
Reincarnation of the Blood Emperor

“The gods took everything from me.Now I’ll take everything from them and screw all of them up, this I swear” Asdek is now on a life long mission to annihilate all the gods from existence as a form of revenge for his people who were slaughtered by the gods. He had committed suicide as a result of intense guilt and pain. “This isn’t how death should feel like”Asdek said to himself as he realized he wasn’t dead completely. He had been transported to a region between life and death he met s primordial (the first god).It just so happens that their ideology coincided. The being gave Asdek power,power that gives him a chance to fuck up the gods as he so desperately wants to.

Asdek08 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

A being higher than gods

When Asdek sliced off his head his consciousness drifted into the abyss of darkness and death.

"Wait,is this how death feels like.Although the feeling is weird I can feel my body somewhat"Asdek said internally as he felt weird.

"Since I've never died before I can't tell how it should feel but this….this doesn't feel right"

"Yes it doesn't because you're not dead yet"Asdek suddenly heard a voice in his head.Asdek's eyes which had been closed this whole time suddenly popped wide open.

"The hell" he shrieked "Who's there" he added as he looked around frantically looking for the owner of this voice.

He was shocked at what he was seeing.He could see that he was floating in the starry expanse of a starry space.

It had a peaceful and tranquil vibe to it.Asdek could see stars glistening in the distance.lt was really a sight to behold. Asdek turned to look in front of him to see a massive golden star covering his entire eye sight.It was at least a billion times larger than he was.Asdek couldn't help but feel smaller than an ant in front of this star.

He looked at it with awe and reverence.But the longer he looked at it the more he had the feeling that the star was... was staring back at him.

Asdek still had a stupified look on his face as he pulled himself out of his revery and started to look around for the owner of the voice from earlier.

"Peaceful isn't it"the voice boomed in the vicinity again. This made Asdek raise up his guard.

"Wh…..who's there"Asdek asked in a menacing tone not willing to show any hint of fear in the face of a foe who was not willing to show him or herself.

As he slowly turned to search for the voice he heard earlier he heard it again

"Why are u turning away I'm right in front of you human". Asdek was shocked as he snapped his head quickly to stare at the star in front of him.

"You are this star I'm staring at right now?" Asdek said in a cautious tone.His demeanor taking a weary expression.

"Hahaha"the voice chuckled.

"Looks like you are too close to see me well" the voice added as the 'star' in front of Asdek produced a faint golden glow as a golden aura surrounded Asdek's figure and moved him dozens of light years back in just two seconds stopping when Asdek could see from the head down to the torso of the figure.

To Asdek's utter shock, the massive star he was staring at recently was one of the eight eyes of this colossal being.Now Asdek felt even smaller than a grain of sand at this moment.This being was of a human figure.It was made of a golden and blue metal with whisks of white flames around it's figure.It was so graceful that Asdek thought for a moment

{I'm I even supposed to be seeing this?}

But at the moment this figure was chained with planet sized chains that gave off a sickly aura.

The slit at where a mouth would usually be on the body of humans on the face of this being suddenly widened into a sick twisted grin.

"I see you are fascinated by my shackles and this place huh?" The being's voice boomed in this starry expanse of space.But surprisingly the beings lips didn't move.

"Well I can't say I'm not" Asdek said in a fearful tone. He knew very well that he couldn't hold a candle to this being in front him.If the being decided to emit a slight amount of murderous intent not considering how minuscule it might be ,he would die for the second time and this time it would be a gruesome death.

"If you would,please enlighten me who are you and what is this place".Asdek said as obediently and politely as he could.

"Your question cannot be answered unless you are willing to suffer countless years of constant torture" the being suddenly said in a condescending and domineering tone with a hint of murderous intent almost crushing Asdek in that pico second the killing intent was.

Asdek was currently in his soul form in this space. If not for that he would have had his bone crushed by now. Although souls were not supposed to sweat or bleed Asdek could feel his body drenched in imaginary sweat currently and he couldn't stop shivering.

Asdek was previously going to ask of how he ended up being chained here and who did but seeing as questions as simple as his identity and what this place is almost gave him the ticket to the real afterlife in a gruesome manner he didn't want to experience.The scars of his previous life bore deep on his soul he didn't want to add the scar of dying a shameful death to it.As Asdek floated in this face scared to the core the being suddenly bursted into gleeful laughter.

"You should see yourself in a mirror right now human,it's priceless" the being said as he bursted into a second round of laughter.

"I can tell you anything you want to know. I just wanted a little humor".the being said.

"It gets boring sometimes when you are here by yourself you know?".The being added

"Well the issue of where this place is,I think it's safe to say this is my prison"the being said seemingly in deep thought.

"Why were you imprisoned and by who"Asdek asked as he could now ask his question knowing he won't die from a death glare.

"That little one,you can't know just yet."

The being said "if you really wish to know torture awaits you and this time it's no joke" the being said in a serious tone.

"Now back to the issue of what this place is…."the being said as his usual majestic yet care free tone returned

"This guy I can't read him at all,one time he's all smiles and jokes and the next second he's full of killing intent."Asdek said inwardly.

"Well this space exists between realities and also it is the space between life and death.Don't worry you'll understand eventually"He said.

"Now to who I am….how do I put this"he said in a contemplative tone

"Ok! I am the last of my kind.They call me the 'decider of fate.' 'Favored by fate' and many more some majestic and some menacing some even both.My kind are existences higher than gods."As the being got here Asdek's eyes grew cold.The being noticed the sudden change in the atmosphere as he mentioned gods

'Yes I know the hatred you habor towards gods that's why this mission is a perfect match for you,mortal' The being thought to himself as he smirked inwardly but acted as if he didn't notice Asdek's expression and continued

"My kind are called Primordials and my name is TROJEN the primordial of fate and if you'd accept I'll like for you to be my champion".

Please if any mistakes or plot holes are spotted in this chapter or the subsequent ones don’t hesitate to draw my attention.Help me build a legacy with you my readers❤️❤️❤️.

Asdek08creators' thoughts