
Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God 2919 (RSSG 2919)

Heavens_Edge1 · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter 2921

If Aqua Rose and Gentle Snow had reached the Beyond Domain Realm after experiencing eighty years of combat, then these two- to three-hundred-year-old ancient monsters had as well. Maybe even a plateau above the Beyond Domain Realm.

Almost each of their movements was a basic combat technique, their attainment in the Realms of Truth was definitely somewhere around the Ascension Realm. He questioned himself whether they had consciously pursued the Ascension Realm, or whether they had subconsciously picked it up along the journey.

Furthermore, their Mana Techniques are imbued with traces of their corresponding Law. Ling Guang uses the laws of Fire, Zhi Ming the laws of Frost, and Jian Bing used the laws of Shadow.

If they would only attain a bit of understanding of the laws of their corresponding element, they would have the requirements to become Tier 6 Gods!

Monsters, true monsters.

Where had they been hiding during the Otherworld Invasion?

All in all, their combat standards aren't too surprising. The ancient martial arts families have perfected their legacies and groomed their descendants for generations, of which these old relics stood at the very top, polishing their combat standards for centuries.

How am I supposed to be competing with 11 years of God's Domain experience?

The only thing I have to my advantage are attainment in Realms of Truth and comprehension of the Law of Destruction. Of course, I easily overpower them in terms of concentration, the gap between a half-step Mental Strength Grandmaster and a full-fledged Mental Strength Grandmaster is ginormous.

Only a second had passed since Sword's Orbit activated but Ling Guang didn't waste a moment for Shi Feng to straighten his thoughts. He slashed his arm diagonally, sending a scorching blade of Fire Mana through the air.

Mana Technique – Phoenix Wing

Shi Feng raised his arm, breaking down the ambient mana as their components gathering and formed a dark longsword operating under the Law of Destruction.

Second Sword, Holy Devour

Sword's Transmigration!

The two mana techniques collided, the ambient mana trembled in chaos as the resulting shockwave crashed through all the windows in the room, shattering glass outwards along the blast.

Holy Devour, operating under the Laws of Destruction, had easily overpowered the imperfect Phoenix Wing, but due to the incorporation of Sword's Transmigration, the collision diverted a portion of the mana technique towards Jian Bing, who was biding his time in the far side of the room.

As a Beyond Domain Realm expert, Jian Bing dodged the attack easily, but hitting him wasn't the point, Shi Feng needed him to be occupied.

Planning to follow-up the deflected attack, Shi Feng was stunned to find the floor covered in in thick layer of snow, sharp ice spikes extended from the ceiling and floor, both devised to obstruct his mobility.

Seeing Shi Feng's annoyed expression, the lips of the lady creaked open in a devious sneer. Zhi Ming, the two-hundred-year-old lich, wearing the skin of a gorgeous young lady. It was unfathomable.

Ling Guang had gathered Fire Mana in the form of a spear and launched it at Shi Feng, right at the short pause when he discovered the formation of snow and ice.

Mana Technique – Lance of the Phoenix!

The trajectory of the spear flawlessly passed the ice spikes, about to reach Shi Feng.

"Hmph" Shi Feng snorted.

Divine Change

Second Sword, Holy Devour

Shi Feng had developed Divine Change to resist the Divine Will of the Ancient Statues in Light Forged City. The technique used to be an Advanced Bronze Combat Technique, allowing him assume complete control over up to 15% of all his muscles. Yet now, with his Concentration on the Mental Strength Grandmaster standard, he could push the technique to control up to 30% of his muscles, which should be at least categorised as a Silver Combat Technique.

Reconstructed mana, abiding the Laws of Destruction, coagulated into an illusory black longsword, even quicker than the flaming spear was approaching Shi Feng.

Lightning Flash!

Lightning Flash, a Bronze Offensive Combat Technique he had obtained from the Primordial Divine Ruins of the Orc Empire. The combat technique was complex and require exquisite control over his body. With only a weak Tier 3 Body, the combat technique was impossible to perform, Divine Change was a necessary preparation.

Shi Feng slashed the coagulated blade of darkness in an exquisite pattern, perfect merging 17 sword lights at the intersection of flaming spear.

"Ling Guang, dodge!" Zhi Ming yelled in alarm.

Ling Guang's eyes widened, but he didn't hesitate a moment before rolling to the side.

An ear deafening crash followed, broken bricks, ice shards, glass pieces and shredded furniture blasted randomly through the room.

Reverting his gaze to his former location and seeing the resulting destruction, struck shock in his arrogant demeanour. A part of the meeting room had been devoured into the void, and a gorge had formed between him and Zhi Ming.

Zhi Ming and her impenetrable defence had the role to block the opponent, for her to tell him to dodge was surprising to say the least, but he knew her for over a hundred years, there wasn't a single instant for him doubt her judgement.

But not only had his attack overpowered his strongest mana technique, Lance of the Phoenix, but the residual excess mana had even reached them!

The hell? What's up with that monstrous attack?

Ling Guang looked over to Zhi Ming, standing on the other end of the gorge, analysing her reaction. She didn't seem to be shocked, she was observing Shi Feng with clenched jaws, frustrated, nervous, anxious.


Reverting his gaze to Shi Feng - he knew. Only to find Jian Bing hovering besides him, skewered on a bright white illusory sword.

The sword whipped through the air, tossing the corpse to the ground, like flicking a sword to get rid of the dirt sticking to the blade.

Nobody dared to discard a bonafide Beyond Domain Realm expert so disrespectfully, but the nonchalant disposition of their opponent sent shivers through their spines. As if slaying a Beyond Domain Realm was nothing less than crushing a bug.

"This brat has picked some strong Mana Techniques," Zhi Ming shouted, "for such opponents, I'm taking a support role instead."

Ling Guang squinted at that comment. What that meant is that patriarch of the Black Turtle bloodline, famous for her defence, cannot block his techniques, but she was too proud to admit it.

But where did that put him? The Ling family patriarch, barer of the purest Vermilion Bird bloodline, famous for his notorious offence?

Resent and rage enkindled in Ling Guang's eyes and dashed forward.

Nine Phantom Steps!

Ling Guang's footwork made him appear to be splitting into nine afterimages. The combat technique was combined with a Mana Technique of some sort as the afterimages were indistinguishable from the real body.

First Sword, Light Shadow.

Sword's Orbit.

A bright translucent illusory sword of mana transformed into a spherical galaxy of intersecting sword lights.

'Hmph, the same old trick?' Ling Guang snorted inwardly.

But all of a sudden, the sphere shot towards him.

What? He can throw that illusory sword in that pattern? How insane is his mana control?

"Hmph, no matter."

Nine Phantoms, One Kill!

Right before sphere of sword lights devoured the nine figures, each split into another nine afterimages.

One of the afterimages, Ling Guang real body, thrusted his palms forward.

Vermilion Sun!

Shi Feng's view turned into a world of dazzling brightness and the gravity working on his body disappeared.

'An Illusion Mana Technique?' Shi Feng frowned 'No, this is fire mana luminescence, but how did the gravity disappear?'

Having a bad premotion, Shi Feng decided to defend himself.

Divine Change

Second Sword, Holy Devour

Sword's Orbit!

The illuminating ambient fire mana gradually disappeared and sight returned to everyone in the room, they found Shi Feng standing, unscathed. Instead of enveloped in a bright galaxy of bright intersecting sword lights, it was as if he was standing in a void of black stars.

"H-How?" Ling Guang was staring in shock.

He had flawlessly coordinated his Mana Technique, causing temporary blindness, with Zhi Ming's pillar of ice, which pushed the opponent into the air. As their opponent was blinded and weightless, they followed up with a barrage of Mana Techniques along the trajectory of their opponent.

Even Beyond Domain Realm experts would be caught off guard experiencing this combination for the first time.

But when their opponent was reuniting with his vision, he didn't remain idle and reached into the air as if grasping something in another dimension. The ambient mana twisted in chaos; it was as if the mana screamed in agony as it was teared into its fundamental components.

Before they could react, the mana gathered into Shi Feng's palm, first giving birth to small blackhole, then extending into a longsword made of abyss.

The pureness, density and principles of the mana resulted in pure Destruction; the mana was unobservable as it passively devoured its surrounding space.

The horrific presence made everyone shudder, feeling the looming imminent death, like a black hole eating away at the core of a star.

'A spatial tear? Did he grasp of the Laws of Space?'

Ling Guang shuddered as he stared at the void with incomprehension.

But instead of locking eyes with his opponent, Shi Feng turned to Zhi Ming, who was standing in the distance.

Feeling the looming abomination gathering in Shi Feng's palm, Zhi Ming expression went pale from anxiety.

Permafrost Prison!

Her strongest Mana Technique she had in her arsenal.

The ambient frost elemental mana gathered, forming layers upon layers of perfectly transparent crystalline layers around her. Nothing had ever gone past it.

'But will it matter?' she thought.

In a vertical slash, Shi Feng brought the blade encased in nothingness down on the world.

Third Sword, Holy Annihilation!

As soon as Shi Feng had decided the path of the blade's descended, Zhi Ming lost her connection to the Permafrost Prison. Instead of waiting for the inevitable, she made the instant decision to summon a pillar made of Frost Mana beneath her feet, to thrust herself towards the other side of the gorge.

Before reaching the other side, dangling weightlessly above the gorge, she witnessed a flash of void descend upon the Permafrost Prison, the next moment it was gone, along a part of the skyscraper. Not a single sound escaped from the whole process. As empty the void was, it was silent.

Her indestructible technique...

Shaking her head, she looked over at her opponent, who was locked in close combat with Ling Guang. Shi Feng, swinging Light Shadow according Ascension Realm principles, clashed with Ling Guang's Lance of the Phoenix, who was using the Ling family's Spear Techniques.

However, Shi Feng seemed to slowly overpower Ling Guang.

No, some 22-year-old brat will not humiliate us!

Gathering the ambient Frost Mana, she formed a crystalline ice spear and lunged it at Shi Feng's blind spot. But outside her expectation, he sidestepped towards her.

First Sword, Light Shadow.

Sword's Transmigration!

A second bright illusory sword formed next to Shi Feng and deflected the ice spear, with impeccable coordination, sending it right through Ling Guang's heart.

The old man stopped in place; the flaming spear in his hand, constructed from fire mana, dissolved into the ambient mana. Unlike the shocked expression of normal people experiencing sudden death, Ling Guang glared at Zhi Ming like a very disappointed elder. The old man, impaled by ice, fell to his knees before falling face down and releasing his final breath.

Without saying a word, he had pointed it out, his death was her fault, and she couldn't deny it wasn't. She should have taken the support roll, harassing their opponent's perception and mobility, instead she resorted to offence, which Shi Feng easily exploited.

The crucial mistake was expecting he had played all of his cards, who would expect he could create two swords of mana?

She should have considered he was holding back, but had her anxiety and humiliated pride clouded her decision making?

Staring at Shi Feng, void of her haughty temperament, she asked "You've been able to hold back against us?"

Shi Feng chuckled "Of course, it is only basic. Hiding my cards allowed my Guild to survive God's Domain."

After saying this, he held out his hands, as if presenting the sun.

Then the two bright illusory swords hovering behind Shi Feng parted, revealing third sword.

Three swords? No...

A fourth, fifth...

Eight bright mana swords fanned out behind Shi Feng like a peacock spreading its tailfeathers, like Asura revealing its many arms.

She gasped from the astonishing scene.

But then, when she locked her eyes in his, the world dimmed; visions of horror, slaughter, carnage, flashed across her mind.

Mental oppression?

Her body stiff, frozen in place; instinctual fear had sent her nervous system into mayhem, causing her to lose control over her muscles.

"G-Grandmaster..." she subconsciously mumbled.

At this moment she believed it, only a Mental Strength Grandmaster could overpower the mind of a half-step Mental Strength Grandmaster.

We are the ancient family patriarchs, yet, the young man had been toying with us all along. In his eyes, we were only ignorant insects, which he flicked around until they were dead, only for his own entertainment.

He could have rendered us immobile from the very beginning and save us some face by crushing us mercilessly.

How humiliating.

"Y-You win" She squeezed out, before logging out.

The youth with cyan coloured hair, Meng Zhang, had been leaning against the wall throughout the whole fight, not being bothered, nor being impressed at all.

Only when sensing the mental oppression did he finally open his eyes.

Making eye-contact with Meng Zhang, even Shi Feng felt a shudder.

Eyes unnatural to be worn by a youth. No. Eyes unnatural for a human being.

Shi Feng had only seen such eyes in videos of his previous life, but never on a player.

They were deep black, void of light, void of emotion, void of empathy, void of humanity. Eyes only natural for ancient god NPCs who were not meant to have any humanity.

What's more, as the mental oppression radiated throughout the room, the youth didn't seem to be affected at all. Like a blizzard being broken on a solid mountain.

This guy... is not to be underestimated...

So, we have another Mental Strength Grandmaster? Interesting!

The youth gave a single nod of approvement and logged out.

Retracting his mental oppression, Shi Feng looked to the only two remaining in the building.

"Now... who is supposed to explain things about the main world?"

Xia Qingying "..."

Xia Wuyuan "..."