
Reincarnated in Solo Leveling as Sung Jin Woo's Brother

Notice: This is not the continuation of Reincarnated as the Middle Son of Goku but a separate Fan Fic of Solo Leveling Null, A Teenager who finds life dull and only escapes it by playing Valorant, and reading Comics and Novels. He has a personality that's secretive that even the closest person to him will not know anything if he won't reveal it on his own. When he was walking at the park because of the loose steak in Valo, a murderer has broken free and killed him by a knife as it plunges into his body.

Forgettable_Author · Anime e quadrinhos
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8 Chs

Chapter 3: Timeline confirmed

Keeping his breath regulated, Yo-Han opened his Mystery Box and got a key to Change Job. A key that Sung Jin Woo obtained to change his job to Necromancer/Shadow Lord. If Yo-Han were to say, Shadow Lord doesn't suit as an upgraded version of Necromancer at all but for Assassin Class.

But it is what it is, Yo-Han got out of the dungeon with his tattered clothes. Thankfully, no one was around, or else he would look like a hobo in the eyes of the others. Also, he was rewarded with 100,000 Gold for defeating the dungeon, and with nothing to spend, he goes to the system store and purchases clothes for himself.

As he was walking down the bustling street, a sudden magic influx spike up as he sense the density of the magic it emits. Yo-Han estimated that it is a B-rank Gate and with no hesitation, he goes inside to start his leveling up.

Upon arriving inside the gate, Yo-Han opened his eyes and saw massive trees everywhere that reaches 20 to 50 meters in estimation. As if that's not enough, a giant appeared in front of him, he was a little surprised but then it grins as it swings its club at a speed where you can't even see its shadow but since it Yo-Han we are talking, he dodges it with ease but he has this gut feeling that he will die in a single swing by that club.

Yo-Han dodge every swing the giant throws as he tries to find its weakness. He kept running in a circle while dodging its attacks when he stop with his rapier equipped and pointed it upward where our shits usually come out and thrust it forward at a fast speed. Piercing right through like tofu, a girly scream reverberated around the gigantic forest as a massive stomping sound got closer to his location.

Yo-Han runs for his life and tries to find an abandoned cave for him to hide.

" Holy Fuck! I shouldn't have done that. I feel the pain he was going through as if I am the one who got fingered *coughed*, I mean thrust *cough*. I shouldn't continue before anybody hears it. But, I am an unlucky guy despite having Lady Luck on my side. This red gate is an opportunity that comes by once in a while but I am still weak, if this fight drags on, I will win but if those guys ganged up on me, I would be dead right now and become a meat paste by those gigantic clubs they're bringing" Yo-Han said while looking around and finally, he achieved his goal of finding a tree that has a hole in it and sprints towards that hole.

Yo-Han finally released his breath as he escapes death.

[ B-Rank Forest Giant has been killed. 200,000 exp has been rewarded. You've leveled up by 26x.

Current level: 53 ( 39,600/40,000 ) ]

[ Name: Sung Yo-Han

Age: 22

Occupation: Hunter

Job: Assassin

Level: 53 (39,600/40,000)

Strength: 127 + 10

Agility: 144 + 10

Vitality: 129 + 5

Intelligence: 116 + 8

Sense: 118

SP: 10

Skills: Stealth, Quick Step, Dominator's Touch, Body Armor

Perks: Double Stat Points, Fast Growth, Enhanced Regeneration, Lady Luck, Illusion Immunity ]

With these stats, it should be enough for him to clear the red gate by himself. With confidence brimming that clouded his mind, Yo-Han became arrogant upon tasting the sudden power boost and walked outside with striding steps as if he is announcing himself that he is strong. But, this is a fatal mistake on his part as when he goes outside, two quick swing clubs come right at him and make him fly like a rag doll.

Blood flew everywhere and multiple bones were broken around his body, the only thing that kept him alive is because of luck.

Yo-Han screams in pain as he was paralyzed since he was hit in his back at full power by those Giants.

" Fuck! I shouldn't have gone too much arrogant and now, this is the price I pay. " Holding his arm with sheer will, he looked up and saw two fuming giants while the other one is crying and the other one is angry beyond reasoning. With those two emotions combined, the Giants swing their clubs toward Yo-Han who could only look in fear and helplessness as he closes his eyes in acceptance.

With a loud explosion, Yo-Han was gone with no remains left of him.

" We finally avenged our son! Ora!" The Male Giant shouted as drums his chest and as he finished drumming his chest, he hugs the Female Giant and cried together with her.

And so, the King and Queen of Giant got their revenge fulfilled and lived as usual. As for Yo-Han, he was gone in a flash and the Giants didn't even look twice as if they were sure that Yo-Han has already been killed.





Somewhere in a majestic place that seems to house the God, Yo-Han was seen lying somewhere convulsing in pain in each part of his body as he screams.

" Fuck, fuckfuckfuckfuck! This pain fucking hurts! Mmmm" Ripping his clothes, Yo-Han put them inside his mouth and bites them while his eyes seem to be screaming to be alive.

For minutes, Yo-Han could only endure the pain as he got a skill out of it.

[ Pain Resistance Skill has been acquired.

Pain Resistance - Can resist pain longer than the average ]

[ User: Sung Yo-Han has been forcefully transferred to the job-changing dungeon. You have 10 minutes to rest before the job-changing quest begins. ]

" I see, so I survived thanks to the system? It seems like it. I should check the store to see if there is a cheap healing potion" Yo-Han mumbled as he checks his store and saw a healing potion that cost 5,000 gold that can heal 500 hp in a single gulp. Nim Woo didn't hesitate as he spends all his gold on the healing potion, totaling 19 healing potions, and gulped it in one go.

Since his HP is at 10% of his health or 670 HP. With 12 healing potions, he was healed in an instant. Checking to see the miraculous effect, he was satisfied as he saw not a single injury in his body as if he wasn't on the brink of death a while ago.

While resting, Yo-Han reviewed his fighting style, his approach to his enemies, and everything that he could find a flaw. Like his drunkness in power, he must get rid of it before it can cost his life like today.

So, ten minutes passed by in a blink of an eye and Yo-Han got up, patting his pants from the dust. He looked at the Gate that just opened as he goes inside.

" So, this is it huh? A once-in-a-lifetime thing to change my job. I must get something that is below or higher to Shadow Monarch Job or else I'm fucked up in this world. But, I doubt it as I am now, who is weak. " Walking downstairs, a tunnel-like, dungeon spawned as he arrived inside and saw multiple knights in white costumes, different from Sung Jin Woo's job change.

But Yo-Han didn't mind and headed forward with cautiousness to make sure that the previous event won't happen again because of his recklessness. With his rapier on his left, Yo-Han uses his quickstep and thrusts forward his rapier, piercing the piece of metal called a knight and going on a killing spree left and right. His enhanced regeneration enhances his stamina to recover, his health, and his body too. So, it is not just his body that recovers since it enhanced his regeneration in all aspects that needed to regenerate.

So with that in tow, he only has to rest for a minute and he can go fight again as if his stamina hadn't drained him. Hours had passed since then and Yo-Han finally arrived at the Boss Room and opened it.

He saw a knight with two pairs of beautiful wings a spear and a shield with him. He looked at Yo-Han as if he was looking at an ant before he got up and pointed his spear right toward him. A blinding light appears, Yo-Han dodges the attack at the right time as he saw light flashes where he was before.

' That could've been dangerous if I hadn't dodged it by chance. So, this is the power of that knight huh?' Yo-Han thought as readied himself, Yo-Han uses his Stealth skill with Quickstep as he flashes everywhere while the Knight is standing still, not even following him.

As if the same mistake happens again and Yo-Han's arrogance resurfaces, Yo-Han had thought that the Knight couldn't keep up with his speed, and since he leveled up from the fight he got from the knights he fight before to level 60. He directed his focus from trying to find the weakness of the enemy to confronting the enemy.

Habits do die hard as the knight tilted his head and watches Yo-Han in boredom and pointed his spear at the incoming Yo-Han who was surprised and backed off immediately as he senses a dreading experience he got from his near-death hours ago.

' Fuck! I was getting arrogant again. Thankfully I reacted quickly or else, I would get killed in a single thrust by this knight.'

With a single stare from the knight, Yo-Han retreated in fear as if he got PTSD. Yo-Han feels as if death is looking at him from the glare he got from the knight and he knows to be humble or else, even God can't save him anymore.

Yo-Han becomes serious and calculated every scenario where he could win the fight but he knows it's futile as he is weak and can't even scratch the knight with his rapier with him. But he gotta try as even if it's a small chance of defeating the knight, he still has a chance and he must grasp it and be lucky.

With his usual style of fighting, Yo-Han flashes behind the knight and thrust his rapier but the knight blocks it by using its shield. Yo-Han was sent flying by the repel from the shield as he skidded through ten meters.

As time goes on, Yo-Han understands the difference between himself and the knight. A difference he can't overcome with his current self and he must give everything he got if he wanted to defeat him.

Yo-Han was left with no choice, but to put all the points in his strength stats, increasing them from 141 to 151. Despite the small difference, it could be helpful in the current situation no matter how small it is. With a single burst of his speed, he thrust all his attack at the carefree knight who just leisurely raise his shield in front when it steps into a pebble, tripping it and falling face forward as the rapier thrust into it, piercing the knight.

Yo-Han who didn't anticipate the situation, looked dumbly at the hole he cause in the knight as an announcement of defeating the boss popped up and the reward was given to him. A loot pops out at the body of the knight as Yo-Han just picked it up, still looking at the Knight.

" I just won like that? The most difficult battle I did and won only because of pebble sama? This, this is fucking absurd and doesn't make any sense at all!" Yo-Han screams as the adrenaline that kept him from fighting the knight washed out, his anticipation, his excitement, his frustration, and everything he feels just seem to vanish when the knight died because of a simple mistake.

[ Loot acquired: Holy Knight's Shield and Spear, 100 Stat Points, 10 Million Gold.

Defeating the S-Class Knight, 1 million exp acquired.

You have leveled up to 68( I didn't calculate up to this point) ]

[ Bonus round has begun: Defeat or Survive the attack of millions of white Knights ]

Then, multiple portals that can be counted to 50s appeared everywhere as it summons knights, mage knights, martial knights, and every knight you could think of. Except for the immortal knight, infinite regeneration knight, or any kind of overpowered knight of course.

With his newly acquired power and pieces of equipment, Yo-Han equipped the spear and shield that gives him 100+ agility, strength, and vitality. With the stats, he got from the equipment, Yo-Han blitzed through every wave of knights and bulldoze it like it was nothing.

So, for the next two hours, he just bulldozed his way through and finishes the Bonus Round.

[ Extra Bonus Round has appeared, would you like to proceed? You can reject this round if you'd like to]

" Proceed," Yo-Han said as another wave of knights appeared but this time, 10 knights the same as the Knight he fought before appeared but with his equipment being upgraded. Yo-Han didn't feel any joy at all as he kills them all.

[ Calculating the points... Exceeding the required points for job changing... Available Job you can change:

Shadow Lord - An advanced Version of Assassin Class, become one with the shadow. As bright as light, the shadow darkens. You can jump between shadows.

Necromancer/Shadowmancer - An advanced version of Necromancer, a lower version of Shadow Monarch. Can make the dead become shadow soldiers for you.

Berserker - advanced version of Warrior Class.

Archmage - Advance Version of Mage Class.

Swordmaster - Advance Version of Swordsman.

Holy Knight - an Advance Version of Knight, a class that can be on par with Shadowmancer. Has a hidden class the same as Shadowmancer.

A reminder for the user upon picking your class, each class has different stats that will grow faster than the other, Archmage and Shadowmancer focuses more on Intelligence every level up by 15 than the other stats, Swordmaster focuses more on senses and increases to 15 every level up, Shadow Lord increases its agility stats to 15, Berserker increases it's strength to 15 and Holy Knight, a class that increases all stats by 5 every level up.

So, please choose wisely, User Sung Yo-Han ]

" This, it's harder than I thought. Here I am thinking that it's easy to pick a job. While it's good to pick Shadowmancer, I don't think I would like to become Sung Jin Woo though. So, it's a no for me. So, it's between Shadow Lord and Holy Knight since it looks suitable for me. Shadow Lord for my High Agility Stats and Holy Knight for being an all-rounder." Yo-Han struggles as to what he wanted to pick when he remembered that he could get double the stats every level up and it wouldn't hurt him anyway to try as it would be beneficial in the long run.

So, with no more hesitation, Yo-Han picked Holy Knight as a bright shining light radiates around his body, and feel himself getting stronger when an announcement that makes him feel that he could have a heart attack arrived.

[ Stats Resetting, User Sung Yo-Han has picked Holy Knight, and thus his level and stats shall be reverted to "zero". The User's Levels and Stats have been used as replenishment for the Holy Knight Job's Hidden Class: God's Vessel. At every level up, you will be given 25 Stat points to all Stats. Vitality Stat has been upgraded to High Vitality.

Intelligence Stat has been upgraded to High Intelligence.

1 High Vitality = 1000 HP

1 High Intelligence = 100 MP

Job Specific Class has been given: Holy Radiant - A holy light will shine upon you and the allies and gives a 50% buff to the stats.

Purification - Can purify, as the level goes up, you can purify even the vilest thing in the Universe. ]

" What the!? Isn't this just support skills? Am I going to be in a support class now? Also, why did my vit and int change their name? Am I going to be a support tank? " Yo-Han screamed and tried to calm himself. He didn't even notice that he would get 50 stat points every level up. This means that with a single level-up, he would get 50 points in each stat and become the most overpowered hunter to ever exist.

Yo-Han just gave up and as if God heed his call, he can use any weapon and armor with no more requirements needed like a hammer that needed 100 strength in stat before he can wield it but now, he can do it despite his strength being 10. So, he equip his spear and shield as he was transported back to the forest and saw no one but a gate being opened.

Sneaking through, Yo-Han got out and celebrated as he run back to his house and saw the always-injured Sung Jin Woo being treated by Jin Ah who puts bandages on his face. As if he was struck by lightning, Yo-Han realizes the same places of bandages that Sung Jin Woo got before he goes to the dungeon and gets his system. This means, that tomorrow is the day the story truly starts Solo Leveling.

Jin Woo and Jin Ah greeted Yo-Han who arrived with tattered clothes.

" Where have you gone to, Yo-Han?" Jin Woo asked as he worriedly checks any injuries Yo-Han got.

" It's nothing, I was training in the forest, and by some unlucky event, I ripped the clothes, making them tattered," Yo-Han said as he makes eye contact with Jin Ah who nodded.

" I see, go and wash, you stink, brother," Jin Woo said, pinching his nose and waving his hand in exaggeration. Jin Ah laughed cutely. He sighed as he walked toward the bathroom and washed. Yo-Han looked in the mirror and finally saw his appearance and all he can say is, handsome. Like, literally. He is handsome but he looks like a twig because the nutrients are insufficient it can't keep up as his body is more likely in need of nutrients than a normal human.