
Reincarnated With The Strongest Bloodline

An unremarkable man, who leads a mediocre life until he discovers that he's the long sought after serial killer. Owing to the secret existence that dwelled within himself, he ends up with two bullets lodged into his skull. Just when he was glad his pathetic life was over; [Greetings and welcome to your afterlife, the incinerator, unclean soul. In your previous life, you carried out several atrocities...] Against his weak protests he is plunged into an unknown world as a forsaken son of a god with the goal of atonement and purification of his soul.

Arrkein · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
230 Chs

The Devil's Advocate

"What do you mean? Quickly get the killer — he can't be that far." She ordered in a panicked voice, she hadn't yet put the puzzle together.

Jonathan simply stiffled a chuckle at her correct guess, the killer wasn't far at all. She didn't notice his unusual behaviour because of her frantic state.

"So it's better I die, right? Chasing after some killer?" He asked sincerely.

"What? Your colleagues! Don't you care at all?" She screamed in a mix of anger and panic.

"You were always slow witted. No idea why they made you the boss. I was better suited, sure my other self is timid but he gets the job done." He said revealing the knife and ran his finger on it to ensure it was still sharp.

It gave him a little cut but he didn't wince. He relished and welcomed the little pain, what's a little pain when he's felt more?

"Jonathan Swindler, what have you done?" She asked, realising what this all meant.

Jonathan however had a whole different persona and demeanor. He no longer reeked being a loser, instead she could tell that no matter what she said, she was going to die here.

His whole energy was dark and twisted, she wouldn't even call him a psychopath just the devil.

"You're him aren't you, the devil's advocate?" She had already pissed herself, she was now close to soiling herself.

She tried getting up but the very legs that seduced many men before failed her, she was using her behind to step back.

"I never did like that name," he confessed putting his fat finger on his lips with a crazed smile on his face. "It makes me seem like Satan himself or worse his servant? It's not evil what I do, it's art, beautiful art."

He took a little pause, savouring the moment. "I bet you'll taste great Ms. Ale."

Ms. Ale started screaming and crying for help, her heart racing time itself. She caught herself twice about to lose consciousness.

"Don't worry Amber, we're completely alone, nobody here can hear your beautiful voice. Oh my god do I love you." He proclaimed proudly.

"If–if you love me you-you'd let me go." She said between sobs, she was trying so hard to stall for time.

She'd dialed the number — hoping the conversation was being transmitted.

"You don't let go of what you love, never. You instead take it and make it a part of you." He said walking closer to her. "I've waited to have you for so long."

She tried fighting him off but he had monstrous strength and managed to hold her down, gouging her eye out with the knife.

"Ahhhhhhhh, you bastard, you evil bastard."

"More more more, compliment me more darling." He was looking up at the ceiling, with his arms wide open, the eye in hand.

He swallowed it raw.

Amber Ale had a hole where an eye should be, crying her lungs out to anybody who would listen to help her get out of this situation. Jonathan listened like a maniac.

She was no longer beautiful, but he didn't care. She was going to be a part of him now.

The screams reminded him of something, his mind flashed back to his earliest memory, his own birth.

Crying and screaming as the doctors congratulated the one who was supposedly his mother.

"It's a boy! Congratulations!"

The mum seemed uninterested, and then in the coldest of voices, "I don't want it. Kill it or whatever."

That's also always when the memory ends. Jonathan didn't know it but his mind blocked more protecting him from something deeper.

"Oh right. She had red hair too." The pain in his voice couldn't be hidden. The orphanage he grew up in had shown him a picture of her when he still cared about his mother's love.

This memory always soured his mood, it also spoilt the meat. Looking down at the woman wiggling beneath his weight, he mindlessly hacked her to pieces while screaming incoherent nonsense.

The real him had always been the psychopath hiding deep within his psyche. He unwittingly created the other personality to protect himself from the memories of being abandoned.

"Great, now it's ruined."

He walked out of the building humming and in a very bad mood. "I probably shouldn't have done this, now I'm surely gonna be caught after all these years. Its been a good run."

"Mm, at least she tasted good." He shrugged.

"You've been surrounded, put your hands in the air and don't resist." A loud speaker made itself known.

That's what he heard as soon as he stepped out of the building. The lights that were positioned in his direction made him unable to see.

Like a mist had been lifted over his eyes, Jonathan started to panic. Yelling that he hadn't done anything wrong. Usually his meek self didn't come out unless his other self made it so, but this time, he came out on his own.

"Citizen, if you continue to move like that someone is bound to take a shot. So for goodness sake, stop moving and let us take you in." The voice pleaded.

"I didn't do it, I did nothing, it wasn't me, it wasn't me!"

But that didn't manage to calm him down, his fidgety personality caused one of the green officers to put two bullets straight to his head.

"Shit cadet, if you have buttery fingers don't be a police officer. Go on and check the building, call an ambulance." He gave orders.

Jonathan laid on the ground, feeling extreme cold. Now that his brain was splattered into a million pieces, that made his two minds to become one. Even with the memories of killing every single person, he still told himself it wasn't him.

The police in the real world were taking his prints, checking his ID and heading to where he'd lived. Upon arriving there, they tossed the place upside, looking for anything.

"Holy shit, he was the serial killer!"

Underneath the floorboards were his victims bits he had taken as trophies. They were in scented transparent bags, intricately put away. Examining them they found them to bear a lot of fingerprints, clearly the man took them out often.

To do what with them was a mystery to most of them, nonetheless they didn't want the answer. They had gotten the notorious serial killer, this was a big break.

Opening the fridge, it looked like the man was a butcher. There was a lot of meat. Something the lieutenant suspected to be something else, he gagged just thinking about it.

"Okay everyone, let's give the cleaning crew some space, head out."