
Reincarnation: i became a baby dragon!!!!

Sly. An emotionally broken boy who died unjustly [like a bitch] got reincarnated into a godly world filled with wonders. He was born into a family of royal dragons that are on the verge of extinction. After promising himself to become a better person, he awakened the imperial domination system that will help him dominate the world.

Dennis_Asare_9647 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

family reunion I

The general was a humanoid crab with a shiny exoskeleton. He looked at the man and anwered" yes your highness". The army of the dragon kingdom was made up of many divisions. Every division had it's own duty. The division under this man was tasked with the duty of patrolling the lands around the borders of the kingdom. They also took it upon themselves to look for local endangered species to save. These species were given the chance to either join their squad or sent to the kingdom for protection. From a young age, it was observed by the family that this prince liked to explore. So when he came of age (900), he was given a chance to explore the lands of the kingdom. He was given a 100 soldiers as escorts and guards to accompany him. This was also done to stop him from exploring the houses of the citizens at night. He once snuck out of the palace to see what the kingdom looked like. He ended up in one of the officials ' mansion just when the count was about to do the deed with his wife. The prince caught him in action and started to ask them questions for he was clueless on what was going.

The official didn't know who to cry to that day.

Once the general heard the order, he mobilised the soldiers to board an underwater ship that was pulled by three gaint sea horses. They left some of the soldiers in the camp to guard it.


At the same time, on an island on the vast ocean, a group of people were in a cave drinking what seemed to be alcohol. They were all very tall and muscular. The shortes person among them was about 190cm in height. They were all bare chested as they were drinking and conversing merrily. There was a man sitting on a very rock with a smile on his face. He was the largest of them all . He also had a pair of long golden antler growing on his forehead. The rest also a pair of antlers protruding from their forehead but unlike the large man theirs was not golden. If some one was observing them from afar, he or she would think they were spirits or demons. The large man spoke." Hurry up lads. My brother awaits. Did you hear that roar , that is a sign. We must hurry there before my father comes up here to beat me up". The rest of the men laughed loudly as they hurriedly finished their drinks. They were also going to be in trouble if they did not hurry.


Back in the throne room of the dragon kingdom.

The meeting was still going on. Just that instead of talking about the kingdom, the officials were fluanting their progress to each other." Look here , have you seen how young l have become? hahahaha, I will no longer be called old geezer again!!!. You will now refer to me as daddy geezer!!!". An official stated proudly. He used to look old but now he looked middle aged. His name was Mushu he was part of the first batch of the hatched eggs that were rescued by Balthazar. He was even older than the king and most of the officials. He was one of those people who got to experience the reign and conquest of Balthazar. Now he look middle aged with his previous breakthroughs. He felt like worshipping the young prince. He had been converted into a fan boy . The same could be said for all the officials in the court. ' I will kiss the prince's ass from now on. Maybe that will cause him to roar again.". They thought. They almost had the urge to rush to the prince's chamber to see if he had anymore roars coming.

The king, the queen and the Kayla were looking at them like they were looking at fools. But that did not stop the from thinking the same.

*cough* *cough *

" Settle down all of you. What would the our people think if you they saw you like this. Behave like the elders you are". The king scolded them causing the to sit down in embarrassment. " Now if you don't mind, I am going to see my son". The king said graceful as he stood up from his seat. As he was going his size started decreasing until he was two meters tall . Daenarys and Kayla followed him out too. They also reduce in size as they left.

Not long after they left the officials thought ' Fuck me . The king beat usto the prince. Your majesty this is shameless of you, at least let us come along.'


Back on the island on the ocean, the bare chested men stood on the shore. They looked at setting sun from the shore. It had been a few hours since they heard the roar from earlier. They were preparing to head for the dragon kingdom. " alright lads, let's head home for we are a few hours away from being spanked by our fathers". The leader said as he led the crew into the sea .They run into the sea and started swimming. They swam very . After a while, they started to dive . After they dived they became even faster. They were like torpedoes as they launched towards the bottom of the sea. They became even faster as they were diving. Their powerful bodies fought against the underwater pressure. The sea creature in the ocean scattered and rushed to escape when the passed by them as if they were running away from their natural predators. Even dangerous ones like whales and eels did not stand a chance. When they were about five thousand meters underwater, they started to shape shift. They turned into gigantic dragons that were a few thousand meters in length and hundred meters in width. The looked mighty and majestic as they swam. They were almost the same in colour and size. They covered in blue scales with certain variations in colour. The one that stood out the most was a golden coloured dragon that was almost twice their size. This dragon roared majestically causing the ocean water ripple loudly and start to boil