
A Little Warm

After some time working on the scarecrows he was still hung up on the Alderns. Levi needed to give them a visit. He had never been to a place before where everyone was happy, he was almost certain that even this race had its own outcasts and that's where he needed to look.

Maybe his Kingdom will be home to a lot of outcasts, beings of all races who had no else—abandoned just like him.

"Are they short, beardy and drunkards?" He asked starting on chopping the wood for the scarecrows.

"I've never seen them but I've heard the rumours. They're tall and muscled with more tanned skin than yours. Maybe they drink and have beards, I don't know."

Definitely not dwarves, maybe this world didn't have them. Or maybe they were part of the inferior races. He thought it would be pretty hilarious to have a prideful dwarf being shoved into an inferior place.

"Say Ryan, what other races does this world have?" He was now dressing the twigs he made to scarecrows.

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