with the current technology, some of the latest training facilities could even speed up the improvement of one's physical control. These training machines were meant to correct the way a person used and exerted their power with the help of AI. They also had various other functions available

Only, these machines were useless to people who only sought to improve their strength and fitness. Moreover, they were extremely expensive. Each unit cost two millions Credits. Hence, the various training centers had not bothered to buy them.

Even martial arts dojos would only use some of the older models.

Currently, the various powers that had invested in God's Domain had not taken note of this, and Feng had taken the initiative while they were still available on the market and the prices haven't been inflated by everyone to buy a large number of them during these days using a significant portion of the Credits he had obtained from Twilight Echo. 

Although these machines were not as effective as the tutelage of a martial arts master, the latter could not possibly spend their every waking moment guiding others. With these training machines, players could receive guidance and corrections any time. If they also factored in the tutelage of the regular restored members who were all martial arts masters, the unrestored members with potential would very quickly become experts. 

Aside from using the training equipment, a large number of the unrestored members were currently being guided by some of the restored members while doing a set of aerobic movements 

This set of aerobics that the members were currently practicing was something Feng had invented during his previous life, and it was used as part of the basic training for Zero Wing's newcomers. 

Feng had created this aerobic exercise using a combination of multiple combat techniques found in God's Domain and his understanding of the Refinement Realm. Although the set's nine movements appeared ordinary, the execution difficulty increased with each subsequent movement as the minute movements became more and more complicated. One would need to be at the Refinement Realm standard to perfectly execute all nine movements.

Meanwhile, the aerobics would allow the unrestored members to gradually understand how they should control their bodies. As to the extent to which they could improve, that depended entirely on the individual. After all, the aerobic exercise only provided them with a clear direction to advance in.

After taking a look at their progress, Feng went to his office and had the people designated to have their memories restored come in one after another. 

Having done the process multiple times and improved his Mental Strength slightly during this time, Feng had become quite proficient at restoring a person's memories while reducing the energy he expended while doing it, resulting in him now being able to restore the memories of nearly forty people a day. 

Only when Feng sensed that he had fully exhausted his mental strength did he stop bringing in people for the restoration process. Even with his mind drained, though, Feng's physical condition remained nearly at its peak, so after settling all of the things and preparations for Zero Wing, Feng returned to the Greenwater Villa and engaged in a passionate session with his ladies. 

Though, during the fivesome of love making, Feng realized that, although he had the endurance to keep up with all four of them, having five people doing it at once was much more complicated and demanding on all of them, and while doing it with multiple girls at once was fun and all with a charm of its own, a one on one exchange of passions was much more intimate, bringing a different kind of joy to Feng; even without the multiple beautiful bodies giving him satisfaction from all directions and places. 

But this couldn't really be helped. They were all simply too busy and had many responsibilities, Feng, the main part needed for their fucking, especially so more than anyone else with the many things that could be done only by him. 

Thus, it was impossible for the girls to make turn-taking system between them due to the uncertainty of who's going to be available when, while there was also no chance these sex deprived women would be willing to wait such an unknown amount of time to get a turn, and they currently had to actively suppress themselves from just jumping on Feng whenever even a slight opportunity shows itself; something that they sometimes fail to achieve. 

Any chance the four of them got when they and Feng were free like right now during a system update needed to be grabbed and fully taken advantage of. 

Feng didn't have an exact solution to this problem, that would only grow over time as more girls joined the party, either, and could only think of some remedies, while only reaching the peak and accomplishing all of their goals would liberate them, allowing Feng to live with his women as he pleases. 

As night arrived, the five of them washed up after reluctantly finishing their session, the girls' lust mostly satisfied by the intense poundings they had received while Feng felt great, his body as light as a feather and his mind crystal clear. 

God's Domain soon finally finished updating. Drinking bottles of S-rank Nutrient Fluid, Feng and the girls immediately lay within the virtual gaming cabins and began a new day in God's Domain.

Just after Feng came online, he suddenly felt his body grow slightly heavier. Although it was a negligible increase to Feng due to his immense Physique and Aetherial Levity Passive Skill, he still easily perceived the changes brought by the third system update of God's Domain. 

Aside from the Gravitational System, the sights, sounds, and smells of in the surroundings had changed and evolved as well. 

After God's Domain evolved for the third time, combat and environmental effects in the game had been optimized. Not only could players detect changes in temperature more acutely, but depending on the region one was in, they would also experience a gravitational shift. This change would easily throw players off balance, particularly in battle. This gravitational shift would significantly impact a player's display of their combat power.

A weapon that initially weighed 5kg might become lighter or heavier depending on the area's gravity. It would cause players, who had already grown accustomed to the weight of their weapons, to feel uncomfortable. This would cause deviations when these players activated their Skills, resulting in significant declines in Skill Completion Rates.

The Monster Combat System had also changed, making battles against monsters even more realistic.

This also created a new weakness.

In the past, monsters would only lose some HP after being wounded. Even when their vital points had been struck, the attack would only deal a little more damage than usual. Their movements had not been affected whatsoever. However, after the third system upgrade, monsters' injuries would affect their movements and attacks. Naturally, the same held true for players. However, unlike monsters, players had healers to help them recover from these injuries quickly, maintaining full HP. This was a huge advantage.

Shortly after Feng logged into the game, the members of District One also began to load into the game, one after another.

"What's going on? Why do I suddenly feel sluggish?" A Shield Warrior very quickly discovered that something was amiss.

"It's true. It feels somewhat awkward when I try to swing my greatsword." A Berserker on the same team clearly felt the problem with his body as well.

Although the other classes were similarly affected, the impact to their performance was not as significant as it was for the plate armor classes.

"The gravity must have changed." As one of the top-tier experts in District One, Blue Frost immediately pinpointed the cause of their current predicament. "Since gravity has changed, let's not move unnecessarily for now. We'll leave this place after we adapt."

Everyone else on the team suddenly understood upon hearing Blue Frost's words, and they began to familiarize themselves with their new weight.

Currently, it was still nighttime in the Dark Den. There were a lot of monsters hunting for food in the fields.

Although Feng and the others had logged into the game in a safe location, a pack of Level 40 Elite ranked Demonic Light Jackals quickly discovered them. These Light Jackals maneuvered their way through the forest swiftly, rapidly approaching Feng and the District One team.

"Not good! A pack of Jackals is approaching!" a Ranger with sharp senses shouted.

Demonic Light Jackals were this area's tyrants. At night, these monsters usually moved in packs of seven to ten. Moreover, a Chieftain and multiple Special Elites usually led these packs.

Facing such a group of monsters was normally extremely difficult. Even death was a possibility. Unfortunately, they were not only missing members, but the gravitational change also affected their combat power significantly. Fighting these Demonic Light Jackals as they were would be a big problem.

"Prepare for battle!" Blue Frost frowned. Hurriedly, he said, "MTs, just focus on pinning down the Jackals. Don't make any rash movements."

The team from District One had not yet fully adapted to the gravitational shift. This sudden change greatly affected the plate armor classes in particular, and it would be quite challenging for them to serve as reliable combatants. The team could only rely on the magical classes for now.

"Yes, sir!"

Under Blue Frost's command, everyone on the team fell into formation, prepared to welcome the approaching battle.

Sure enough, after the team took up their positions, Demonic Light Jackals began to emerge from the dark forest, one after another. These Jackals split up into groups of three to five, each group setting their eyes on a single target. Meanwhile, among these groups of Demonic Light Jackals, there were also the larger Special Elite ranked Demonic Claw Jackals and Chieftain ranked Black Demonic Jackals.

[Demonic Light Jackal] (Demonic Creature, Elite Rank)

Level 40

HP 140,000/140,000

[Demonic Claw Jackal] (Demonic Creature, Special Elite)

Level 40

HP 360,000/360,000

[Black Demonic Jackal] (Demonic Creature, Chieftain Rank)

Level 40

HP 1,000,000/1,000,000

"Our luck is really bad. There are eight Demonic Claw Jackals and two Black Demonic Jackals in this group." Evening Lotus's expression turned grim when she saw the pack of Jackals. "Are there two packs here?"

Normally, each pack only had one Chieftain and three to five Special Elites. Now, the numbers had doubled.

"All Elementalists, use Ice Wall! Try to split them up as much as possible and don't give them any chances to use group tactics!" This was not the first time Blue Frost had fought these Jackals, so he was very familiar with their attack methods.

Upon receiving the command, the dozen or so Elementalists in the team began chanting incantations, casting Ice Walls in an attempt to separate the Jackals. Even if they could not separate them, they could still slow their Movement Speed should the Jackals attempt to gang up on a player.

"Aooo!" the two Black Demonic Jackals howled.

Suddenly, the eighty-plus Demonic Light Jackals began to take action.

Under the command of the Black Demonic Jackals, the Demonic Light Jackals split into two groups. More than thirty mounted a frontal attack, while the remaining 50-plus rounded to the side for a pincer attack.


Four of the Demonic Light Jackals launched themselves towards one of the Level 29 Shield Warriors simultaneously. Although he tried to defend himself with his shield, due to the change in gravity, his movements were somewhat slow. As a result, he suffered the bites of all four Jackals, instantly losing more than half of his HP.

The other melee players faced similar situations. Only the magical classes standing in the center of the team had an easier time.

"What's up with these Jackals?"

"Are they actually players in disguise?"

After fighting for some time, everyone quickly discovered that something was off.

The Demonic Light Jackals had actually torn a small hole in their formation, and the moment they did, the Demonic Claw Jackals and Black Demonic Jackals charged through that hole, dashing towards the team's healers.

Using Fierce Gale, one of the Black Demonic Jackals instantly arrived before a Tier 1 Oracle. Before this Oracle could use Mantra Resist, the Chieftain's attack sent him flying, his body transforming into particles of light.

"Something's wrong. These monsters have become smarter! Melees, hold them off as much as possible! We're retreating immediately!" Blue Frost's complexion paled. Even a fool could tell that these monsters had changed.

In the past, while players had pinned them down, these Jackals had not bothered the healers in the rear line at all. Now, the Chieftain and Special Elite ranked Jackals sent their underlings to keep the MTs busy, whereas they set their sights on the team's healers. To player teams, this sudden transformation was fatal!

At this moment, one Demonic Light Jackal had managed to locate a gap and pounced on Feng, who was leisurely watching from the side, not planning to interfere unless the situation got critical so that the District One team could adapt to the changes brought about by the third evolution. 

Just as this Elite Jackal's glistening claws were about to sink into Feng's back, he finally took action, unsheathing the Pandemonium Lashblade and slicing at the attacking claw in one fluid motion without even looking at the Jackal. 

The Demonic Light Jackal was as tall as a player, and pitch-black fur covered its entire body. There was also a horn on top of its head. Even if a player wore a Mysterious-Iron Breastplate, this horn could still easily penetrate the armor, breaking through the player's defense. These Jackals were natural-born killers of the night.

But both its powerful claw and tough fur were instantly cut apart by the Fragmented Legendary sword, continuing all the way until the Demonic Light Jackal was cut in half, its 140,000 HP disappearing in an instant. 

Following up, Feng slashed and sent Double Chop at each of the Black Demonic Jackals, the swordlights combining into one and reaching their targets at a speed too fast for both the players and monsters to react to. 

Both Chieftains were killed without even perceiving the threat to their lives. 

District One's players' jaws dropped when they saw the two dead Black Demonic Jackals. They were so shocked that they had even momentarily forgotten to continue fighting against the pack of Jackals.

Although everyone had witnessed Feng defeat a Great Lord, watching two Chieftains die in an instant and from such a distance, still astounded them. They were still not used to Feng's terrifying strength.

System: Double Chop Completion Rate 140%, resulting in 5,000% of Skill's effect. 

Thanks to the new system update's effects on players' Completion Rates, which although may severely hamper regular players and cause the Completion Rate of their skills to drop significantly, Feng could now display more of his prowess as a result of how skills are affected by the environment. 

Before, it took some focus and effort on Feng's part to achieve a Completion Rate of 140% with some of his skills, but he could now easily execute such Completion Rates on a whim after God's Domain's third evolution. 

As for the increase in these monsters' intelligence, Feng was not one bit surprised.

As God's Domain evolved, the monsters in the game would grow increasingly smarter. Currently, these Jackals were only targeting the healers of a team. In the future, they would target the team's commander instead.

However, Feng had no intention of letting these Jackals flaunt their arrogance in front of him after District One's team could no longer handle them. 

Destroy the leader, and the gang will collapse.

This was a law of the war.

The Elite ranked Demonic Light Jackals were like soldiers on a battlefield. The Chieftain ranked Black Demonic Jackals directed their actions completely. Hence, when the two Chieftain ranked Black Demonic Jackals died, the entire pack suddenly fell into chaos, their attacks becoming monotonous.

Moreover, during the short battle, most Jackals had received some form of injury. Those few that were heavily injured had even lost a detrimental amount of mobility. In contrast, although Blue Frost's team had lost several players in this fight, as their team had healers to keep them alive, the survivors were all in perfect condition; their combat power had not been affected at all. On the contrary, after fighting for a time, they had begun to adapt to the new gravity.

Suddenly, the tides changed.

Blue Frost's team immediately gained the advantage as they began killing off the Elite and Special Elite Jackals.

After Feng picked up the loot that the two Black Demonic Jackals had dropped, he had not bothered to help Blue Frost and the others. He simply glanced at their intense battle.

Currently, the melee players of the team had begun striking at the Jackals' limbs, particularly the monsters' powerful hind legs. That way, they could greatly hamper the monsters' mobility, making the battle far easier.

At this point, the outcome of the battle was already clear. 

After the battle ended, Blue Frost immediately walked up to Feng, gratefully saying, "Brother Ye Feng, I really have to thank you for your help. If not for you, this might have been our team's grave today. If you need help with anything in the future, just tell me."

"Sure." Feng simply nodded, not bothering to state anything, since he could have Blue Frost do whatever was needed once he restored the latter's memories. 

Following which, Feng followed Blue Frost to District One.

On the way back, the group had been ambushed by Chieftain ranked monsters many times. As a result, Feng had gained a few dozen more Soul Crystals and a large amount of materials by the time they reached District One's Shelter. 

The Shelter Blue Frost and the others resided in occupied the heart of a high-level area. The monsters surrounding the Shelter were all Level 35 and above. That was five Levels higher than the monsters surrounding District Five.

Currently, the monster assault on District One had ended. Corpses of Level 35 monsters littered the surrounding area outside of the Shelter's walls. There were over ten thousand dead monsters outside of the Shelter. Among them, there was no lack of Elite, and even Chieftain, ranked monsters. One could just imagine how intense the battle must have been.

Moreover, even after God's Domain had undergone its third evolution, District One still managed to defend its Shelter successfully. It went to show how strong a foundation the players of District One possessed.

The moment Blue Frost and his team entered the Shelter, the players inside immediately sent them reverent gazes. Many female players even shrieked when Blue Frost's glance swept over them.

In District One, Blue Frost was practically a celebrity. He attracted attention wherever he went, and almost everyone in the Shelter knew of him.

"Leader, you've returned. Did you finish off the Great Lord Noya?" a skinny and youthful Level 29 Berserker asked excitedly as he ran up to Blue Frost. The youth's name was Wind Chaser. 

"Great Lords and High Lords are monsters on entirely different levels. It was useless, even with the Demon Suppressing Barrier," Blue Frost said, shaking his head. He could not help his fear as he remembered how powerful Noya had been. "Fortunately, we had Brother Ye Feng's help. Otherwise, we really wouldn't have returned with our lives."

When Wind Chaser heard Blue Frost mention Feng, the Berserker shifted his gaze towards the Swordsman, his eyes containing a hint of awe and fighting spirit.

"Chaser, don't have any foolish ideas. Brother Ye Feng is a guest that I've invited. Not to mention, in front of Brother Ye Feng, those weak combat techniques of yours are not worth mentioning. If you want to fight, go look for Blue Bull." Blue Frost glared at Wind Chaser.

He had personally witnessed how powerful Feng was.

Setting aside the fact that Feng had defeated the Great Lord Noya by himself, just the number of Chieftains Feng had killed on their way back had left him speechless.

Wind Chaser would not be able to survive even a single move against Feng.

Meanwhile, Blue Bull, the person Blue Frost had mentioned, was none other than their District One's number one Berserker. Blue Bull was extremely powerful, and within their First Party, Blue Bull's position was only beneath his. However, as the operation against Noya had mainly relied on magical classes, and defending the Shelter against the monsters' assault was also very important, Blue Bull had not been selected to participate in the raid. Meanwhile, Wind Chaser often liked to test himself against Blue Bull. Although Wind Chaser lost terribly every time, the Berserker never grew bored of challenging Blue Bull.

After Blue Frost's reprimand, Wind Chaser was a little satisfied. However, after hearing his leader's suggestion, he immediately turned around, planning to look for Blue Bull to test his skills against him once again.

At this time, however, Feng suddenly said, "No worries. It's good to be impulsive sometimes. As a guest of District One, I have not prepared any gifts. I don't mind sparring with Wind Chaser to liven things up a little."

Hearing Feng accept Wind Chaser's wordless challenge, those who knew just what kind of power Feng wielded were confounded.

Although PvPs were frequent occurrences in Shelters, these fights were usually meant to help each other improve.

Take Blue Bull of First Party for example. If not for his notice of Wind Chaser's potential, he would not have bothered sparring with the youth, offering pointers of how the other Berserker could improve his techniques.

Not to mention, Feng was a Maverick that had zero relations with their District One at all.

"Since Brother Ye Feng is willing to give Chaser a few pointers, this could not have worked out better." Blue Frost was naturally quite pleased with Feng's offer. He turned to his subordinate, immediately instructing, "Lotus, go to the Lions Bar and make the arrangements, particularly for the Hundred Berry Wine. Today, we're reserving all of it."

"Consider it done." Hearing Blue Frost's command, Evening Lotus turned and ran towards the Lions Bar.

However, this scene had left many of those who had come forth to greet Blue Frost speechless.

"Who is this Ye Feng? Leader Blue Frost is actually being so generous, renting out the entire Lions Bar!"

"I recall that renting out the Lions Bar costs 3 Gold."

"You think Coins alone are sufficient? You also need plenty of Contribution Shares to rent out the Lions Bar. Moreover, the cost only a trivial matter compared to the Hundred Berry Wine. Not only does each bottle cost 1 Gold, but it also requires 200 Contributions. I have to complete ten Contribution Quests just to collect 200 Contribution Shares. Also, only 20 bottles of Hundred Berry Wine are available each day. That's a total of 20 Gold and 4,000 Contribution Shares. This is worth far more than one Soul Crystal."

Everyone shifted their gaze towards Feng, awe and curiosity filling their hearts.

The Lions Bar was the best bar available in District One's Shelter. Even Blue Frost's First Party would feel a sting from their wallets when they visited the bar, not to mention renting out the entire place and spoiling everyone with Hundred Berry Wine. Not even the visiting First Party leaders of other Shelters would warrant such a grand welcome.

Following which, Blue Frost led Feng on a stroll towards the Lions Bar, introducing him to District One's situation on their way.

Wind Chaser tagged along in high spirits. He really wanted to know just how powerful Feng was to earn such high respect from Blue Frost. Naturally, Feng could detect Wind Chaser's fiery fighting spirit. 

His fiery personality of constantly challenging every powerhouse he met was how Wind Chaser had grown strong in the previous timeline and became one of Zero Wing's experts. It was also that intense fighting spirit of his that got him killed so quickly once they arrived in the Greater World, though. 

Soon, Feng and the others arrived before the Lions Bar.

The Lions Bar was different than other bars in the Shelter. This bar that could only be constructed once a Shelter had developed up to a certain degree. The NPCs guarding the bar were extremely powerful, with the weakest at Level 150, the bouncers being Level 180 Tier 2 NPCs, and the proprietress was a Level 200 Tier 3 NPC. These NPCs even qualified to guard a small city. Even if monsters invaded the Shelter, the Lions Bar would not fall.

Aside from consuming alcohol at the Lions Bar, players could also engage in PvP battles inside. The PvP battles here operated in a similar fashion to the battles held in the Underground Arenas found in the outside world in that other players were allowed to place bets on the fights. Hence, many players of District One frequented the Lions Bar.

At this moment, however, Blue Frost had reserved the entire establishment, so not many players occupied the three-story-tall bar right now.

Upon entering the Lions Bar, Feng saw that the place resembled the Colosseum of Ancient Rome. There was an arena in the establishment's center. There were also spectator stands surrounding the arena that allowed players to consume alcohol while watching the matches.

When Feng arrived before a large private room, the room already held plenty of players. Every one of these players possessed frightening auras, and they all wore dazzling equipment. The lowest-leveled player among them was Level 28, and one could easily tell that they were not ordinary players.

"Brother Ye Feng, let me introduce you. These people are the party leaders and vice-leaders of our District One's top ten parties. They have heard about your arrival, so they wished to make your acquaintance." Blue Frost began introducing theses leaders, one after another.

"Hello, I am the party leader of Second Party, Best Reincarnation!"

"Hello, Big Brother Ye Feng. I am the leader of Third Party, Shallow Moon."


These players did not even show a hint of arrogance as they introduced themselves to Feng. On the contrary, they treated Feng as if he were an old friend.

In truth, even without any introduction, Feng already knew who they were. During the previous timeline, they had been upper managers of Zero Wing during the early stages and had contributed greatly to the guild, most of them later on sacrificing themselves in wars and battles for the guild. In fact, aside from Blue Frost, only two others among those present here remained alive by the time Feng had reincarnated. 

After exchanging pleasantries, it was clear why Blue Frost had invited all of these players.

Unlike the other Shelters, the parties of District One were fiercely ambitious.

They did not care about holding the title of District One in this region. Rather, they hoped to step out of this region and become the number one Shelter in all regions. Hence, the parties in District One were all united, unlike the parties in other Shelters, which treated each other as enemies rather than allies.

It was also due to this that the Shelter in District One had managed to construct the Lions Bar so quickly. On the other hand, the other Shelters in this region had yet to construct a single advanced establishment like the Lions Bar.

As the conversation continued, Blue Frost also revealed Feng's victory over the Great Lord Noya and his slaughter of the many Chieftains they had encountered on their way back, shocking everyone present.

The various parties present had all been helpless against Noya. Only the First Party had a small chance of defeating the Great Lord. They had not expected to hear that Feng had actually defeated Noya by himself. Even though the Great Lord had been weakened, it was still an astonishing feat.

"Brother Frost, you are too insincere. You did not record a video for us to take a look!"

"That's right! This will definitely become a legend throughout God's Domain."

Everyone voiced their complaints, greatly disappointed that they had not personally witnessed Feng's performance. At the same time, their reverence of Feng grew even more intense.

"Hahaha! I had been completely stupefied by Brother Ye Feng's performance! By the time I thought of it, the battle was already over!" Blue Frost scratched his head in embarrassment. "However, you are not without a chance to watch him fight. In a moment, Brother Ye Feng is going to give Chaser a few pointers, so you guys will get to see how powerful Brother Ye Feng is."

"Leader, can I drink a bottle of the Hundred Berry Wine before the match begins?" Wind Chaser hurriedly asked Blue Frost in embarrassment. Initially, he had thought Feng was only an ordinary Maverick. He never expected that Feng was actually capable of defeating a Great Lord by himself. Immediately, Wind Chaser had treated Feng as if the Swordsman were the strongest expert he had ever encountered.

"If you were sparring against anyone else today, I wouldn't let you waste a bottle. Here, take this." Blue Frost laughed as he shook his head. He then took a cyan bottle of wind and handed it to Wind Chaser.

"Thank you, leader!" Wind Chaser hurriedly accepted the Hundred Berry Wind.

The youthful Berserker was like a hungry wolf looking at fresh meat when he saw the bottle of Berry Wine in his hands. With just a few gulps, he emptied the entire bottle. Wind Chaser's cheeks suddenly flushed, clearly having become drunk already.

"Hahaha! He's drunk after just one bottle! It seems that Chaser still needs training!" The others could not help but laugh.

Although Wind Chaser had gotten himself drunk, Feng could clearly tell that the feeling the Berserker gave off had changed.

If he had been an unsheathed blade before drinking the Wine, he was now a hidden blade. The blade might seem harmless while sheathed, but once it was revealed, it would definitely take its target's life.

Though everyone else had similarly detected the change in Wind Chaser, it did not surprise them whatsoever. On the contrary, they all thought it was natural.

The Hundred Berry Wine was a beverage unique to the Dark Den's Lions Bars that could increase a player's compatibility rate with their weapons and equipment, with its one side-effect being that a player could get drunk and have their senses a bit dulled after drinking it. 

Feng naturally knew the effects of the Hundred Berry Wine, having used the liquor Consumable as a means of training his guild members during the early times of Zero Wing, but he didn't mind whether Wind Chaser had drunk some or not, jumping onto the arena and calling out to the drunken Berserker, "Let's get this started!" 

The PvP battles held in the Lions Bar's arena were slightly different.

Most arenas would not usually limit a player's Attributes. The Lions Bar's PvP arena, on the other hand, would adjust both parties' Attributes to be on equal footing. Hence, items that increased Attributes were useless in this arena, making the fight a competition of techniques only.

As the countdown timer above the arena began to tick down, Blue Frost and the others, who watched from the spectator stands, revealed smiles, though the intentions hidden behind each smile were different.

"Brother Frost, who do you think will win?" the Oracle, Shallow Moon, asked. Smiling, she continued, "In this match, both sides possess equal Attributes. However, while Big Brother Ye Feng is a Swordsman, Wind Chaser is a Berserker. In terms of classes, Berserkers possess an innate advantage over Swordsmen. Moreover, Wind Chaser drank a bottle of Hundred Berry Wine, increasing his combat power significantly. Even Big Brother Blue Bull would struggle against Wind Chaser with these conditions."

"Although I believe that Brother Ye Feng is very strong, while both of them possess the same Attributes, Wind Chaser should have a higher chance of victory, right? After all, he did drink the Hundred Berry Wine," a Guardian Knight commented.

Everyone nodded, agreeing with this Guardian Knight's estimation.

Everyone present was quite familiar with Wind Chaser's techniques. Among the melee classes in the First Party, other than Blue Bull, no one could defeat Wind Chaser in terms of techniques. Meanwhile, against a Great Lord, players relied more on Attributes rather than techniques. Despite Blue Frost's mention of how mysterious and godlike Feng was, in their opinion, they only thought of Feng as just someone who was slightly stronger than Blue Bull.

On the other hand, when Wind Chaser consumed a bottle of Hundred Berry Wine, not even Blue Bull could win against the youthful Berserker. Naturally, Feng would not fare any better.

"Since none of you have a high opinion of Brother Ye Feng, why don't we place a bet?" Blue Frost suggested.

"This is my favorite part! What are we betting?" Best Reincarnation, the leader of Second Party, suddenly grew interested.

"Simple. We'll bet on the outcome of the battle. The wager will be Soul Crystals, and I'll be the bookkeeper. If Brother Ye Feng wins, the payout ratio will be 1-to-2, while Wind Chaser will be 1-to-1. You may only bet on one player." Blue Frost could tell that everyone doubted Feng's strength. After all, without having witnessed the battles personally, even he would find it unbelievable. Now, it just so happened he could take advantage of the situation to make a little profit, making up for the cost of the feast he that he hosted.

"Okay, I'll bet two Soul Crystals on Wind Chaser. That brat has improved quite a lot recently. Brother Frost, you better not regret your decision."

"I'll bet one Soul Crystal on Wind Chaser as well."


In a short moment, the various party leaders and vice-leaders had all placed bets on Wind Chaser winning this match. One could tell just how little trust everyone had in Feng's strength. Only the Cleric, Evening Lotus, had bet on Feng winning.

"Leader, can I use credit on this bet? I only have two Soul Crystals with me, but I wish to bet ten Crystals on Big Brother Ye Feng," Evening Lotus asked as she gave Blue Frost a pitiful look.

Immediately, Blue Frost rolled his eyes at his party's Cleric. Resolutely, he said, "No."

If he allowed Evening Lotus to use credit, he wouldn't make any profit.

As the battle in the arena began, everyone's gazes locked on Feng and Wind Chaser.

The moment the battle began, Wind Chaser instantly used Charge. Like an agile and powerful cheetah, the Berserker dashed towards Feng. However, despite this, Feng did not try to evade Wind Chaser's attack, allowing the youth's Charge Skill to connect.

However, when Wind Chaser was about to enter within a five yard radius from the Swordsman, Feng suddenly disappeared. 

'He disappeared?'

Wind Chaser gaped at his surroundings in disbelief. Looking to his left, right, and even above him, he could not find any trace of Feng.

'Where is he?' Wind Chaser could not even sense Feng's presence.

Normally, when an Assassin snuck up to him, even if he could not see the Assassin, he could, more or less, sense that someone was nearby. Now, he could not detect even the slightest indication of Feng's presence. The Swordsman's technique was far more powerful than an Assassin's Stealth.

Everyone in the spectator stands was similarly stupefied.

A live human had actually vanished into thin air...

No Swordsman should possess any stealth-related Skills.

Once a match began, players could only exit the arena after a victor had been determined. The victor's portrait would also be displayed above the arena after the match ended. If one of the fighters suddenly logged out of the game, the system would automatically determine them as the loser, thereby concluding the match. However, the system had yet to declare the outcome of this match; thus, the only possibility was that they were really unable to see Feng.

The way he suddenly vanished was completely unlike teleportation or when an Assassin used stealth skills. It was more like he never existed in the first place. 

No matter how hard Wind Chaser or the spectators looked, they could not discover Feng's presence anywhere within the arena, becoming increasingly shocked by the second, unsure of how a player could seemingly cease to exist out of nowhere and with zero indications. 

Suddenly sensing the presence of something behind him, Wind Chaser used Whirlwind Slash, a Skill capable of causing massive damage to enemies within a three-yard radius.

The silver greatsword was like a wooden pole in Wind Chaser's hand. With little effort, the Berserker transformed into a silver tornado that engulfed everything in its wake.

When Wind Chaser made a full turn with his greatsword slashing at the figure which had appeared at his blind spot, he saw that Feng had at some point moved to a position behind him, without him having been able to detect the Swordsman up until now or him making any sound while moving. 

Though, despite the incoming greatsword, Feng continued to remain as casual as ever, with his hands still comfortably resting in his cloak's pockets. Originally having been confident of landing the attack, Wind Chaser became dumbfounded when his greatsword cut across Feng, but he felt no contact, while the Swordsman's HP didn't decrease at all. 

It was only at that moment that Wind Chaser realized Feng had moved from his previous position and dodged his attack by a mere centimeter without Wind Chaser being able to notice until he had already missed. 

"How did Ye Feng dodge that! I couldn't even see when he had moved!" the Level 29 Shield Warrior, Best Reincarnation, exclaimed in shock.

"It is no wonder why Leader Frost praised Brother Ye Feng so highly. With such an amazing dodging speed, it will be very difficult for Chaser to land a hit, probably even an Assassin would not have a chance." Everyone was similarly shocked by the skill Feng had displayed.

Setting aside the mysterious technique Feng had previously used to disappear before their very eyes, only after Wind Chaser's greatsword landed had everyone realized that he had missed by such a miniscule distance. 

Unlike what they thought, though, Blue Frost and Evening Lotus were just as shocked as them to witness Feng's deeds. 

Although they had seen him use Void Steps on their way back to the Shelter a few times, that mysterious style of footwork of his still unbelievable to them as neither them nor any of the monsters could detect his presence until Feng had already landed an attack on his target, his current performance at dodging was something they hadn't seen him do, as Feng always attacked instead of avoiding attacks; crushing his opponents wit overwhelming strength.

Of course, they only managed to see his techniques because Feng had let them. In fact, if not for him having revealed his presence on purpose to Wind Chaser and allowed the other party to notice him, Feng could have easily cut down the Berserker without him being able to react. 

But if he did that or used techniques these regular players could not even perceive, there would be no point to all of this, as Feng was planning on using this show of power as a method to later on convince the entire District One to join Zero Wing once more. 

In the arena, Wind Chaser finally became serious. Every one of his attacks began targeting Feng's vital points or blind spots. Of the Berserker's many attacks, his Skills contained the most power. Wind Chaser was also extremely proficient in using his Skills in conjunction with his ordinary attacks. It was as if the Berserker's Skills had been tailored for Wind Chaser.

Although Wind Chaser did have significant physical control, he should still not be able to use his Skills so smoothly. One would need to be close to taking half a step into the Refinement Realm to achieve such a standard. On the other hand, Wind Chaser was still far from reaching that level.

This was the result of Wind Chaser having consumed a bottle of Hundred Berry Wine beforehand. 

Improving compatibility rate... This was something that countless experts dreamed of. Otherwise, nobody would bother wasting so much effort to obtain weapons and equipment that fit their styles.

Unfortunately, the wine's supply was simply too low, lowering the number of potential experts who could be nurtured with it.

At most, there was just enough for everyone present. Any more and there wouldn't be enough of the beverage to go around.

For the next three minutes or so, Wind Chaser continued hacking and slashing his greatsword at Feng.

The more Wind Chaser fought Feng, the more he grew frightened.

None of his other attacks had touched Feng.

Every time he thought that his greatsword was about to connect with Feng's body, his weapon was always off its mark just slightly. After a dozen or so times, he could chalk it up to a coincidence. However, if over a hundred attacks had the same result, there was definitely no coincidence.

'Just what is going on? Why can't I hit him?' This was the first time Wind Chaser had encountered such a situation.

In his past PvP battles, both sides had always suffered some form of damage. It was only a matter of how much, or how little, damage each side suffered.

The side with the better techniques would naturally deal more damage, and as the battle dragged on, they would become the victor.

However, this battle, in which he could not even hit his opponent, was simply driving him to madness.

'Is the gap between us really that big?'

Wind Chaser had already used all of the Skills he could, yet, no matter what he did, he could not even scratch the corner of Feng's armor. This failure dealt him a huge psychological blow.

"Big Brother Ye Feng's dodging techniques are brilliant. This is my first time seeing such techniques." Shallow Moon, the leader of District One's Third Party, grew excited as she watched the battle between Feng and Wind Chaser progress. She desperately tried to absorb whatever information she could regarding Feng's dodging techniques.

Shallow Moon wasn't the only person with such thoughts. The other leaders also wore stern expressions as they focused on Feng's every action. They even recorded the battle for future reference.

"If I can grasp just half of Brother Ye Feng's dodging techniques, it will become much easier to kill Lord ranked monsters in the future." Best Reincarnation sighed.

"You don't say? Lords have extremely high Attack Power. If an MT can evade 50% of a Lord's attacks, this will significantly reduce the burden on healers. Unfortunately, nobody within our District One has managed to reach such a standard yet." As a Cleric, Evening Lotus had the most say on this matter. She was the number one Cleric on District One's First Party. Every time the party's MT tanked a Lord, the MT's HP would fall as quickly as flowing water. As a result, Evening Lotus was forced to heal their party's MT constantly. If she were not careful, she could easily draw the Lord's aggro.

"It really makes you wonder just how Brother Ye Feng learned such techniques. If the melee players in our parties can learn from him, our District One's First Shelter can unlock the next stage very quickly."

As long as their melee players could grasp this brilliant technique, they could easily hunt Chieftains and Lords out in the field. Their Soul Crystal farming efficiency would also rise significantly. At that time, they could upgrade their Shelter swiftly and catch up to the several Large Shelters in other regions.

Although District One was the top Shelter in the Evil Ghost Domain, it was only a Medium Shelter. Although their Shelter was the only Medium Shelter among the Evil Ghost Domain's Districts, other Domains already possessed Large Shelters. Their strength was several times greater than District One's. The gap between them would only widen further as more time passed.

"Leader Frost, is there no way to convince Brother Ye Feng to join our District One?" Blue Bull asked. Although Blue Bull was the First Party's number one Berserker, Feng's techniques left a deep impact. These techniques shattered the concept of their past combat methods. If they could persuade Ye Feng to join District One and become one of the Shelter's residents, it could lift the Shelter to a whole different level.

Hearing Blue Bull's suggestion, the other party leaders also turned to Blue Frost.

"You guys..." Blue Frost was rendered speechless. "Although I want that as well, Brother Ye Feng is a Maverick. You all know how Mavericks behave, right?"

"It really is a pity." The others sighed dejectedly when they recalled Mavericks' play styles.

The Shelter was like their home. Naturally, they wanted to see their Shelter grow stronger. Unfortunately, Mavericks did not like restrictions.

As the conversation came to an end, Feng stopped dodging Wind Chaser's attacks.

While Wind Chaser commenced a downwards slash at Feng, the Swordsman unsheathed one of the swords from his waist and moved it in front of the greatsword's trajectory, the Berserker's weapon harmlessly sliding off the pitch-black one-handed sword and crashing into the ground after Wind Chaser lost control of it. 

Meanwhile, Feng's sword soundlessly bit into Wind Chaser's neck as he executed Chop, his Completion Rate so high it instantly took away all of the Berserker's HP before he could react. 

"It's over?" The spectating crowd was dumbfounded.

Although they had long since realized that Feng could defeat Wind Chaser easily, they had not expected him to be capable of finishing off the youthful Berserker instantly. How was it possible for a Swordsman to instantly kill a plate armor class?

Even if everyone found it inconceivable, the appearance of Feng's portrait above the arena was irrefutable proof that he had won this match.

"If he can defeat Wind Chaser so easily, despite having the same Attributes, it is no wonder how he can solo a Great Lord." Best Reincarnation and the others were shocked.

With their standards, even if they fought an ordinary player with the same Attributes, it was impossible for them to defeat their opponent instantly.

Yet, Feng was fully capable of exactly that. The gap between them was simply unimaginable.

If before they had treated Feng as an expert, now, they treated him like a monster. They were people living in completely different worlds.

Meanwhile, Wind Chaser, who had revived below the arena, was still stuck in a daze.

"Chaser, didn't I tell you earlier? With your weak skills, you are simply flaunting your incompetence before an expert. Why haven't you thanked Brother Ye Feng for his pointers yet?" Blue Frost laughed when he saw Wind Chaser's stunned expression.

He wasn't the slightest bit surprised by Wind Chaser's crushing defeat.

Compared to the battle with the Great Lord Noya, this match was child's play to Feng.

Hearing Blue Frost's words, Wind Chaser hurriedly thanked Feng.

After this match, Wind Chaser finally understood the extent of his strength.

Following which, the leaders also turned to ask Feng for advice on their combat techniques.

Bombarded with questions, Feng's response to the situation was not miserly, graciously teaching them, one after another.

Before anyone knew it, three hours had passed. Even so, none of them could get enough of Feng.

His guidance was targeted towards improving everyone's individual weaknesses, allowing them to see immediate improvements to their combat power. This result furthered everyone's admiration of Feng.

Not only did Feng possess monster-like strength, but his teaching skills were also on point.

In reality, though, Feng had only made a few suggestions to remedy their bad combat habits and teach them how to control their foundations. 

"May I know if Brother Frost would be willing to sell me Hundred Berry Wine for the long-term?" Feng suddenly asked. 

"Brother Ye Feng, you should know that the Hundred Berry Wine is a specialty of the Lions Bar, and its supply is very limited. If it is only a few dozen bottles, I I have no problems with giving them to you. However, you saw the Hundred Berry Wine's effects for yourself. It can help us improve our Skill Completion Rates, making it easier for us to understand our Skills. If we sell it long-term, it will weaken our Shelter's players significantly," Blue Frost explained.

"I understand this, of course. However, what if I have a different method to improve the Shelter's strength?" Feng smiled.

"Improve the Shelter's strength?" Everyone present was suddenly interested.

The competition between Shelters was very intense. Moreover, as players reached higher levels, the intensity would only grow as fewer high-level maps and resources would be available. Naturally, the areas where players could station Shelters would also decrease.

Naturally, those with sufficient strength would have priority over the high-resource locations, whereas weaker players would be chased away.

Their District One had already competed with other Shelters many times.

In higher leveled maps, however, the Shelters they had to compete with would become more numerous and powerful, so upgrading their Shelter's strength was of utmost importance.

"Join my Guild, Zero Wing," Feng said.

"Join your Guild?" Everyone was stunned.

They all knew what a Guild was. There were a countless Guilds in the virtual gaming world. In fact, members of Guilds had formed many of the Shelters. Only, as there was no Guild System available in their location, nobody could officially establish a Guild here. Rather than joining a Guild, it was more like joining a Guild's forces.

Many Shelters that lacked strength would usually choose to subordinate themselves to a Guild's influence, gaining protection and assistance from said Guild Forces. In return, however, these Shelters were required to supply various resources and money to these Guilds.

Every Guild Force they knew of was extremely powerful with a plethora of experts.

For example, all Large Shelters were apart of a Guild Force. Medium Shelters, like District One, stood no chance against them. These Guild forces also had plenty of funds and consisted mostly of professional gamers.

After considering it for a moment, Blue Frost said, "If we join you, what can Brother Ye Feng's Guild provide? How are you going to help us increase the Shelter's strength?"

In truth, Blue Frost had thought of joining a Guild Force before. Many Guild Forces had come to recruit their District One. However, if they joined one, it would have to be a formidable Guild Force. That way, they could strive for much more resources for themselves. Otherwise, they would be better off running the Shelter without a Guild.

"If you join Zero Wing, we will provide you with Teleportation Magic Arrays so that you can save on travel time. Zero Wing will also provide you with funding and equipment and will train you all to be true experts," Feng said.

"Teleportation Magic Arrays?! You guys actually managed to obtain that kind of item?!" Shock swept through the small crowd as they stared at Feng, their jaws practically hitting the floor.

As far as they knew, teleportation arrays weren't available in this area; even Large Shelters didn't have any.

If their Shelter had teleportation arrays, they could save so much time. With that advantage, it'd be difficult for their Shelter not to grow stronger, even if they tried.

"Brother Ye Feng, are you telling us the truth?" Blue Frost asked excitedly.

"Don't believe me?" Feng chuckled. He then retrieved the Teleportation Magic Array Design from his bag, placing it on the table for all to see. "Here; have a look at it yourselves."

"Wah! It's really a Teleportation Magic Array Design!" Evening Lotus's eyes shone as she examined the forging design on the table.

This item was more tempting than any weapon or piece of equipment.

"You've seen it for yourselves now. If you all are willing to join Zero Wing, we will provide your Shelter with teleportation arrays. At that time, your Shelter will develop at never-before-seen speeds. Becoming an Advanced Shelter will become possible, not to mention a Large Shelter," Feng said confidently.

Just like the towns and cities in the outside world, the Shelters in the Dark Den were categorized into ranks.

There were Small Shelters, Medium Shelters, Large Shelters, Advanced Shelters, and more. As a Shelter climbed the ranks, they would have access to more functions. However, it was not easy to upgrade a Shelter's rank, as doing so required a large number of Soul Crystals.

"I understand. Since Brother Ye Feng has such an optimistic view of District One's Shelter, my First Party will join Zero Wing," Blue Frost said after considering the opportunity for a long moment.

"Since Blue Frost has agreed, my Second Party will join as well," Best Reincarnation said as he nodded.

"My Third Party will also join!" Shallow Moon agreed.


In just a short moment, the top ten parties of District One all agreed to join Zero Wing.

They were not fools.

To put it simply, teleportation arrays were like strategic weapons to a Shelter. If news of this got out, countless Shelters would vie to join Zero Wing.

Moreover, after seeing how powerful Feng was, they realized that the Guild behind him would not be any ordinary existence.

After gaining everyone's agreement, Feng handed out contracts to each party leader and vice-leader.

Not one of them was an ordinary player. They all were players at the top of District One. Naturally, they would not join Zero Wing as normal members, but middle managers at the very least. And since they were going to become Zero Wing's middle managers, they needed to sign contracts.

The Dark Den was different from the outside world. Players here had a much easier time obtaining Gemstones and Tier 1 Taboo Skills, as well as the specialties unique to various Shelters. It was especially true for District One's Hundred Berry Wine. This was an extremely rare item that could help improve a player's compatibility rate.

If this beverage were introduced to the outside world, it would help Zero Wing's unrestored members immensely in the future. 

Meanwhile, things like Gemstones and Tier 1 Taboo Skills were currently valuable to even restored members, as increasing their strength in preparation for their Tier 2 Promotion Quests was currently on everybody's priority list. 

Correspondingly, the development of Life classes within the Dark Den was very slow. There were practically no players producing advanced products here. Particularly, Consumables that players normally required to survive out in the fields were extremely hard to come by. These advanced Consumables would certainly bolster the Shelter's strength if he could supply them.

After everyone had looked over the contract Feng had provided, surprise colored their expressions.

This Zero Wing sure is rich. It's offering a wage that's two times what other Guilds offer. Just what kind of Guild is this?

Blue Frost had encountered many Guild Forces before. He had also heard of these Guilds' reputations, and many of them were second-rate Guilds. Unfortunately, although the wages these Guilds offered District One's top ten parties were tempting, they required far too many Soul Crystals in return. Submitting to these Guilds would only hinder their Shelter's development. In the end, they rejected all the offers they had received.

In comparison, not only was Feng offering wages that would allow them to play God's Domain full-time, but he also intended to supply various advanced products to hasten their development. Most importantly, he did not require any Soul Crystals at all. This was astounding.

Soul Crystals were the foundation of Shelters. It was one of the resources that players required to grow stronger.

If they could gain so many benefits without having to contribute any Soul Crystals, they'd willingly join as normal members, much less middle managers.

"If there aren't any issues, you can sign the contract." 

He had written this contract after taking into account the best interests of Blue Frost and the others. Not a single Guild Force could afford such an offer.

Soul Crystals might be important to Blue Frost and the others, but to Feng, the amount current players could obtain was inconsequential, and he could gather much more by himself within an hour or so with his strength and Luck. In fact, he had done so already while waiting for Blue Frost's team to start their raid on Noya, slaughtering many monsters and acquiring over ten thousand Soul Crystals. 

After Feng's reminder, everyone hurriedly signed their contracts.

With the top ten parties of District One joining Zero Wing, his Guild would have control over the entire Shelter. 

The top ten parties of every Shelter had special privileges. Aside from being able to purchase the Shelter's specialties, these parties also had a say in the Shelter's construction; they had the right to vote on which establishments they wanted to construct first. Take the Lions Bar for example. Over half of the top ten parties needed to agree before the Lions Bar could be constructed.

Meanwhile, in order to construct special buildings such as the Lions Bar, players would have to use the Soul Crystals accumulated by the Shelter. These accumulated Soul Crystals were what players normally exchanged for Contribution Shares.

Hence, taking control of the top ten parties of a Shelter was the equivalent to taking control of the entire Shelter. 

Before today, the ten parties had not been of one mind. However, now that the top ten parties of District One had become members of Zero Wing, they had become a family. With this, it would be much easier to do things like this.

From this point onward, District One's Shelter would truly be united.

With District One as the center, Feng could then popularize the Candlelight Trading Firm's products to other Shelters. Soon, the entire Evil Ghost Domain would become Zero Wing's resource warehouse. 

"Frost, as the leader of First Party, you should be the most familiar with the Shelter. Do you know of any methods to increase the Hundred Berry Wine's production?" Feng asked as he turned to Blue Frost.

"I do know of a way to increase the Hundred Berry Wine's production. Currently, the Lions Bar is only a 1-star Bar. If we promote it to a 2-star Bar, then the production will increase to fifty bottles a day; one hundred bottles a day if we can upgrade the bar to 3-stars. However, that will require a lot of Soul Crystals. With our Shelter's current stock, it is impossible for us to promote the Lions Bar." Blue Frost also wanted to increase the Hundred Berry Wine's production. However, the Soul Crystal requirement was staggering.

 "Is there any other way?" 

"In truth, there is another method," Blue Frost suddenly said. "Only, this method is very costly, and nobody is willing to do it."

"Let me hear it," Feng said.

"The Lions Bar independent promotion. Through this method, the number of Soul Crystals required will decrease significantly. However, that would require spending your own money for everyone else's benefit. Also, the Soul Crystals spent will not gain you any Contribution Shares," Blue Frost explained. "If we use the Soul Crystals that everyone has contributed, we will need 10,000 crystals to upgrade the Lions Bar to 2-star status. Independently, only 500 will be required. However, even combining the Soul Crystals of all ten parties, we still don't have 500 crystals."

"That's no problem, then." Taking out 500 Soul Crystals, Feng settled the problem. He then looked at Blue Frost, who wore a dumbfounded expression upon seeing him casually take out so many of the precious Soul Crystals, adding "Also, Frost, as the new Branch Leader of Zero Wing, you've gained an opportunity to go to Zero Wing's headquarters in the real world and receive Zero Wing's Special Training. You should make your way over to the Big Dipper Training Center in Jin Hai City as soon as possible." 

After Feng finished arranging the matters relating to District One's Shelter, he departed from District One, heading towards District Five.

Flapping his wings after getting far enough that no one could see him use them, Feng flew at a high speed, reaching District Five within a short amount of time. 

However, Feng didn't go down and enter the town normally, but instead flew higher until he was above it and its Magic Array. Feng then unsheathed the Pandemonium Lashblade. 

From his previous life, Feng knew that this place would soon be attacked and eradicating by a Great Demon due to one of the players here failing to complete a high-ranking Quest. 

Since all of them were going to die anyway, with a large number of them suffering true deaths and having to restart their accounts, instead of getting killed by a demon, their deaths might as well be of some benefit to Feng. 

One thing that separated Districts in the Dark Den from the Towns and Cities on the main continent was that they had no NPC Guards to maintain security or Magistrate for protection, and instead the Towns and Shelters were in a Safe Zone in which players could not attack each other... 

But that didn't stop anyone from attacking outside of the Safe Zone's range. Of course, the area had a Magic Array around it, protecting its residents from outside attacks and keeping monsters out. 

Only to a certain extent, though. 

Feng slashed down. 

Tier 3 Skill, Thundering Flash!

Unlike Thunder Flame Explosion, Thundering Flash was a Sword-type skill, so aside from getting its strength boosted by the Pandemonium Lashbalde from the Tier 3 Peak standard to the Tier 4 Basic standard, the Swordsmanship Great Grandmaster Title also increased its power. 

Thus, the Thundering Flash Feng was currently using nearly reached the Tier 5 standard, causing a sea of lighting to descend upon District Five. 
