
Reincarnation Of The Ill Treated God

Summoned to another with my classmates to save the world. What will Negative Artim who is a suspicious of the whole situation do? If giving a task of such immense difficulty wasn't enough, he now starts having head aches with flashes of memories that weren't his. Read how Negative Artim rises to the peak of power while unlocking his past memories to lead the life the way he wants to. discord: https://discord.gg/jaTsyhdk7C

Negative_Artim · Ação
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14 Chs

The banquet begins

After informing the person behind him the examiner came towards looking at me with adoration which disgusted me quite a bit because I've never wanted a middle aged man to look at me like that.

"You need to stand at the back with the other summoned ones until all the others are over with their examination."

I did what I was suggested and stood at the back of the hall waiting for the examination to over.

While I was waiting a girl approached from the crowd at the back of the hall. She was Sato Aoki, My childhood friend. She had the height of 160cm, black hair and black eyes, she looked very beautiful to the point that she was asked multiple times by the modelling organization until her parents had to use their political power to shut them up.

How do I know her? Her parents bought the mansion next to my mansion when I was five years old, It is since then that I knew her. We played together when we were children and joined the same schools since childhood so our bond was strong.

Just because she's beautiful doesn't mean that I'm less handsome I was also asked by the modelling organization multiple times, a little lesser than her but it was female models are more in demand than male models, mind you!!!

"what's the ruckus you just caused during your examination?" Sato asked as she was curious about what the ruckus caused during her childhood friend's examination.

"Nothing, It's just that my affinity towards my elements is unrecorded as it's much higher than what was ever recorded." I explained the matter to my childhood friend.

"Oh ok then, by the what was your job. Mine is Sage who can use all the elements except light and dark and my affinity towards all of them is high!" Sato said.

"They said I have a weird job, mine is Divine King and my affinity towards light and dark is the highest they've ever recorded!" I replied.

"hmm....what do you think they will do to us? I don't want to be pessimistic but with all the medieval clothes and architecture I am assuming their society is medieval as well, they already showed us that they have a king it's only a matter of time before we get to know the nobles too and with the way the society was at that time they had political marriages to further their cause which brings me to my main point. Will they try to marry us to someone from this kingdom to keep us here?"

"What makes you think they want to make us stay here through marriage?" I replied knowing she was thinking the same thing as me. I was just testing her.

"Don't play dumb Negative I know you're just testing me but I will play with the script and answer your question. With how the king himself welcomed us we have at least established the fact that we're at the very least important people. That is motive enough for the nobility to drag us to their family via marriage or even the royalty might try to marry us further their cause for whatever reason they have." Sato said.

"True. We may not have lived during those times but similarity between today's earth's similarity and medieval earth's similarity are still there. Even today political marriages are functional. Though less but they still do occur." I replied recounting many times I've seen my acquaintances getting married due to these reasons.

While we were talking all the summoned ones were examined. It didn't take that much time as we were only forty in total.

"We will be going to the banquet that has been arranged to welcome you after you've rested for the next 3 hours. After that maids would come to your bearing your outfits which you will wear to attend the banquet!"

After that we guided to our respected rooms by the maids to have rest we needed after these tiring incidents.

3hours late~


"Come in the door is opened" I said expecting it was the maid they told us about.

We were still in our school uniform since we were summoned directly from our classes so having an outfit to wear for the banquet was most welcomed.

The maid came in with a set of clothes I can only imagine the medieval nobility to wear. The set of clothes were complicated to wear so I had to borrow the help of the maid to wear them but last but not least I was able to wear them.

After that I was guided to the hall the banquet will occur at only to see a crowd stand out amongst other crowds, It was the crowd filled by my 'former' classmates. 'Former' because now that we're not in school we can't be considered students anymore. I guess I'm the last one to arrive.

When I was about to go to find my childhood friend and greet her I was disturbed by an announcement