
The Birth of Hyoudou Issei

She has been grieved again and again because of the death of her unborn child. It has been two times. That was how many times she tried to have a child, she and her husband has tried every things they could to do their best.

And yet, it never born any fruit, their hard work and hope shattered again and again, losing faith and blaming herself, she felt like dying and giving up.

However, with the support and love from her husband she finally tried once again.

This time however, their wish finally granted, their prayer has been heard by the god.

The cries of a baby and a relieved look of both the man and the woman was like a blooming flower that was so beautiful and filled with love and care.

And so, that is how 'Issei Hyoudou' has been born into the world.

However, unknown to both of them, the child soul has been replaced by another soul from another world.

His name is Ren Onihara, he is a 21 year old male and he died in a car crash.

With some unknown and twist of fate, he was reborn as a child.

'How could this be… how is this possible… I have become that lecherous and oppai loving protagonist…' Ren Onihara… Now Issei Hyoudou, clutched his head inside his mind while crying out with a baby voice.

He was a person from Japan, he knew that this is nothing but a fictional story called High School DxD. But to think that he was able to come this world, what kind of power and ridiculous things did he encounter to make this possible?!

His former self was an avid reader, he loved to read books and loved to watch anime. Although he is not too into it, he is nevertheless know what kind of situation he was in right now.

Reborn, Reincarnation and many ridiculous sounding names entered his brain.

'Logic will not be able to help me in this kind of situation. This out of ordinary event is a damn luck for me… but at the same time, an arduous future awaits m- … Hold on, future? I know what is going to happen in the future... I need power more than anything else… I don't want to power up using boobs for god sake!'

He frowned his baby looking face as he stared into nothing.

The baby eyes that has just born is so blurry and uncomfortable, but he doesn't give a damn about it.

[Initiating Anime System in… 1… 2... 3… Greeting, host.]


A mechanical voice of a woman entered his brain, not in his ears, but his brain. He thought he was dreaming for a moment before another mechanical voice spoke again.

[Your current mind is in a mess host. Highly recommended for host to calm yourself.]

Hearing the mechanical voice, Ren Onihara, now Issei Hyoudou fainted due to shock. His baby brain that was just born into the world cannot hold the pressure of his high speed thinking and finally overheated.

By the time he regained his consciousness, he was inside an incubator for a baby.

'System, are you there?' He asked inside his mind.

[Yes, host. I am always inside you and always available for 24 hours a day. Except for when I updated myself.]

'You are surprisingly humane…' Said Issei with a snort.

[Of course. I am the most advanced Anime System out there. If you are not satisfied with how I called myself, you may name me however you wish, host.]

'Then you are now called Lina-chan…'

[... I think the 'chan' part is not needed. However, after considering host preference and personality, I have no choice but to put up with it.]

'Are you perhaps thinking that I'm some kind of pervert?' Asked Issei with a helpless tone.

He was sure that the system thought that he was a pervert, which he is not. Probably, definitely, I am sure I'm not!

[….. Do you wish to see your status? If you do, then just say Status, and I'll open it.]

'You dodge the question! Damn it, to think that you would the change subject so abruptly! Let me tell you just in case, I am not a pervert!!'

[Do you want to see your status or not?]

Lina-chan however ignored his protest and just answered him with another question of her own. This question however, is very important to Issei, he cannot help but to let the matter go unresolved.

'….. #$%$%#$%*&*^#$@ … Sure, open it!'

After a session of censored words, Issei then took a deep breath before saying in a calm and composed tone, hiding his irritated and annoyed burning heart.


Name: Issei Hyoudou/Ren Onihara

Age: 3 hours/21

Health: 7/10

Stamina: 2/3

Magic: 0/0

Dragon Force: 50/50

Strength: -5

Agility: -11

Intelligent: 27

Endurance: 1

Wisdom: 15

Skill: {Driving}. {Swimming}, {Cooking}, {Scamming}, {Stealth}

Weapon: Sacred Gear (Red Dragon Emperor Boosted Gear) [Inactive]

[Also host, I am sure that you will ask what I can do except from showing your status. You can open the Shop System and see the list you can buy from there. Please note that you need Shop Point to buy something from there.]

'….. Just in case, what else can you do?' Asked Issei with a dumbfounded expression. As far a baby face could show….

[Further explanation will cost you Shop Point, your current Shop Point is 500.000P and the cost for the answer is 50P. Do you wish to purchase the information nevertheless?]

'This is ridiculous… why the hell do I have to pay for just asking you what else can you do except from showing me status and opening the shop?! Are you retarded?! Huh!?'

[Shop Point has been reduced. Please note that I, Lina-chan has the privilege to reduce and increase your Shop Point on a whim. Your current Shop Point is now 100.000P.]

'Holy Shit! Are kidding me!? Can you at least say it with a bit of emotion?! Your monotone and plain voice is just too heartless for me!!'

[Unfortunately for you, as I have just born not too long ago, the data for my emotion is not yet to be completed. And you are not to use such a foul language to me, your SP has now been reduced to 50.000P.]

Issei now has an expression of an abandoned puppy that was left on the side of the road. However, his baby face is still as soft as a tofu, so it was still formed only inside of his head.

As such, he was rotating his small and soft brain that was not too long ago just overheated due to shock. He was trying to find a way to please the difficult to handle System called Lina-chan.

'Isn't it a bit too much Lina-chan, I'm sure that the beautiful and cute Lina-chan will forgive the ignorant and stupid me for saying something thoughtless, right?' Said Issei in a half-begging tone.

[Rejected, after running a countless scanning of what you said, I have determined that you are not sincere enough.]

'Holy shit! That was also possible?! You are really one hell of an advanced System Lina-chan! So advanced that I want to pull my none-existence hair!'

Issei was once happy that he has a system to aid him in this second life of his. But he didn't realize that the system is far too advanced and hard to deal with, until now that is.

'Let's forget it, I want to open the shop and see just what kind of items are there.' He was trying to divert the depressing atmosphere by asking her to open the shop.

[You can only open a 1Star Shop as of right now. You need to complete a certain situation to open 2Star and above. Also, since this is the first time you opened the shop system, I have given you a one opportunity to open a 6Star Shop.]

What Lina-chan just say is like a ray of light in the world of darkness, at least for Issei that is the chase.

His brand new and small soft brain has been tortured by her after all, so he was really happy when she said that he got a one times opportunity like this.

[Before I showed the list, I will ask host to use the recommended items to aid you in your advancement. Do you wish to filter the items?]


A transparent pink screen appeared in front of his eyes, it only has a word of Y/N in it.

'….. Are you lazy or something? This is really…Might as well just say it! Why the transparent screen? And it has only a very very few words put in there...' Issei was staring at the pink screen with a dumfounded expression, but his baby face cannot form the complicated expression he is making...

The dilemma and a waste of effort his cheat put into is quite a tragedy….

[It's nothing but a formalities, why are you so worked up for?]

"Aii auu…" Forgetting that he is still a baby and his vocal cord is still not developed, Issei was trying to curse her out loud, yet failed miserably and stopped half-way.

'…. Don't you dare say anything! Just hurry up and do it! I choose YES!' He screamed in his mind with a quickened breath, which is bad for the baby body is in.

[Items List]

*Rate 6 Star

-Blood Pill: 4P (Discount)

Something that will increase your Health by a lot… (Has a side effect)

-Dragon Pill: 14P (Discount)

Something to increase the Dragon Force 346 per pill. (No Side effect)

-Almighty Pill: 25P (Discount)

Increase all stats permanently by 200. (No side effect)

-Maniac Pill: 28P (Discount)

Increase stamina by 500. (No side effect)



*Rate 6 Star

-Bahamut: 40.000P (Discount)

A divine drag-ride of Lux Arcadia from Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut. A very powerful Armament that could manipulate time. (Could be combined with the Boosted Gear with the help of the super cute and omnipotent System Lina-chan).

[This is the list that was recommended for host. Please choose from this list host…]

'Except that ominous sounding Blood Pill, everything is good. I will trust you, Lina-chan. Please choose for me, I'm, losing my consciousness…'

Issei was too tired to continue thinking about any other stuff, he has been over working his delicate brand new brain too much today.

Unknown to him, the system that he call as Lina-chan is letting out a sigh and murmuring in a very small voice. She sounded really sad and happy at the same time, it was like that of a human.

[Good night… Ren onii-chan…]

Her small and quiet voice faded into nothingness without no one noticing it.

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