1 Got fired because of a book and my dumb look

"im sorry sorry Alex but the comic that u just made is bullshit!" said a broom mustache guy to me with a face full of anger about my masterpiece.

"what do u mean by bullshit!? this story is my masterpiece! it took me a week to figure out and interesting plot and characters on how to make this chapter more captivating charles" i replied back so he can accept my MASTERPIECE WITH AN OPEN HEART!!

"WHAT....MASTERPIECE? THIS?!" the guy with broom mustache named charles slamed a book on his desk showing the title of the book which is (i cant tell u cuz its his most amazing masterpiece) and the book cover with a loli on a bed shes cute and blah blah blah.(lets skip that boring part.

"yeahhh, so what?" while i poke my nose and make a dumb face infront of the mustache guy.

"this story is about sis-con u dumbass" charles felt more angry when he sees Alex dumb face looking at his own bogger and threw it away and Alex start his bogger hunt again....THE END. jk jk

"dont u like it charles?"

"what do u mean if i like it..I HATE IT, YOU MOTHA BRADA FATHA(yes...its an amazing words..i know,stop praising me ppl)

"why did u said i like it Alex? this story is not suitable for our readers majority of our readers are 15 and under" Charles said with his face is getting redder and redder with anger, all Alex could think of right now is..'is he sick or something? why is his face like that...he's getting more ugly than the usual' Charles sees Alex dumb face again make him speechless and thought that talking to this guy infront of him can make him go to the hospital.

"its just..i thought you like this kind of stuff cause you look like a guy who INTO this kind of stuff" Alex said while using his hand and point the book on his desk.

"you know what Alex" Charles look at Alex who picked his nose infront of him with a dumb expression looked at his bogger on his hand while throwing it on Charles's office floor.

he said "what..i didnt know, straight to da point man"

"YOU'RE FIRED ALEX" Charles said to Alex while standing up from his chair.

"well i guess my mission is complete" Alex stand up from his chair and start walking towards the door

"what do u mean by mission? and also take this book of yours out"

"my mission is to get fired by you i gave that mission to myself cause i really am wanted to leave this company cause its too boring to stay here and also...." Alex turned around and smirk "keep that book, you need it more than i do HAHAHAH" Alex open the door with some styles and get the f out of Charles's office.

Alex took a box that ppl who got fired use to store their precious items. Alex then pick up one by one of his special items and MASTERPIECES until..he cant find one of his fav mug that got a motivating quote on the mug's body which is 'Be and IDIOT and you will be a successful man in this cruel world...'

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