

"I understand, system what does all statistics increase?"

"Strength increases the power of your blows, vitality, endurance, intelligence, reasoning ability, learning and memorization, and agility the speed of reaction and movement of the host"

"How do I see my statistics?"

"It's just the player thinks or speaks statistics"

"Only I can see my statistics?"

"Yes, only the player can see"

"System, you said that with PS I could buy equipment and skills, what kind of equipment and skills are there in the store?"

"The equipment and skills available in the store are of animes, games and novels, being divided into degrees, which are 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, with 1 being the weakest and 5 being the strongest."

After hearing everything the system said, Kazami begins to absolve everything. After some time, Kazami asks for the system.

"System, is there anything else I need to know?"

"For now, the player does not need to know anything, as you move forward, I'll explain things. Are there any more questions?"

After a bit of hesitation, Kazami responds that she

"Now, I ask the player to teach one of these lines, remembering that I can buy the others in the future"

-Super Saiyan

-Dragon Force

-Devil trigger

-Akuma no Mi


Being an otaku, Kazazi recognized them all. I looked at all the options and I started thinking about which one I would choose, after a while I chose the devil trigger

"Ok, the player went through the process of awakening the desired bloodlines, it may hurt a little"

Shortly after hearing, Kazami breathes deeply into himself, since he never tolerated the pain. Kazami begins to feel warm, as if the blood on his body were boiling, soon after he began to feel a great headache, as if they were moving in his cerebo. The pain is so much that it begins to roll on the floor while his hands are over his head, soon after Kazami's skin begins to crack and then breaks, showing another layer of skin more beautiful than before. After a long time, the pain begins to cease and Kazami can finally sigh with relief. Since he was small, Kazami always stayed at home, did not play sports or anything, so he rarely got hurt, so when he felt that huge pain he almost lost consciousness, he had to fight to stay awake. While he was recovering, Kazimi heard the robotic voice again.

"Full lineage change, main lineage is the devil trigger"

After a brief sigh, Kazami rises wiping herself from the dirt on her body.

"Now that the player's lineage has been changed, you will be transferred to a place where you will have trained for a year before being able to go to a world"

Before Kazami could ask anything, he collapsed.

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