
Reincarnated in Hunter X Hunter World

Mach Iora is the the Son of a Rich 2nd Gen Bastard who raped his mother and then neglected her.

GarlicBread1337 · Anime e quadrinhos
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9 Chs

Chapter 7 - Phase 3

On the Hunter Association Airship, Killua didn't kill anyone this time, but netero did challenge the three of them to a fight the same the night before reaching phase 3.

Mach declined his offer but stayed to observe, he knew better than to challenge a monster like netero. Gon and Killua lost like history dictated, their tactics made no effect before Netero who could overwhelm them with sheer strength.

After everyone reached the next exam venue, A green bean in a suit came up to them and spoke,

"Ahem, everyone This is the site of the Hunter exams 3rd phase, you will be competing here at the top of the Trick Tower. To pass this phase, you must reach the base of the tower alive. The time limit is 72 hours. And with that, the exam's third phase will now begin. Good luck to each one of you.

Meanwhile, somewhere inside the Trick Tower, a person spoke: "So its finally my turn eh?"

Gon peeped down the edge of the tower, "Woahh, so high"

Leorio: "Now what, are we supposed to climb down?"

Kurapika: "Well I hope not that would be suicide"

Random dude: "Eh eh eh, sure for most guys." and began to climb down.

"For an expert rock climber like me, this is gonna be a piece of cake."

Killua: "Oh Wow"

Gon: "Look at how fast he's going"

Mach: "It won't be that simple, the hunter exams are known to be cruel not a side hobby. You can't pass a phase just like that."

Leorio: "You think so?"

Mach: "Definitely, there's going to be some sort of catch to simply go down like that."

*Flap* *Flap* *Flap*

Everyone looks around, trying to see what's making the noise. A Giant Baby faced 4 winged pink monster flies towards the mountain climber. "Ahhh" *Munch* The pink monstrosity devours the mountain climber with ease.

Leorio watching the monsters fly away: "So I guess we can't climb down this way."

Killua: "Can we ride the monsters down?"

Kurapika: "There's no guarantee that they won't attack one of their own when they spot us or that the bait will successfully escape from the jaws of the monster."

On their way back, everyone saw people knocking on the floor tiles.

Kurapika: "Did you notice, there are fewer people around."


Gon: "Yeah, but there are only 5 doors here, who's gonna stay back."

Mach: "You guys go ahead, I will find a way."

After much argument, Ponzu stayed back because mach was too young and she could handle herself she said. Mach didn't mind this, It would be better If Ponzu didn't pass the test. At least she would stay away from NGL this way.

"Ready... 3... 2... 1... Go" Mach, Gon, Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio all jumped together on the platforms. There they found 5 wristwatches and a set of instructions of the wall. Soon, they were given an option to choose between left and right. After a majority vote of 3 against 2, everyone went right as mach explained the research to leorio.

After another short while of walking, they reached a room.

Bendot spoke, "The applicants are here, unlock my handcuffs."

*Clack* The cuffs opened

"Here we go" He removed his veil and revealed himself.

The prison warden spoke on the microphone "You probably already noticed that some of the prisoners of the trick tower are standing in front of you. The rules are simple, here are 5 criminals on life sentences. You must defeat them in a best of 5 battle to move forward."

The first one to enter the stadium was Bendot. He said, "You can decide who to send by a majority rule."

Lippo continued, "For every hour that the prisoners keep you occupied here, their sentences will be reduced by one year. In other words, they are essentially trying to buy time."

"So we have to be careful, we have no idea what tricks are up to their sleeve. Given that I.." Kurapika was interrupted.

"Nope, I will go first." Mach volunteered.

"Don't be reckless. he's a grownup and criminal, you can't win." Leorio seriously showed his concern.

"Don't worry, he just a weakling" Mach responded without worry.

"If he's a weakling, then you don't even count as a sapling. I don't think we should trust him the results, our fate also depends on the result." Kurapika scolded Mach.

Mach stepped into the ring without hesitation.

Bendot spoke, "Now then, let's decide the choice of battle, my choice - a battle to the death."

Leorio: "A DeathMatch, they are gonna fight till one of them dies."

"Sure, A deathmatch it is." Mach calmly responded.

"No, he's just a kid, Warden I demand another vote." Kurapika yelled

"Have you no shame, fighting against a kid. Pick someone your size." Leorio provoked bendot.

"Ahhh" Bendot came charging at Mach showing no mercy.

Mach used all his nen on his legs and made a quick jump at him. He released Overcharge worth 6000 nen in a punch aimed straight for his head.

*Crack* The voice of bones breaking sounded clearly across both sides.

*Thud* *Thud* The opponent bounced off the floor and remained down. On close notice, the warden saw bendot's neck turned 180° around on the floor.

*Gears moving* The Path back started coming out of the walls. At this moment, everyone realized that bendot died with a single punch.

Next up was the guy with Immense finger strength. "Ha ha ha, This is quite interesting. Let me try them."

Mach: "Killua, Tag. The next guy is probably going to be another killer."

Killua: "Yeah, seems like it."

Leorio: "You killed him."

Mach: "That guy was probably an ex-mercenary, trust me I speak from experience. I am the bastard child of a rich 2nd generation. Time and again, his legal wife sends someone to kill me and make it seem like an accident."

Leorio: "Eh"

"True, My mom was his secretary and a victim. The legal wife has killed anyone else he's had a scandal with, To keep the family inheritor's position for her son."

Next up, the Infamous Killer came up. killua removed his heart in an instant. He died in mere moments too. At this point, the prisoners were starting to do who was the criminals here.

"Alright, I will take the next one." Kurapika showed some false bravado, he didn't want to kill anyone, hopefully he could force them to concede defeat.

"Oi frankenstein, you go" Leroute pushed Majitani.

"Huhh, Don't joke around, didn't you see them die. I don't want to die. No way."He replied in fear.

*Squabble* *Squabble* *Squabble* They argued with each other for another few minutes before majitani ultimately gave up and entered the ring.

"Yeahhh, Finally. let's get this party started. The next contender's got to face me. hahaha." majitani showed some false bravado.

"Don't compare me with those weaklings. I am one of the Phantom troop, give up and I will let you live or else..." Majitani pointed his finger at that heart tattoos on his left ab.

"I have killed up to 19 people, to be honest, the number kind of bugs me, so might just become the 20th person." He jumped towards Kurapika and gave and punched a hole in the floor revealing his spider troupe tattoo.

"Take this to the Heart, first - a genuine spider troupe member has a number inscribed on the tattoo. Second - They don't bother counting the number of people they have killed. and Third - Never mention the spider troupe in front of me again. If you do I will kill you with my bare hands."

"Wait, wait, I surrender. Please don't" Kurapika still went ahead and punched him in the face.

The Warden sighed looking at the scene.

*Gears spinning* A third path opened up to the left.

The Warden spoke again "There are 2 paths in front of you, one is the short and easy path which leads to the bottom in 3 minutes which can only be taken by 3 people and the long path is 45 hours long which everyone can take. Those who remain behind must be chained up on the wall."

"Hmmm, Say I been wondering, this entire tower is mainly made of the same material yes."

"Yeah, what about it."

"This" Mach lifted an Axe and Swung it down the door. The door didn't even have a crack on it. When majitani fought, he blew a hole in the wall, so maybe we can just make another.

"You fools as if the trick tower could be so easy." Lippo mocked them.

"Let me try" Killua volunteered, *Boom* He left a crack on the door.

*Shiii* *Shii* A Gas was released in the room.

"I have an idea, quickly press the X button." Everyone immediately entered the long path and continued digging after the door closed.

Mach Iora applicant #69 passed

Killua Zoldyck applicant #99 passed

Leorio Paradinight applicant #403

Kurapika applicant #404 passed

Gon Freecss Applicant #405 passed in 3 hours 32 minutes.

Minor plot twist coming up.

New characters - Christina and Ponzu will be part of mach's gang, going to add Akoshi in the Future. Heads up, she is a major plot twist.

You won't see her coming.

GarlicBread1337creators' thoughts