
Chapter 9

(A.N. Changed Mark V to Mark IV)


I awoke to the rhythmic beeping of a heart monitor, "where am I?" I mumbled to myself.

"Ach, my head" I went to soothe my headache but my arm was being blocked by something.

"Mhm," I heard a noise coming from where my arm is, "Nao..." I saw Naomi sleeping on top of my arm.

She got up and rubbed her eyes. She looked in my direction, "Russell!" She lunged at me and hugged me.

"Ow, I'm still kinda hurt Nao" she got off me quickly, "sorry" she sniffled a bit, "I was just so worried that I'd-we'd lose you" she wiped a tear, "look at me, what kind of SPARTAN cries?"

I put my hand on her head, "come on, there's nothing wrong with crying. I always tell you and the others to express your humanity as much as possible, why do you think I had us remove our pellets?"

She sniffled again, "thanks, Russ. The Doc wanted me to give this to you when you woke up"

Naomi handed me some papers, "oh, thanks" I started reading, "the patient had severe internal bleeding from the left lung being punctured. Not surprised. The patient was extremely lucky that the needle didn't pierce his heart...as it was only 10mm away" I swallowed hard, 'thank God for the 20% armour buff'

I put the papers down and got up from the bed, "where is my armour?" I asked while only in underwear. Naomi, now composed, handed me my undersuit, "your Mjolnir is inside the armoury" I nodded and grabbed the techsuit, "let's go"

I put my techsuit on and we left the medbay and started walking towards the armoury.

As we walked the crew members of the Spirit saluted us, "what's gotten in everyone? No one acted like this before, at least not to this degree" I asked Naomi, "well after you fell comatose the Covenant had set up a large bubble shield, to destroy the shield we had to use some experimental plasma-based Rhinos.

Once we entered where the shield was we found a massive Scarab being built, unfortunately, the head was functional. We lost a lot of good people destroying it" Naomi had a downcast look, "after we destroyed it Anders and Forge went to it and that's when the Professor was kidnapped by an Elite Topa' calls 'The Arbiter.' Forge was injured and Jerome wasn't fast enough to save Anders"

I nodded knowing that Anders was going to be kidnapped, "I can only assume we're chasing the vessel holding Anders" Naomi gave me an affirmative, "we have been chasing them for two hours now"

We entered the armoury, "once you have your armour on gather up the others to our barracks. Make sure they have armour on too" Naomi nodded and left to put her armour on.

I walked up to the circular Mjolnir armour station.

I stepped inside and my feet armour attached. I raised my hands and grabbed handholds as my leg armour was put on.

My arm armour was put on. The ground in front of me opened up and my breastplate came out and started pushing me back as it rested on my chest.

The ground once again opened up, only from the back this time.

The back of my torso armour was placed on me and attached to the front.

The station rose back up and a compartment above me opened and my jet black Mk. IV helmet lowered down on my head.

I let go of the handholds, "looks like Anders installed the experimental shields before she got kidnapped" I mumbled to myself and started walking toward my barracks.

I entered my team's barracks and saw my squad in their Mk. IV Mjolnir armour.

"Hey, Russ, how are you?" Jorge asked.

"Huh? Oh, yea, I'm fine. I'm no stranger to death. Mine and others" I answered, "anywho, remember when I was bleeding out and I said I had gifts for you all?" They nodded their heads, "good, cause imma give them to you as late Christmas presents"

I walked over to a large locker and opened it, "who gets one first?" I said tapping my finger on my chin.

"I'll go first," Douglas said.

"Ok, well, you're going last," I said to him.

I grabbed a chaingun out of the locker, "Jorge, catch" I threw the gun at him.

Jorge grabbed it, "what the hell...?"

"What's wrong?" Alice asked

"Let me explain," I said, "I, technically, made this weapon for him and it has some cool abilities"

[Etilka A.K.A. Jorge's Chaingun

Description: This specially modified M247H Heavy Machine Gun was personally used by SPARTAN war hero Jorge-052. It has a similar body to the original save for the lack of a square blast shield. It instead has a heat shield in the form of two yellow lines at the base of the barrel. Its magazine can hold up to 200 rounds

Ammunition: 12.7x99mm High Velocity, Explosive

Buffs: Etilka grants its user an increase in damage, speed and damage resistance. Buffs are further amplified if used by Jorge-052

Remember Reach]

"Impossible. That should be impossible. How?" Naomi asked me, "haha, I have no idea!" I laughed.

I turned back to the locker and grabbed out a Hydra then threw it at Jerome.

[Leonidas A.K.A. MLRS-2 Hydra

Description: The Leonidas (modified by the -------- Helix) like normal Hydras uses gyroscopically stabilized, high-explosive micro-missiles capable of locking onto enemy targets similar to the Covenant's Type-52 plasma launcher. The Leonidas has a superior onboard AI for better target-locking. This weapon is nearly identical visually to a normal MLRS-2 save for the Corinthian helmet decal on the body and superior reloading system. Houses 12 rockets at one time.

Ammunition: HEAB Gryroc Rockets

Buffs: Leonidas grants the user the 'Rally' buff which makes nearby allies gain increased damage and damage resistance. Buff is amplified if used by a morale-boosting person such as a SPARTAN.

Making the 300 proud]

Even though I never played Halo: Infinite Helix still allows me to buy items from it.

I grabbed another weapon from the locker, this one also from Halo: Infinite.

[Gungnir A.K.A. Skewer

Description: This weapon, modified by the -------- Helix, will follow its target for a time just like the spear of legend. This Skewer has been improved for higher velocity when fired. Spikes will detonate a few seconds after hitting something solid or can be detonated manually at any time. Only one spike can be armed at one time.

Ammunition: HE Spikes

Buffs: This weapon will increase users' perception stat by 10 for increased sight and tracking

Don't poke your eye out]

"I thought I was going last," Douglas said in his deep, raspy voice.

"I can take it back and give it to you last if you want," I said putting my hand out, "I'll pass" he quickly replied.

With a 'hmph' I turned back to the locker and grabbed yet another gun and gave it to Alice.

[Death's Shield

Description: This plasma-based weapon, modified by the -------- Helix, is reminiscent of the M134 minigun from the 21st Century. It has a small energy shield protecting the users' hands and mid-body. Has an RPM of 7,000.

Ammunition: Plasma cells that hold 2 hours of energy

Buffs: This weapon increases the user's damage, speed and damage resistance. At any time the user can activate Death's Shield's unique ability to create a highly damage-resistant full-body shield at the cost of mobility and energy from Plasma cells

Old classics turned new]

I, for the final time, turned back to the locker. This time I didn't grab a weapon but a piece of equipment.

[Masque of Trickery

Description: This inconspicuous arm-mounted device, modified by the -------- Helix, is a twist on the current UNSC and ONI holo-tech. Once it scans a target the user will be able to change their physical form and voice thanks to the holo-tech. This device will also make noises and change the colour of the user's blood if need be.

Ammunition: Solar-powered battery

Buffs: The Masque of Trickery increases the user's Charisma stat by 15 henceforth making the user more believable.

An assassin's wet dream]

'There goes 5 years worth of exp' I cried internally

After I told everyone what their item did and gave them ammo the intercom came to life.

"SPARTANS this is Cutter, we've followed the Covenant to an unidentified planet. Serina said she got some crazy readings from it"

"Get her to send them to me," I said to Cutter.

I received the scans and looked at them briefly. It was hard to make anything out, on infrared the whole planet was a red colour.

"Sir, I think the planet may be covered in a biological life form. Whether or not it's a singular entity I can't say" I said, "I think it may be best to have 5 hellbringers go with each squad and give the rest incendiary rounds if possible" I put my helmet on knowing I'll be on the ground soon enough

Serina contacted me on a secure line, "you know what's down there don't you?"

Making sure to turn off my helmet's speaker so my team couldn't hear me I responded, "yes, I do. It's a parasitic life form that consumes other life to grow stronger and larger but is highly susceptible to fire. This is all I can say as it's highly classified by ONI" I mixed in some lies to cover up how I know about The Flood.

"I understand but you owe me for this" Serina replied.

"Don't worry, I'll give you something you'll never expect"

Cutter once again spoke, "I'd like you and your team to gather at the ODST launching bay in case of an emergency"

"Roger that sir, we'll head there immediately" I turned to my team, "grab your new toys and get moving, we'll be dropping in soon with the Helljumpers"

""Sir, yes sir""

(A.N. there, I rewrote this chapter after I deleted it. I'd like to think I improved on it from before.

Hope you enjoyed it, please give powerstones, comment, review, and all that jazz)

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