
Reincarnated With Mount & Blade Universal System

A 23 year old guy is reincarnated with his memories of his life intact. Remembering his death made him sad but stopped once he heard a deep voice Knowing he had a system of the game he cherished with his life made him cheer up on the only thing he cared about. His whole life was a sad story that one wished to change but now that he died and has a way to change his fate from being the same to a new one. The multiverse shall know his name as he rises to the top without stop, with his army conquering everything in his way and shall become the true ruler of the multiverse. In his path there will lay pain, death, and suffering but it shall make him stronger and better than he ever was. This is the story of a man who will change the world in it's entirety and build an Empire that shall stand tall for the years to come. A/N: This system will have both the First Mount & Blade System and Bannerlord II System but the Bannerlord II System will come later on the story. The story itself will be realistic with mentions of rape, cursing, gore so be warned. P.S: Cover art is not mine so if author doesn't want it Ill take it down A/N: To make the mods that will be added realistic, I will be adding more lore for them or make new types of units. [WARNING] A/N: As this is realistic, there will be dark tones such as rape, torture, and mass bloodshed due to the innate nature of some races and basic need

Joaquin_Bonilla_2031 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Crossing the Phykian border and Invasion of the Green Horde

Gosaku POV

As the Army marched I looked at the soldiers of our army and although similar, they had wore plate armor and seemed to have fire burning in their eyes.

Seeing them all have the same symbol of their clan, except for those four retainers made me think of how strong their army should be. This current army should be below a Sonar yet close to being one.

As I couldn't help but be curious I rode the horse given by the young man with a centipede towards Yoshinobu and asked him how big their army should be.

Yoshinobu: "Hmm, we always vary depending if we sieged Castles or Town themselves. If it was a town we would have an army of 1800 to siege and defend from attacking armies"

Aoi: "Castles, around 300-700 troops with a few Lord's at the back to delay enemy armies from stopping our siege"

Gosaku: "And the total number of troops your Clan may have, if you don't mind me asking"

Yoshinobu: "That...my Ikigai Clan can amass around 800 Troops. The Komorebi Clan has around 1200 soldiers at their disposal"

Aoi: "If the armies have not changed, Lord Hanzo has more than 3,500 soldiers under his Asahi Clan"

Yoshinobu: "Since his Clan has the most soldiers, he has a few of his Retainers patrolling city to city and stop invading enemy forces"

Gosaku: "Sounds like a great and Honorable man you talk about"

Aoi: "He was our Clam Leader who led the Great Tetsujin Empire and it's Clans to a new beginning"

With my body suddenly trembling in surprise and excitement I had asked Lady Aoi if their Clan had truly been Unified with a single Ruler.

Aoi: "Although we do have the Clan Leader as our Ruler they may change if they pass the current Clan Leaders Trials"

Gosaku: "I see, then I want to ask wether your people are the Predecessors of The Land of the Rising Sun...?"

Aoi: "We came to the Land of Calradia and had fought with the Aserai for control. We had ended up settling beside them and creating our own cities but we still fought every day"

Yoshinobu: "With countless wars raging on both fronts we had to create special Troops that would be trained to become it's most powerful force"

Aoi: "Which are the Oni, we are the second generation of Oni brought upon our Empire to fight to our fullest potential"

Gosaku: "Second generation? So you both are your Empire's strongest, except for your Clan Leader"

Yoshinobu: "Indeed, but we all have our own type of fighting styles that rank us in the High-Oni or Low-Oni who have been recently promoted"

Gosaku: "Now I wish to duel with you even more to try the fighting techniques of another Empire"

Yoshinobu grinned and agreed with my wish to duel but Lady Aoi did say to recover the Young Lord from their temporary camp.

As we neared we saw a blue-robed man with a black fox mask standing on top of a tree branch watching us silently.

Aoi: "Was their anything that happened during our fight Hanzō?"

Hanzō: "No except the Old man coming by along with the two young assassin's trying to kill me"

Hearing assassin's I stood guard and looked at the man named Hanzō in a serious manner. Does he not care if he gets assassinated, or is he strong enough to be so aloof of his situation"

Once we rode inside the walls of the camp, I saw the main tent where the Young Lord is currently inside. I prepared myself before accepting any of my Lord's wishes and hope he would be a good lord who cares about his people.

I walked inside and saw the current state of the Lord and was shocked yet surprised at seeing white flames wrapping themselves around the Lord's limbs and forming a limb he could use temporarily.

Gosaku: "Guess our Lord will be healed in a Months time if those flames have anything to do with his limbs"

Hanzō: "He is stable for now, his body is improving at an increasing rate as he heals with those flames"

Aoi: "Then we should move out of the forest and pass through the border of the Phykia Kingdom and find a place to rest"

With everyone inside the tent nodding, we got out and rearranged the soldiers and marched northeast to escape searching parties and Phykia Army.

2 Hours Later

We made it out of the forest just in time before we heard multiple explosion happening behind us to which we nonchalantly marched out of.

Gosaku: "Seems both kingdoms search parties have attacked one another or found the corpses of the Barsel Army"

Yoshinobu: "Good thing we left, if what Kuroi's beast says is right. There should be an army of 1000 on the horizon that must have reached their location or at least near it"

I nodded solemnly and suddenly looked at the grass plains and took in the fresh air warmly. It's been a long time since I've breathed fresh air that isn't contaminated with the fires of war.

Yoshinobu: "Guess we have made it through their borders"

Oda: "We should split a part of the army to be the scouting party and figure out if they find anything first"

Aoi: "Then your wolves are perfect to be our scouting party so get a group of ten to be sent ahead with 2x Kanabo Warriors and 8x Kizoku warriors as their riders"

Oda: "Alright, Ill call the wolves"

Oda had whistled and the entire Wolf pack came running towards him and with a strange power, he commanded 10x of them to step forward and be temporary mounts for the soldiers chosen to be their riders.

Oda: "Pick the best ones you got to be riders for them al"

Aoi called two of the Kanabo warriors to come forward and the 8x Kizoku Warriors. Before Lady Aoi could choose who they would be with, the black wolves stepped forward and moved towards the soldiers and with their snouts they touched the soldiers legs.

Only three wolves did not choose their riders and moved forward and picked their riders with one being Akashi our first Arquebusier. The other two chosen riders were the Kanabo Warriors who were brothers with the two chosen Kanabo Warriors.

Oda: "Heh, guess brothers stick together. Even the Seven Lucky Gods agreed for you four to be chosen"

Yoshinobu: 'Why would that be Oda?"

Oda: "The four wolves are brothers and share a tight bond just like those four's bond, well five if we count Katsuyori"

Hearing this Katsuyori nods and looks at the four Kanabo warriors in a warm gaze making me smile of there still being people who cherish their family over greed.

Aoi: "Then it is decided, you four will be promoted and lead the Wolf Rider Squadron together. Since the entire Kizoku Warriors gained enough experience they will also be promoted"


I turned the 8x Kizoku warriors into Kanabo warriors along with the four Kanabo Warriors into 4x Nagamaki Masters and seeing a new addition being the Demon Wolves, I upgraded them into their new evolution being Great Demons Wolves.

I saw surprise in their eyes before turning into excitement as they were coated in a blinding light and along with the 10 Black Wolves. I also upgraded the 15x Demon Wolves into Great Demons Wolves and looked at Oda's mount.

Unfortunately, although it has enough experience it needs to beat an opponent at the same level or above to be upgraded into...a Blight Demon Wolf King?

Hmm, isn't that interesting...guess there are conditions for having tamed beasts level up. I wonder what they will look like with their new form even stronger ones.

After a minute the blinding light subsided, and the four new Nagamaki Masters walked beside their new wolf mounts that were larger than before, standing at 5'8 feet tall.

The wolves had vermilion eyes that seemed to see through your soul, and a set of horns that curved upwards.

Looking closely at the Nagamaki Masters, they had a Red Wolf Insignia engraved on their left shoulder.

Aoi: "Since you have all been promoted and have a bond with your mounts. You will be sent forwards as reconnaissance for the main army"

Aoi: "Come back if you have encountered something wether it is a village or town we could rest in"

Seeing them nod they jumped onto their wolves backs and suddenly left quickly following the dirt road that went over a small hill.

Yoshinobu: "We should keep moving and I believe we should act as a group of mercenaries as a cover due to our huge force"

I agreed and so we marched forwards in a long line following the dirt road the Wolf Cavalry used and looked forwards to seeing the landscape of a kingdom.

Which, I guess I should level them all up to have more experienced soldiers join our ranks and easy to form up.

I took a deep breath before I started leveling up the 18x Trained Spearmen into Tetsujin Heavy Cavalry, 15x Tetsujin Shieldmen into Tetsujin Vanguard, 10x Trained Archer's into Tetsujin Longbowmen, 18x Tetsujin Longbowmen into Tetsujin mounted Longbowmen, 14x Footmen into Trained Footmen, 9x Kizoku Longbowmen into Tetsujin Yumi Kihei, 8x Yumi Kihei into Omoi Yumi Kihei, 15x Tetsujin recruits into Tetsujin Footmen.

I look behind and see half the army be upgraded into a new version of themselves and looks like a few of them now have a mask to avoid arrows hitting their head.

It seems like we will have a small Cavalry Platoon with how many Heavy Cavalry and Mounted Longbowmen cavalry we have altogether.

Yoshinobu should lead them or Gosaku seeing as their both spear users but it should be impressive nonetheless who leads them.

I used the 5x Spins on the wheel and gained more healing items along with 2 strange items I don't understand but remembering the same name of the previous spin, I took both out and before I did something that might endanger our lives I asked Alice for help.

[Congratulations on getting 3x High-grade Healing Potion, 5x Red dragon herbs, 4x Healing runes, 1x Orb of Nature(Incomplete), 1x Greater Healing Spell]

[The Orb of Nature, is a core of sorts that has the affinity of Nature and is able to use spells of nature as it's name implies]

Aoi: "Is it capable of healing Lord Alexis into a healthier state?"

[Yes and No, it will strengthen his spirit but his body will go into a change as his cells will need to adapt to the orbs power]

Aoi: "Dammit, I will take responsibility for doing this without my Lord consent"

[Well, if you don't want to hurt Alexis I think you should use the Greater healing spell while the orb changes the cells of his body to ease the pain]

I solemnly nodded before I told Alice to do it once we reach a safer area to use the Orb of Nature to change his body.

Let us pray to Goddess Amaterasu this works and the young Lord is able to awaken and lead the army.

Nagamaki Master POV

As we rode forwards we took our time to memorize our surroundings and be cautious. I suddenly looked towards the left as I grabbed my Nagamaki from my back and flicked it as an arrow was shot at me but was deflected.

NM: "Ambush!"

With vigor, My wolf sped up before it turned to the left and Lunged at a green creature I recognized on the cave.

As the wolf lunged at the goblin, I jumped off from it's back and unsheathed my Wakizashi as I deflected another arrow coming from afar.

I charged forwards with my newfound speed as I simultaneously slashed at the lunging goblin and kicked the other goblin trying to strike from below. I cut the lunging goblin in two before I deflected another arrow and threw my Wakizashi at the goblin in the back.


Seeing the Archer goblin fall I ducked as a horizontal swing from a spear appeared. I jumped back avoiding another swing and saw my attacker.

Seeing it be a large goblin with green skin, I was surprised before I stepped forwards and swung down my Nagamaki and taking out my tanto I stabbed at the large goblin five times consecutively and three of my stabs had pierced his flesh and was bleeding.

I moved my right hand behind me and stabbed my Tanto into the skull of a female goblin that had scratched iron daggers in her hands.

Seeing the goblin have a look of shock before turning into rage I ducked under his swing before sweeping him off his feet. I swiftly kicked his face as he fell before swinging my tanto into his face as he dodged.

Unfortunately, as he got up and tried to move his spear in a defensive position, I had thrusted and stabbed my Nagamaki through their throat as they gargled with blood coming of of their neck.

I moved my neck to the right avoiding a strike from behind, before they could step away my wolf mount lunged from the side and bit into their torso.

Hearing them shriek I ducked and stabbed my Tanto into the neck of the goblin. Seeing the small goblin about to stab my mount I threw my Tanto at their head as it pierced into their skull.


Looking around I grabbed my tanto from the goblin in the wolf's jaws before charging once more and swinging my Nagamaki, killing goblins with every swing.

After five more minutes I looked at our soldiers and casualties which happen to be none except dents in their plate armor. It seems I was targeted seeing as I'm the one leading at the front.

I walked towards the goblin Archer I killed and saw a small unkept scroll with some type of message written inside with an unknown language.

I took it before placing it in my inventory and grabbing my Wakizashi from it's heart. I punched down at the goblins right arm as it moved with a concealed dagger wanting to slit my neck.


As I leaned back my punch crushed it's arm as it became deformed and the goblin Archer shrieked loudly.

I stabbed the tanto into it's skull hilling it fully now, looking up ahead, I saw small figures running down making me grin before I shouted at the rest of my squadron along with my brothers that enemies are charging at us.

NM: "Charge forwards, with no mercy!"

I grabbed onto my wolf's fur before jumping on its back and charged forwards and feeling something strange from my chest I looked down and saw a black Orb surprising me.

Before I could question how I attained this, I saw my vision turned black and only saw white outlines in front of us shocking me but I pulled myself together and decid d to trust whatever this orb is.

I slashed at the goblins as I felt my wolf jump over the group of goblins and bite it's jaws onto the Hob-goblin leader who was surprised seeing the wolf riders disappear.

As the wolf's jaws tore through it's flesh I threw both my Wakizashi and Tanto at two other Hob-goblins in the right.

I swung my Nagamaki down as it cut the Hob-goblin leaders head as blood splattered all over the dirt road and nearby goblins.

I twisted my waist around before stabbing my blade through another female goblins head with daggers in her hands.

I jumped off my Wolf's back and into the group of goblins before I started swinging my blade around horizontally as it cut through countless goblins with each swing.

I saw the other members of the squadron kill their way through the gathered goblins that made me rethink how many we have cut down as of now just crossing this dirt road.

With this extra bunch of goblins appearing there should be around 50 goblins even with the Hob-goblins appearing.

They sure had to fight with sneaky tactics, it seems there might be something going on with this group and the other large Goblin army in the Barsil Kingdom.

I told one of the Kanabo Masters to go back and warn the Main army of there being countless goblin groups hidden in the plain fields.

Before they left, I threw the unkept scroll at them to give to Lady Aoi Incase she knows what to do with it.

Seeing them run back I looked at the wooden spears the goblins had before telling everyone to take two or three as couch lances or throwable javelins to make the goblin groups appear.

Seeing them nod, everyone focused on the black orb within their chest and turned invisible. We rode forwards and could see even more goblins laying low for an ambush.

NM: "It seems like there are 3x Hob-goblins every three groups we come across"

NM: "Brothers! We will be the spearhead of the army and take down as many goblin groups as we can for the main Army!"

NM: "Charge forwards, and kill them all!"

Everyone charged with the spears acting as couch lances we quickly met another group of Hob-goblins and killed them all with spears or by a swing of our weapons.

We shall advance and hope to get reinforcements otherwise we might stop being scouts and outright massacre all goblins until we find a village or town.


As I bickered with Katsuyori, I stopped suddenly as I felt something change within my body and before I knew it. The world around me turned pitch black, a few seconds later after blinking to regain my eyesight, I saw white outlines of people.

I looked at the Black Wolf King and I felt a connection be made between us surprising me yet intriguing me on how this can be possible.

Oda: "Hey, Burakkī you can truly understand me now right?"

Katsuyori: "Are you alright you Senile old man?"

Oda: "Hah? Look at you disrespecting your seniors brat. But I seem to feel bloodthirst coming from the direction the Wolf guard went to"

And speaking of which, one Wolf Rider came back with blood on his plate armor shocking me. I immediately started thinking on what to do but before I could, The wolf Rider got off the back of the wolf before kneeling before Aoi and the leaders of each platoon.

KW: "Aoi-dono, The captain sent me to inform you of large groups of goblins and Hob-goblins are ambushing the dirt road and has decided to cut down as many as possible"

Aoi: "I see, would you like to go and help them with their troubles Oda? Bring your Wolf King with you to showcase your ability"

Oda: "Alright, Ill try to use this black orb as well while I'm at it"

Katsuyori: "If you may let me go, I wish to go with them too and fight them. If there are this many groups there will be a leader we need to face and kill them"

Oda: "Finally you make sense!"

Seeing Katsuyori avoid me I grumbled in annoyance before looking at the black orb within me with intrigued wanting to know more now.


Before I could speak, Gosaku stepped up and said he also wished to follow and protect people who will get robbed or killed.

I agreed and about to move the main army to march forwards when I received a quest from Alice and looked through the quest and took a deep breath before asking Alice why she would give me such a quest.


Type: Raid/Kill/Interrogate/Chain Quest/Siege

Time Limit: 1 Month

Difficulty: S+




Horde Current Strength: 4500

Horde Overall Strength: 25,000

Horde Armies: 1st Goblin King Army, 2nd Magic Army, 3rd Goblin Infantry Army, 4th Cavalry Army, 5th Archer Army, 6th Siege Army






1.Kill/Ambush The 3rd Goblin Army

2. Don't let anyone escape from battle and kill Army commanders

3. Kill the 3rd Army General Tatzog

4. Interrogate Tatzog about Goblin Kings Plan

5. Rescue Towns/Villages before Goblin Horde destroys them.

6. Stop the 3rd Army joining the Goblin Horde and increasing its numbers.





Mission List:

-Kill 3rd Goblin Army (80/700)

- Kill Hob-Goblin Captains (3/30)

-kill Goblin Archer Platoons (0/5)

-Kill High-Goblin Bodyguards (0/5)

-Kill Hob-Goblin Platoons(0/5)

-Kill Wolf Goblin Platoons (0/5)

-Kill Goblin Infantry Platoons (0/5)

-Kill Goblin Wolf Rider Commander Ajorg (0/1)

-Kill Goblin Hob-Goblin Commander Vigot (0/1)

-Kill Goblin Archer Commander Gurk (0/1)

-Kill Goblin Infantry Commander Tyrsk (0/1)

-Find and Interrogate General Tatzog (0/1)

-Rescue Towns (0/?)

-Rescue Villages (0/?)




Rewards: 30x Tetsujin Musako Recruits, 50x traveling supplies, 40x Trained Tetsujin Archers, 35x Tetsujin Kizoku Warriors, 15x Tetsujin Yari Master, 16,340x Gold, 40x Tetsujin Shieldmen, 40x Yumi Kihei, 2x Hero Summoning Card, 15x AP, 10x SP, 55x Honor Points,




Special Reward: 30x Tetsujin Kei Kihei, 35x Tetsujin Ju Kihei, 40x Tetsujin Kanabo Masters, 20x Tetsujin Omoi Yumi Kihei, 50,000x Gold, 10x AP, 15x SP, 50x HP, 35x Large Traveling Supplies, 25x Omoi Yumi Kihei, 5x Battering Rams, 3x Trebuchet, 5x Ballistas









Even if the rewards look promising, it is a continuation quest and even has Siege in its category. A third army with 700 in it's number is interesting enough and without a doubt the Horde we saw in the Barsil Kingdom was either another Army or their Main force.

But why are a few of them increased already? Did the Wolf Squadron encounter them already this early on?

Still, they just have 4500 for their current army strength, yet their overall strength is 25,000 shockingly enough. It still means they are in their gathering phase and will attack bigger targets with their increasing armies. It's best to get rid of the 3rd Infantry Goblin Army before they reach the King's army and join into a bigger force.

I asked Alice if it was possible to summon soldiers with my daily spins to help us to which she said it is possible, but depending on how many I summon will take 1-5 spins.

I nodded and thanked her before accepting the mission and knowing this will truly be a fight of our lives.

Hopefully we will have a strong enough army to be on par with their 25,000 if it comes to it. I looked at the leaving Oda, Gosaku, Katsuyori, Demon Wolves before sighing but grinning at the end.


As we rode towards where the Bloodthirst kept building up we saw dried blood splattered across the dirt road with small green corpses.

Seeing the halved small creatures I grimaced and felt a sort of Bloodthirst within me shocking me entirely. Just what the hell is this orb that seems to like blood so much it makes it's user a bloodthirsty person.

Oda: "Just what the hell did that woman turn my wolves into..."

We sped up and with every 50ft there was corpses in the grass or road and looks like a lot had a spear sticking out their body or impaled hanging in the air as scarecrows flew by.

As we kept going we saw smoke billowing from the distance and before we knew it Gosaku charged forwards with the wolf running the quickest it had ever run in it's life.

We followed closely behind and seemed like we catched up with the wolf squadron. We saw a group of tall green skinned monsters with scale armor covering their bodies as the four brothers fought them.

Before we could help the four brothers out, Gosaku had held his Yari long spear on his right hand before he swung from the left to the right.






In that swing, it cut through the armored Hob-Goblins swords and right through their flesh as five heads flew high in the air. With a swing he disappeared in a flash towards the billowing smoke to which we stayed behind to clear the stragglers.

Damn, how are old men always so powerful? To think he just cut through pure iron and scaled armor like butter.

Oda: "What a troublesome fellow.."

Gosaku POV

As another group of goblins we're about to jump out to ambush their prey, they had found their heads and bodies cut to half or decapitated not knowing how they died.

As I neared closer towards the smoke I saw more of the smoke and it was a big village but there were three large groups of small goblins that seemed to be numbered around 100 and seeing a small group of people defending against so many made my heart ache.


Gosaku: "There shall be no mercy for those attacking the innocent and death to the enemy"

I commanded the wolf to charge forwards as it's life depended on it and to not worry for I shall defend it.


After it whimpered It howled and charged forwards as it alerted the army of goblins and Hob-Goblins.

As we got near I took in a deep breath before I firmly grasped my Yari spear before spinning it quickly.

I had suddenly roared as I thrusted my Yari spear forwards as it stabbed right through the flesh of goblins and I brought it back before raising it for a large swing.

Gosaku: "Don't hurt the innocent people next time"

I swung down my Yari spear and with one strike 13 were cut into half. I twisted my waist and punched a female goblins head straight off as she tried stabbing her daggers to my neck.

I kept swinging my Yard spear and killing tens of goblins with each strike until I saw eight Hob-goblin rushing forwards wearing armour yet it did not matter as I put more strength into my swing and it Sliced right through their armor and flesh.

I turned around and looked at the remaining two Hob-Goblins who had fear in their eyes and before they could escape their heads flew upwards.

I headed inside the village where some goblins got through and skewered them through my Yari spear or cut them in half.

As I turned back to help the people get up and take some of their valuables with them

Narrator POV

Witnessing such a seen the guardsmen had either thrown up or watched in shock as this strange yet extremely powerful man helped them.

A man strong enough to fight 100 goblins by himself shows off his prowess and fighting ability. Seeing as there weren't any goblins left, the old Guard Captain stepped up and wanted to know where this strange man came from and why help them.

As he walked towards the now fully blood covered Gosaku timidly he stuttered as he spoke. As Gosaku turned around in an instant with his Yari spear raised the Guard Captain thought he might die and crossed his arms instinctively.

Not feeling any blood or sharp pain, the Old man opened his eyes and saw that the strange armored man didn't have his spear with him anymore.

Turning around slowly he saw two goblins skewered onto his Yaris spear screeching loudly but Gosaku had disappeared like a ghost before appearing beside the two goblins unsheathing his Nodachi.

Gosaku raised up his Nodachi before he brought it down and executed the goblins, officially making it his victory taking down a 100-Goblin Group.

Gosaku: "My name is Gosaku, a man who doesn't like to see the innocent die and part of the Tetsujin Main Army"

???: "O-oh, nice to mee- meet you Sir Gosaku, The Tetsujin Main Army? If you don't mind me asking I don't believe I've ever heard of such an army before"

Gosaku: "We are mercenaries looking for work but we're attacked on the rode by groups of goblins but we dealt with them and found this village under attack"

???: "Well thank you Sir Gosaku for helping us while we were under attack. Excuse me, I don't believe I have introduced myself"

???: "My name is Samuel, an old Guard Captain of this mighty fine village"

Gosaku chuckled and nodded in response and greet Samuel and not long after they heard the shoutings of Oda who once seeing the Bloodied corpses and decapitated bodies all around shrugged his shoulder and whispered Old men.

Seeing such people with strange armor, he knew they were the people Gosaku talked about earlier.

With Oda's & Gosaku's orders everyone started helping the villagers along with the guards settle down the villagers.

Seeing the few people left, sadness welled up in Gosaku's eyes as he sighed sadly and helped bury the dead.

With these actions, it was enough for the villagers and guards to respect them for their help and waited alongside the Wolf Squadron for the Tetsujin Army to come over the hill to which they did and much to the shock of the Guard Captains Orders.

Samuel: 'Hah, guess they might be an enemy army of another country. But I won't mind, at least they seem better than that damn Javiel Noble'

Not long after the arrival of the Tetsujin army, Aoi stepped forward and met with Samuel and asked him about their current knowledge on their kingdoms and nearby towns were they could rest.

Samuel helped Ali by showing her an old map of the major Kingdoms around Phykia and it's neighbors and were some of it's trading cities were located at.

Aoi: "Well thank you for your time Captain Samuel, it was my pleasure having to know more about the kingdom of Phykia"

Samuel: "It is nothing my Lady, Especially for a High-Ranking person such as yourself who helped bury our dead and defend our home"

Aoi: "Then we shall take our leave and head towards Phelkia or the nearest towns on our way. May we meet once again Captain"

Samuel had nodded and everyone left after letting Gosaku wash up his armor with the flowing river and soon they set off once more to fight more Goblin Companies and Hob-Goblins.






To be continued