
Character dive?

"What….?" Minato immediately turned around his mouth agape at what he had just heard, his blood turned cold as his eyes burned with cold fury.

"Yes Lord Fourth, that is what the report says." Shikaku said, reading the report as his eyes looked bloodshot.

"Call Tsunade here immediately, I want to read the original sources of her information immediately." Minato ordered.

Shikaku just nodded as he opened the door to reveal Tsunade standing some distance away leaning over the railings.

Hearing the door open, Tsunade turned around, her eyes cold as she walked towards the Hokage office.

It wasn't even a moment before the door closed and the seals activated that Minato began questioning Tsunade, "Who is your source?"

"A colleague."


"No, but you met her before." Tsunade added, meaningfully.

"You mean….?" Minato asked as she recalled the lady who helped his wife a half a decade ago.

"Yes...she has her ways."

"Are you sure the information is accurate?"

"Yes." Tsunade said resolutely.

"Then we've got to act quick. Please ask your informant to clear off from the cave but keep an eye over it. She is to leave all the people inside it right there and make sure that absolutely no one comes around to the cave before we do. If anyone comes around she is to kill them on sight without letting a single one escape. Make sure she stays hidden for the entire duration, is all that possible?"

"....alright." Tsunade nodded as she hardened her eyes understanding what was going to happen and what Minato had planned out.

"Shikaku, send a message to the Raikage for a joint mission."

"....? Joint mission?"

"Yes we need witnesses when we 'discover' the cave."

"....how fast do you want me to deliver the message?"

"As soon as you can. I want to set off before evening today. Send a Message to the daimyo that will reach him the moment we arrive at the cave."

"Summoned creatures it is then."

"Find one extra person for the team while you're at it, Fugaku preferably…..also…don't let any young people participate. Tsunade, you can join us once you're done sending the message."

Both Shikaku and Tsunade nodded as they left the room for their respective tasks while Minato just vanished from sight as he teleported home, startling Kushina.


"Kushina! It's me! Calm down!" Minato exclaimed as he spotted five golden chains with their pointy tips staring right down at his eyes.

"Minatooo!!! I've told you not to just randomly teleport in whenever you can! It scares me too much!!"

"Hehe...you've already applied seals everywhere to never let me leave this room as long as you want to, so what's the worry, I know you're strong enough." Minato said, rubbing the back side of his head.

"Mooo! Minato! That's not the point! Hmpf."

"Haha! Kushina! Don't worry, I'll try doing it less in the future." Minato said as he quickly wrapped his arms around Kushina as he cradled her.

"Hmpf. Tell me why you came here like this? Are you going to go on another one of those missions of yours!?" Kushina asked in a pointed tone.

"How did you know?!!" Minato asked, shocked.

"You only teleport into the house when you've got to go on missions. Never for me."

".....well….what if it was both!?"

"Really Minato? You think a last minute visit to Ichiraku ramen is going to count as a date?"


"I hate you."

"....why don't you come along? We'll probably need someone like you for this mission."

"Really!? I can come along!?"

"Sure. I mean it was fine when Naruto was small, I'm sure he can take care of himself now."

"Ha! Take care of himself!? I'll be surprised if the brat remembers to take a shower, forget about changing clothes or even eating food. Sometimes I seriously have to wonder if there's a human brain growing inside that thick skull of his…..I'll have to drop him off at Naras' place until we return. Hopefully Yoshino will beat some sense into him before we're back."

Minato deadpanned as he just shook his head and then nodded quickly as he spoke, "You do that and meet me at the Hokage office in fifteen minutes. The rest of the team should arrive by then."

"Alright." Kushina responded in a serious manner.

Minato's expression turned cold for a second as he explained in as short a sentence as possible, " Also this mission will be particularly gruesome so be ready."

Kushina looked at her husband's chilly look as she *gulped* a little before nodding properly.


Rushing through the branches of the forests were five shinobi each holding the gazes of veteran battle hardened warriors, their speed was something most would only dream of matching as they were all rushing at speeds that even an elite jonin would have trouble keeping up with without any external help.

Tsunade's expression throughout the journey morphed between a contorted feeling of anger and a calm expression until they finally met A and Killer B along with Mabui, Samui and Yugito Nii at the border of the Fire country.

"You said it was an urgent mission you fools, but we arrived sooner than you! Took you long enough, you fools!" Killer B rapped as everyone just tried to ignore the terrible rap.

Minato faced A as they both softly nodded at each other before Tsunade moved ahead to pass off a thin scroll to a blond haired lady like her Samui.

Samui held the scroll and opened to read what was in it as her eyes slowly grew emotionless when she just handed the scroll over to Mabui to give to the Raikage.

The Raikage read the scroll for a few seconds with a calm expression on his face as he turned to Minato and asked him, "What will you give us for this?"

"How do the prosthetics they are trying to blame we stole from them sound at cost price?"

"Ha! Not only are you paying us but also guaranteeing that we get involved in your mess since we will have the prosthetics. Truly Konoha's style."

"What can I say, I learnt from the best."

"Let's go then. I'm guessing we don't have time to waste?"

"No. It'd be faster to leave immediately."

"Then I can leave first with the help of Mabui here, and you can mark me and teleport the rest to me? Is that your plan?"

"You can just teleport Tsunade first instead. She can handle the jutsu."

"Are you sure about that?" A asked, cocking his eyebrows up as he looked at Tsunade.

Tsunade just stared by with an emotionless stare as if it was nothing for her.

"Alright then. Mabui can you please set up your heavenly transfer technique?"

"Certainly Lord Raikage." Mabui nodded as she stepped back and walked to a clear area.

Minato gave Tsunade his three pronged kunai as she stepped into the clearing that Mabui was standing in front of.

Making a series of handseals caused a flurry of lighting chains to emit around and cover Tsunade fully.

Tsunade gritted her teeth in pain as she felt the burden over he body when suddenly Tsunade vanished in a final burst of light.


"Yo Shika!!!"

"Oh! Naruto? Why are you here?" Shikamaru asked as Naruto left his shoes at the entrance of the house and stepped in wearing the provided indoor shoes left by his mom.

Yoshino entered behind Naruto as her eyes instantly went to Shikamaru's head.

"Shika! What have I told you about having to take a bath whenever you return home!"

"But mom! Naruto's here!" Shikamaru tried to reason.

"Go! Now! Naruto'll be here for the night so get ready now!"

"....." Shikamaru just scrunched up his face as he got up from his position on the outdoor deck where he was watching the clouds from and left to the bathroom.

"Naruto. Shikamaru will be here soon, you can go into his room and wait. I'll get you some food in the mean time. Do you like that new drink Cola?"

"Waaa!!! You have it! Mom doesn't let me drink it!"

"Haha! Don't worry I don't give it to Shikamaru everyday too. It's only since you're a guest right now." Yoshino said as she walked to the kitchen to work on dinner.

Naruto stood in Shikamaru's room as he spotted a poster of a pale man sitting in a funny manner with one of his hands on his knees with the thumb on his other hand in his mouth, staring right out of the poster as the words 'Death Note' were written on the bottom with bones.

The managa book that had recently released was open on the table in the room with the academy's work book stuffed into the shelf neatly along with other books.

Going through Shikamaru's favourites list in the managa book Naruto found quite a few questionable manga titles like, 'The day I became a cloud.', 'Cloud Summoned Beast.' all of these were written by the same author, 'OriginalGamblingGenius'.

"Don't you know it's wrong to go through other's things Naruto." Shikamaru stated out in a calm manner as he wiped his wet hair.

"Haha! We're brothers! It doesn't matter!"


"Wanna read manga together?"

"....sure, what about the Sword Art Online manga you were talking about earlier?"

"....well…I finished it already…"

"What!!!??? It's just been two days since then!!!"

"....it was good….until it wasn't….and that was Sword Art Online, not Oneline like I thought, online just means to be connected to the book."


"How about we read something else?"

"Do you know anything good?"

".....let's pick something random."


"Yeah, there's a random recomendation button that I found inside the settings."


Naruto picked up the book as Shikamaru stood beside him as they both watched Naruto flip through the settings menu which only had buttons to manage the theme or customise how their book, but after tapping on the default theme for thirty seconds continuously caused the page to turn into the random recommendations button.

Clicking it caused the panels on the pages to be taken away as multiple mini penguins walked over to place their own mini manga panels all over the page, until they went around and voted for each other when slowly the ones with lesser votes shrinked and the ones with larger votes grew until there was a single manga pannel remaining on the page.

'Re: Zero Starting Life In Another World.'

"Huh? It looks….alright?" Naruto voiced his thoughts.

"....we could watch it…"

"Alright let's do that."

"Wait." Shikamaru stopped Naruto as he picked up the book.

"What happened?"

"You're not the only one who found a secret hidden setting. I found one as well."

"Oh!!! What did you find?"

"You have to go into developer mode to access this one."

"Developer mode?"

"Yep, here…look." Naruto watched as Shikamaru opened the theme settings as he scrolled through the themes and then clicked on the themes that spelled out the word, 'Secret' which caused the them settings to turn into a page filled with various settings with the title, "Developer Settings".

"Oohhh!!" Naruto exclaimed, "What can you do here!??"

"Most of the settings are just threr to visualize how the thing works, but there is one setting that improves the experience."

"Which one?"

"This once." Shikamaru said as he pointed at a button that read "Character Dive."

"Oh! Does this make you the character!?"

"Not exactly since you still can't interact with the world, but it does give you extra things like make you feel what the character is feeling or their thoughts sometimes."

"It'll be fun to read this new manga like this!"

"I think so. It was fun to read Death Note like this after all."


"Rura, I think Tsunade's outside."


"I think they used Mabui's help."


"She's a kunoichi in Kumo who can teleport anything anywhere at light speed."


"...well yeah. Anyway, I'm sending you out. Be careful with your transformation jutsu. Alright?"

"Un." Sakura nodded but she still didn't let go of Megumi's shirt.

Kissing her on the cheek Megumi rubbed her hands as Sakura looked up at him teary eyed.

"It's alright…." Megumi said as he rubbed her back as she nodded and then Megumi sent her away.


Tsunade was looking around the bloody entrance of the cave when she suddenly felt someone behind her.

Turning around she found a badly used transformation jutsu using shinobi who was looking at her with vulnerability.


"It's going to be alright." Tsunade said as she patted Sakura's head.

"Un. Any other shinobi that came here to patrol, Megumi placed their bodies in these seals. There were about twelve shinobi that is four teams that came on patrols here over the last few hours. That means they likely know the location is compromised."

"Understood. You can leave, before you do and make sure not to come out when everyone else is here. It'll be quite trooublesome if you do."

"Alright. Tsunade-sensei. I made sure to help all those I could inside the cave, but there are still a few I couldn't if you can please help them!!!"

"I will do what I can." Tsunade nodded solemnly.

"Thank you." As Sakura said those words she vanished from the area she was standing along with Tsunade who was now transported to a well lit pincushion cave where shinobi were held on stone spikes rendered unconscious because of pain as Tsunade just shook her head as she threw the Third Hokage's kunai a little distance away, causing it to stab the rock wall in the tunnel leading to the room.

As soon as she did, Minato was the first one through as he scanned the surroundings and spotted Tsunaade along with the other shinobi.


"No. Just unconscious. Four other patrolling shinobi have been kileed."

"That'll be useful. We have time until the next patrol arrives until then to make sure we can get something useful out of them."

"I'll get things to help ready."

"Alright, I'll bring everyone else."

Minato vanished as he brought the fourth Raikage first and then Kushina and then another Kumo ninja and so on while Tsunade created a rudimentary torture chamber which Samui joined in helping make when she arrived.

Fugaku took the lead as he walked to each prisioner with his Sharingan open. Minato, A, Killer B and Shikaku trailing behind him to hear the results directly.

The rest walked to explore the remaining dungeon like cave as they each went about talking to the various prisoners around to figure out any information they could use.

Tsunade moved around to check on the civilians that were still in critical conditions as she tried to either help them out of their misery or put them out of it.

Kushina did her best to creat seals to save as many people's corpses in any recognisable condition she could and prevent them from rotting while Mabui and Samui assisted the two ladies in their tasks.



….they went around and voted for each other when slowly the ones with lesser votes shrinked and the ones with larger votes grew until there was a single manga pannel remaining on the page.

'Boku No Piko.'

"Huh? It looks….alright?" Naruto voiced his thoughts.

"....we could watch it… I even have a secret way to get us immersed into the character's emotions."

"Alright let's do that."


A/N: Will upload an extra chapter for every hundred power stones! 

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