
Reincarnation of a forgotten king

Follow the journey of the forsaken king of Britain Arthur pendragon (alter prototype) in a world completely foreign to him wil he finds his reason to live a fullfilling (I don't own anything related to the original story the only thing i own is my oc characters and story)

Lucius_arcadia · Anime e quadrinhos
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22 Chs

10. New family members and a phantom presence

Months passed in a blur, with the anticipation of a new addition to the family growing day by day. Arthur and Ruby had taken their roles as the older siblings to heart, eagerly awaiting the birth of their new brother or sister.

As the due date approached, their excitement was palpable. They could often discuss potential names and speculate about the baby's personality. Their unity and determination to support their family had only grown stronger since their successful intervention in their parent's relationship.

The day finally arrived when their mother, Zenith, went into labor. It was a day filled with mixed emotions—joy and nervousness, hope and anticipation. The siblings had been prepared for this moment, having attended birthing classes with their mother and doing their best to offer support.

They gathered in their home, which was now filled with the soothing presence of family and the anticipation of a new beginning. Zenith's labor pains echoed through the familiar rooms, and the siblings waited anxiously just outside.

After what felt like an eternity, the moment they had been waiting for arrived. The newborn's first cries filled the air, and a wave of relief and elation washed over the family. Zenith had given birth to a healthy baby girl, their new sister.

Tears of joy welled up in Zenith's eyes as she held her newborn daughter in her arms, and Paul, overcome with emotion, could only look on with wonder. Arthur and Ruby beamed with pride and excitement, eager to greet their baby sister.

In their home, the family was united in love and celebration. The past was behind them, and they had embarked on a new beginning, filled with the promise of a happier and more harmonious future.

The siblings had stood by their family through every trial, and now they welcomed a new life into their fold. With love, determination, and the bonds of family, they were ready to face the challenges and joys that lay ahead.

The newborn's arrival brought immeasurable joy to the household, and the family had decided on a name for the baby girl. They named her Norn, a name that symbolized destiny and the new beginning that she represented. Norn's birth had become a symbol of hope and unity for the family, a fresh start after the tumultuous period they had overcome.

As Norn came into the world, she became the center of attention and love in the household. Her siblings, Arthur and Ruby, were exceptionally caring and protective, and Norn thrived in the warm and loving atmosphere.

Amid their joy, another significant event loomed on the horizon. Lilia, who had been pregnant with Paul's child, was nearing her due date. The family's anticipation was tinged with a sense of responsibility. They had successfully navigated the complexities of their family's dynamics before, and they were prepared to support Lilia through her journey into motherhood.

Days turned into weeks, and the family awaited the arrival of Lilia's child with a sense of unity and understanding. They had learned that family was not just about blood but about the bonds they shared and the love they offered one another.

Their home was filled with the sounds of laughter, affection, and shared dreams, a far cry from the rift that had once threatened to tear them apart. The siblings, Arthur, Ruby, and Norn, were the heart of this family, and they were determined to provide a future filled with love and happiness.

As they awaited Lilia's child, the family's shared hope was that their household would remain a place of warmth and support, a true haven of togetherness in a world that often tested the strength of family bonds.

Life had settled into a harmonious rhythm for the family as they awaited the birth of Lilia's child. The siblings, Arthur, Ruby, and Norn, brought boundless joy to the household, their laughter and playfulness filling the air with happiness.

One sunny day, as the family enjoyed their time together, Paul decided to take Arthur on a monster-hunting excursion, a tradition they had upheld since Arthur's childhood. It was an opportunity for bonding, but it also served as a reminder of their shared heritage.

Amid the dense forest, with the sounds of nature enveloping them, Paul and Arthur stalked their prey. Their synchronized movements were a testament to the unspoken connection between father and son. As they moved with grace and precision, they knew they were not just hunting monsters but preserving the peace of their land.

However, their expedition took an unexpected turn when a close friend of Paul's appeared, rushing toward them with an urgent expression. The friend delivered news that sent shockwaves through Paul's heart.

"Lilia's in trouble," the friend informed Paul. "She's experiencing complications during childbirth, and the situation is dire."

Paul's eyes widened with concern and fear. Without a second thought, he turned to Arthur. "We need to go back, Arthur. Lilia needs our help."

The bond between father and son was unbreakable, and in times of crisis, they stood together. As they made their way back to the family's residence, their hearts were heavy with worry for Lilia and her unborn child.

As Paul and Arthur rushed back to their home, a sense of urgency hung in the air. The news of Lilia's complications had cast a dark shadow over their hearts. They knew that every moment counted, and they needed to reach her as swiftly as possible.

Upon their return to the house, they found a somber and anxious atmosphere. The rest of the family had been informed about Lilia's situation, and they had gathered to support her during this challenging time.

Zenith, who had already been through her pregnancy, was a pillar of strength, offering comforting words to Lilia. Ruby and Norn were by Lilia's side, their presence a source of solace and encouragement.

Lilia's condition was serious, and the family feared for her and the unborn child. Paul, torn between his responsibilities as a father and his role as a husband, was overwhelmed with worry. He stood by Lilia's side, holding her hand and offering words of encouragement.

The entire family shared in this difficult moment, knowing that their unity and love were their greatest sources of strength. They had faced challenges before, and they were determined to overcome this one together.

Time seemed to stretch on, filled with anxiety and hope. The arrival of a new life was a powerful reminder of the cycle of beginnings and endings, of how each moment held the potential for transformation.

Amid the uncertainty, the family clung to the bonds that held them together, their love for one another serving as a beacon of hope in the face of adversity.

Chapter: A New Beginning - Part V

Amid the anxious hours that stretched into what felt like an eternity, Arthur's mind raced. He couldn't bear to see his family in pain, especially Lilia, who was enduring this difficult ordeal. He knew that ordinary healing magic seemed to be ineffective for reasons unknown, and it was at this moment that he had an epiphany.

He recalled the dragon magic he had inherited from his past life, the power that had once flowed through him. One of its aspects was the ability to heal, mend wounds, and restore vitality. With a glimmer of hope, he wondered if he could harness this ancient and potent magic to aid Lilia.

Arthur approached the family and shared his idea. "I may have a solution," he said, his voice filled with determination. "I possess a unique form of magic, a dragon magic that includes a healing aspect. I believe it might be the key to aiding Lilia and her unborn child."

The family members looked at Arthur with a mix of hope and curiosity, willing to try anything to save Lilia. They agreed to his suggestion, placing their trust in his abilities and the uncharted potential of dragon magic.

With careful focus and a deep connection to the ancient magic within him, Arthur began to channel the healing aspect of his dragon magic. A soft, ethereal light enveloped Lilia, and a sensation of warmth and comfort filled the room.

Lilia's condition began to stabilize, and the family watched in awe as the life force of the unborn child grew stronger. The dragon magic worked its mysterious power, mending what ordinary healing magic could not.

Tears of relief welled in Zenith's eyes as she witnessed the miracle unfolding before her. The family stood united, their faith, and love for one another guiding them through the darkest of times.

The birth of a new life was a testament to the enduring power of family, and as they welcomed the child into the world, they were filled with gratitude and hope for the future.

The birth of the child, bathed in the glow of Arthur's unique healing magic, brought not only relief but also boundless joy to the household. As the baby girl entered the world, her cries resonated with the promise of a future filled with hope and possibilities.

In a collective decision, the family decided to name her Aisha, a name that carried with it a sense of life and vitality. Aisha became the embodiment of their newfound unity and the healing magic that had played a crucial role in her arrival.

The family gathered around Aisha, their hearts full of love and gratitude. Arthur, holding the newborn in his arms, marveled at the tiny life that had defied the odds. Aisha's presence was a testament to the resilience of family bonds and the extraordinary potential that lay within each member.

Amid this moment of healing and hope, Arthur's keen senses detected something amiss. He had become aware of a phantom presence, like a specter that flitted in and out of his perception. It was a subtle but undeniable feeling, one that sent a shiver down his spine.

He decided to investigate further, quietly excusing himself from the room and venturing into the shadows of their home. The phantom presence seemed to elude him, a ghostly figure that was neither here nor there. Each time he tried to focus on it, the presence disappeared as if mocking his efforts.

Arthur pondered the enigma, recognizing that this elusive presence might hold the key to the inexplicable issues that had plagued their family. He was determined to unveil the truth behind this phantom entity.

Returning to the family, Arthur felt a renewed sense of purpose. He knew that he had to confront this elusive presence and understand its role in the challenges they faced. He shared his concerns with his family, and they agreed to support his quest to uncover the mystery.

As they continued to play with the newborn child, Arthur's thoughts were consumed by the elusive phantom presence. He was determined to face this enigma head-on, to discover the truth that could bring an end to their family's troubles.