
Reincarnation of the Soul Emperor

He was once a supreme cultivator, revered by many as the greatest genius of the Ling Clan. However tragedy strikes him repeatedly - his cultivation lost, ostracized by other youngsters and caught up in a sinister plot aimed at his destruction. Having lost everything he kills himself and his soul headed towards rebirth. Surprisingly after his death he wakes up in an unfamiliar world in the body of a young man with the same name as him - Ling Hong. In this life, he vows to become strong enough to protect his loved ones, while exploring the new world.

Weird_Novelist · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Dinner with the Hua Family [2]

Everyone was looking forward to his Ling Hong's answer as they wanted to know what was his relationship with the girl. Ling Hong smiled and said "She is Li Xin, someone who grew up with me in the orphanage and one of the few people I really care about. It was unexpected that she was working for you and that Uncle Hua appointed her to the No. 3 Lakeside Villa."

Everyone present was surprised at his words but did not know how to respond. After a while, Hua Jun said "I didn't know that you were acquainted with her. If I'd known earlier, then I would've told you earlier."

"Uncle Hua, actually I need to thank you for sending her to me. If not then I would have to go to many troubles looking for her later." Ling Hong said in a serious tone.

"Ha, it's nothing at all. You helped us reunite our family and even cured Meiling's illness. The comparison is too much." Hua Jun said, waving his hand. Upon hearing his words, Li Xin finally understood why the Hua Family valued Ling Hong very much. She was also surprised that he had such amazing capabilities.

At this time, the door of opened and a group of waiters came in with the food. One by one, they placed the dishes on the table and left. Ling Hong had glanced at the menu in the lobby as he entered and with a glance at the delivered food, noticed that they were some of the best available dishes like Bird's Nest, Abalone and Shark's fin.

By this time, he could only feel helpless against Hua Jun's generosity. He could only remind himself to help him out with something in return. He casually picked out some dishes to eat and glanced beside him. Seeing LI Xin who was fidgety after being faced with such expensive dishes, he chose a few dishes and placed them in front of her. Like an obedient kitten, she ate whatever was placed in front of her.

Across, them Hua Meiling watched this action and secretly whispered to her sister "Hehe, dear sister it looks like your big brother is going to get stolen." She was hoping to tease her into getting angry. But Hua Meimei just smiled as she was happy to see that Ling Hong was not alone even if she wasn't with him. She knew that he would still be her big brother, no matter what.

Seeing that her little plan didn't work, Meiling lightly snorted went back to eating her food. Everyone then ate in silence. Ling Xiu tried to liven up the mood and asked "Little Ling, have you decided on your plans from here on?"

Hearing the question, Ling Hong paused for a bit and said "I'm still thinking about it. The only thing I can rely on is my medicinal skill anyway."

"Have you thought about what we talked yesterday?" Hua Jun asked.

"The College Entrance Examinations? I don't really know." he said.

"Little Ling, let me say something as a senior." Hua Jun said in a serious tone "You are still young, so you don't know how the business society works. If you want to work especially in an area like medicine, the main thing apart from skills you require is reputation."

"Reputation is more important than skills? Why?" Ling Hong was puzzled.

"Because if you have no reputation to back up your skills, you will end up with a dead career. I can ask some medicinal experts to vouch for you if you want, but that would only work in the short term. If people do not see your skills for themselves or if you do not have a certification from somewhere of high authority, all it would take is one word from someone more reputable and your career would end just like that." Hu Jun explained.

He grabbed an abalone and ate it before continuing, "That is why I want you to take the College Entrance Examinations. Through it you can get admitted to a university with high qualifications and take up a course in Chinese medicine. Then you could just demonstrate your excellent skills and they'll happily provide you with a certificate. And if you can secure the top ranks, your fame will increase, that would help you get more investors."

Ling Hong was silent. He was not worried about money. He was confident in his skill and knew the that as long as he could treat some rich client, money could be easily obtained. As for troubles, he was would meet them as they came. But he also knew that there was some truth in what was said earlier. He would need to obtain a graduate certificate from a reputed university, even if it was for show only.

Hua Jun saw that Ling Hong was actually giving his advice some thought and felt glad, at least he wouldn't refuse directly like last time. After a few seconds, he slowly replied "Uncle Hua, I've decided. You're right after all, there should be some qualifications to show. I'll take the College Entrance Exams."

"Great! Which University are you going to aim for?" Hua Jun asked.

"I don't know. Which is the best university having a course in Chinese medicine?" he asked.

"Hmmm. If we are talking about the best, it would naturally be Beijing university. Wait a minute, you can't be-" Hua Jun was casually replying when he thought of something and stopped. He looked at Ling Hong to check his guess and seeing his indifferent look, knew that he was right.

"Little Ling, I know that you were good at studies in the past, but this is impossible even for you. To get into Beijing University, you should be within the top 500 ranks! And for the Chinese medicine course I heard that only those under rank 200 are allowed. If you are serious about it, then you need to put in some work." he anxiously said.

"Then I guess I'll put in some work then. Don't worry, Uncle Hua, I'm confident in getting top 100 even." Ling Hong replied nonchalantly. With his perfect memory, he was confident on achieving the results required.

"Haa, I won't say anything then, just do your best. We'll be taking Meimei to register for school this week at Fourth High School. You can come along with us, I'll introduce you so that we can get your affairs in order." Hu Jun helplessly replied.

"Fourth High School? What a coincidence, I had already registered there four years ago." Ling Hong mused. With a smile, he asked "Is old man Qian still the principal?"

"Huh? You know Ye Qian? The way you address him seems as if you have a close relationship." Hua Jun was surprised at the sudden revelation.

"Mmm, you can say that he was the one that forced me to go to school. He usually came to teach at the orphanage when he was still a teacher. He made the orphanage people to force me to go to school, saying it would be a waste of talent if I didn't. Then when he became the principal, he made me take the High School Entrance Examinations in advance so that I could be in his school. He even registered me without knowing my results. Later when I had the accident, it was he who arranged the best doctors for me. " Ling Hong said.

"That's good then. It would be much easier for you to convince him about you case of not attending school then. I'll contact you when the time comes." Hua Jun said.

"Okay, Uncle Hua." Ling Hong replied.

Soon everyone had finished their and got up. They walked out of the private room and took the elevator to the parking lot. Along the way, Hua Meimei held on to Ling Hong's arm and excitedly chatted about what she did. He patiently listened to her and patted her head after listening to her, which made her happy.

At the parking lot, they separated and Ling Hong and Li Xin went back to No. 3 Lakeside Villa as they wanted to organize the gifts before they went to the orphanage the next day. Ling Hong asked Dong Yi to come by 10 in the morning to drive them to the orphanage as he dropped them off.

As they entered the house, Li Xin asked "Brother Ling, are you serious about going to college?"

"Yes, why do you ask? Do you want to try for college too? I'll ask old man Qian to enroll you too then." Ling Hong replied.

"It's....not that. If you go to college, will you leave me here?" she asked, pulling at the hem of her clothes.

Ling Hong realized that she was thinking that he would go off to Beijing on his own. He laughed and said "Xinxin, who said I'll leave you? I said that I'll keep you by my side, and even when I go to Beijing I'll take you along."

Li Xin was happy to hear the words and kissed his cheek in excitement. But the next moment, she realized what she had done and her face turned red. She panicked and ran off to her bedroom. Ling Hong touched his cheek where she kissed him earlier and suddenly felt a bit of warmth in his heart.

'Maybe a normal life isn't that bad at all.' he thought as he went to sleep.