
A little teasing!

"Divine Energy?" Zhou Shi narrowed her eyes in confusion as she caught a glimpse of Xuan Yan nonchalantly sipping his tea. 

"So you are doubting that dark masters are taking a God's trials to become powerful?" Zhou Shi asked raising her eyebrow.

Xuan Yan gave a nod "Yeah, that's why I asked if you can create Limit Douluos through trials... Limit Douluo is not an easy thing so I got curious after sensing the Divine Energy."

"Seems like some Gods are acting in the world affairs...." Zhou Shi spoke contemplating the situation. But it is rule-breaking to act in world affairs, and still... which God is pulling the strings?

Zhou Shi placed her hands on the table leaning forward "Xuan Yan, you are the king of the whole mainland and you are also powerful. Can't you find and destroy them?"

Xuan Yan couldn't help but chuckle hearing this "If they are on the mainland, I would already wiped the organization." At first, he thought that the two Limit Douluos were the top in the Dark Spirit Master's organization.

But after sensing the Divine Energy, he was not so sure... if someone can really reach Limit Douluo using God's trials, then the Dark Spirit Masters can just spam the Limit Douluos.

"Huh?" Zhou Shi was confused hearing this "If they are not in the mainland, where are they?" she asked looking at Xuan Yan.

Xuan Yan showed a smile as he stood up placing the empty cup on the table "Haa, the world is larger than you think, Zhou Shi..."

-_-' Zhou Shi was dumbfounded, He was saying 'the world is larger than you think' to a literal god who has lived thousands of years.

"Just answer the question, brat..." Zhou Shi exclaimed getting frustrated. Xuan Yan couldn't help but chuckle as he observed her irritated expression.

*tap* He strolled out of the room and walked through the halls of the Holy Light Palace and Zhou Shi quickly followed him.

"As I said the world is huge, there is another mainland in the seas..." Xuan Yan said with a smile. H-HUH? Zhou Shi was shocked by the sudden information and instinctively tried to grab his hand but her hand passed through his hand.

"tch!" She walked in front of him "Xuan Yan, what you said is..." she asked her eyes trembling with a frown. Xuan Yan remained silent, a faint smile playing on his lips, he walked through her divine consciousness.

Zhou Shi reeled out of the shock and a sigh left her lips, 'He has no reason to lie to me.' she thought as she caught up to him. "How come I don't know about this...." she pondered.

As they walked side by side, Xuan Yan spoke "I thought that you'd know about this, but seems like the God Kings are hiding this from you... or maybe they didn't tell you because you won't interfere in world affairs anyway."

Zhou Shi frowned her brows, she never knew there existed another continent aside from the mainland. This discovery is a huge thing to humans as history itself would change.

"These dark spirit masters are from this... new mainland?" "Yep!' Xuan Yan nodded his head "They are from that continent..."

"Interesting!' Zhou Shi mumbled under her lips, she has been God for thousands of years but this is the first time she has heard about this "Maybe I should ask the Goddess of Life about this..."

"Don't do that Idiot..." Xuan Yan said and Zhou Shi rolled her eyes "Why? She is a God King so she must know about this... and maybe we can get the culprit who is pulling the strings."

"What would you do if she asked where did you get the information? She may be kind and your friend... but don't forget that she is also a law enforcer."

Zhou Shi shrugged as a smile played on her lips "I will say a cheeky brat who is taking my trials said that to me."

Xuan Yan stopped in his tracks hearing this and turned to Zhou Shi "Don't tell me... have you talked with the Goddess of Life about me?"

"E-Eh?" Zhou Shi was startled and looked away "I didn't." Xuan Yan took a step front bringing his face close to hers. "Really?" he asked with a frown.

A small blush crept on Zhou Shi's cheeks as he inched his face closer and she kept dodging his gaze "I-I didn't say... brat." she said softly denying his accusation. "But why do my eyes tell me otherwise? Hm?"

"huh?" Zhou Shi glimpsed at his golden eyes glowing faintly.

"I know how to make you say the truth..." Xuan Yan said with a smile *swoosh*

Zhou Shi was confused as Xuan Yan disappeared but in the next instant her eyes widened in realization "This damn brat!" she uttered in frustration.

*tremble* The entire Angel Secret Realm started shaking uncontrollably as Xuan Yan slowly pulled the Angel God's Holy Sword from the ground.

*swish* *creek* A hand swiftly appeared as it tried to catch Xuan Yan's arm which was pulling the Angel sword. But Xuan Yan let go of the sword and grabbed the soft hand that reached out to him.

"Zhou Shi...Nice to see you again" He said looking at the Angel God standing in the flesh in front of him. Zhou Shi's eyebrows twitched "You are really reckless, brat!"

A chuckle left Xuan Yan's lips as he softly pulled her hand bringing her close to him "So now tell me, what did you say to the Goddess of Life..."

"Ah!" Zhou Shi stumbled at his sudden pull and looked at his face. She looked a little flustered and said shyly "I-I didn't say much... I just said I got a handsome and powerful young man as a trial taker."

"And he is so annoying and always irritates me..." She spoke in a soft tone, a faint blush appearing on her cheeks

"Is that it?" Xuan Yan asked and Zhou Shi nodded "Yes, that's it... now let me go. I have to return." she said as she tried to pull back her hand from his clutch.

"No!" Xuan Yan said and looking at this teasing smile, Zhou Shi exclaimed "Xuan Yan, this is not the time to play..." 

"Oh?? Is that so?" Xuan Yan asked playfully. *creek* The space around them began to slowly crack. Zhou Shi's eyes widened "The world is already refusing my presence..."

"Xuan Yan let me go..." she shouted twisting her hand to get out of his grip. H-Huh? What is this strength? Why can't I move or teleport? various thoughts ran across her mind.

Xuan Yan smiled tenderly "You look more beautiful in person, Zhou Shi!" Zhou Shi stopped her struggling and looked into his eyes "Xuan... Yan?" her voice stuttered.

As her blush deepened she raised her hand combing a strand of blonde hair behind her ear "Y-You think so?" With a hint of shyness in her voice, she softly inquired with a tender blush.

"Yeah, Zhou Shi..."

"Eh? Wait, no..." she quickly realized and snapped out of it as she shook her arm "This is not the time to compliment me, Xuan Yan... let me goooo!"

Xuan Yan laughed seeing her facial expressions. transitioning from a cute blush to a sudden outburst of yelling. *crack* The cracks in the space surrounding them began to expand, spreading wider and wider, much to the horror of Zhou Shi, If the God Kings find out....

"Xuan Yan, this is not a joke. Please let me go..." she spoke seriously.

Xuan Yan nodded "Well then, ask me softly..."

Huh? Zhou Shi was startled but thinking about his playful nature she took a deep breath. "X-Xuan Yan, will you let go of my hand..." she requested in a gentle and timid tone.


"Huh? Nande?"

Xuan Yan shrugged "I can't feel the softness in your voice...try harder." *craccckk* Hearing the space-cracking noises, sent a wave of terror coursed through Zhou Shi's body.

"Xuan Yan, don't joke around. This is serious... I might even get punished."

Xuan Yan smiled "I am also being serious, ask me softly and I will let you go!"

Zhou Shi's frustration began to bubble up inside her, yet she managed to maintain her composure. "Will you please let go of this poor lady's hand?" she asked so softly.

"Say my name...."

"Xuan Yan, will you please let go of my hand."

"More intimately..."

Zhou Shi's lips twitched seeing Xuan Yan playing with her. *CRACKKK* "Ah" Looking at the space crack, Zhou Shi got terrified and she glared at Xuan Yan "You are really a devil!"

But then she closed her eyes taking a deep breath. When she finally opened her eyes, a gentle flush of pink tinted her cheeks "um.. Y-Yan'er, please let me go.. I am embarrassed." she said shyly looking at him as if they were new lovers and first-time holding hands.

"Oh, that's good...." Xuan Yan smiled and let go of her hand. *swoosh* And in the next second, she disappeared and the cracks also began to disappear.

As she disappeared Xuan Yan turned to the left and smiled "How scary..."

"YOU... BRAT!!!" With a face contorted in anger and a voice filled with rage, Zhou Shi stormed towards him, her every step accompanied by a flickering golden aura enveloping her. As if defying gravity, her hair levitated in the air.

"Ah, I need to go and see my wife..." Xuan Yan said and walked towards the grand front door.

"YOU WAIT... YOU!!!!!!!" Zhou Shi quickly ran behind him. "XUAN YAN... IMMA KILL YOU!"

"Give up, You can't touch me anyway...."

"And... I don't mind you calling me Yan'er... Xiao Shi." *creek* he said with a laugh and closed the door. 

Zhou Shi came to an abrupt halt, her eyes widening in sheer astonishment. "X-Xiao Shi?" she stammered, barely able to catch her breath. A gasp escaped her lips as her face flushed a deep crimson hue. "X-XUAN YAN!!!!" 


Xuan Yan gently closed the grand golden door and laughed hearing Zhou Shi's scream from the inside. He saw Qian Renxue cultivating sitting on the eight step.

"Xuan Yan!" Zhou Shi appeared beside him. "Have you calmed down?" He asked with a teasing smile looking at her angry face.

"Now now don't get so heated up... you are already so hot!" Xuan Yan said and a small blush tinged her frustrated face. "idiot! What would have happened if the God Kings had noticed."

"They didn't right? And if they did... I will help you."

-_-' How the hell are you gonna help me?

Xuan Yan raised his hand and a coffee cup appeared in his hand as he walked down to Qian Renxue. "Xue'er!"


*swoosh* Xuan Yan and Qian Renxue appeared in the great hall and every woman in the room smiled looking at him. *thud* Xuan Yan turned back as someone hit him "Sister Tao!"

"Brother Lord...I was walking and you suddenly appeared!' Ma Xiaotao said with a smile. Xuan Yan chuckled and patted her as his eyes fell on Bi Ji who was talking with Bibi Dong.

Bibi Dong stood up placing her hands on her waist "You said you will get 20 women, but seems like it is crossing that..."

Xuan Yan smiled and walked forward pulling her in his arms "Are you angry, dear?"

Hugging his neck, Bibi Dong nodded "Yes, I am angry... at my Husband for being a chick magnet hmph"

He softly pinched her cheek "My wife is angry, what should I do to relieve that?"

"How about a date this weekend?"

"Done!" Xuan Yan nodded and Liu Erlong stood up "Then Yan is with me tonight."

Shui Mei spoke "Don't forget... I am here too."

"No, it's me..."

"I want my son too..."

"I am gonna have sex with Yan'er tonight!"

*sigh* Xuan Yan sighed helplessly and Bibi Dong chuckled seeing his face "Why? It is your fault for making us fall in love with you... so it is your responsibility to satisfy us." she teased playfully.

Xuan Yan's hands went down from her waist groping her ass feeling the supple ass spreading her ass cheeks. "Hm... Wives, we are entering the grand room today!"

Everyone was excited and yelled "Yaaaay!"

Xuan Yan leaned in and softly licked Bibi Dong's ear "Today is gonna be so much fun...Dong'er."

"Then I'll be waiting in my room..."

"Hm? Xuan Yan nibbled her ear and Bibi Dong gently ran her finger through his hair "You don't wanna join?"

Bibi Dong smiled "I know they are my sisters... but having sex in their presence..is"

*num* Xuan Yan licked her ear lobe "It's okay dear... if you feel uncomfortable we can do it alone later." "En.. thank you, Husband."

E-Eh? Grand room? Bi Ji was confused. -_- Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu and Xue Yin looked at each other wryly.

'Just one more year!' x3

[Poor little girls. Master doesn't really know that if her age is on the clock, she is ready for the coc-] 

It was a blissful night for Xuan Yan and his women!!!

Next day~

Sitting on the Ice throne, Xuan Yan raised his eyebrow looking at Xue Nu who is kneeling in front of him "You want to face it yourself?"


I hope you guys liked this chapter!


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