
Elf Provocation

After that, the elves delivered dinner. The elven dinner included a lot of carbs, rice and starchy vegetables, but it also came with fish. It was good enough that I could see myself eating like this every day. I ate as much as I could.

The elves only brought desserts for Lily and Iris, and I learned that fairies don't have regular food because eating is merely a pastime for them, and they usually only want sweets.

It's evidence I'm not a fairy, but I can't be sure. I don't know if I actually need to eat, but I definitely crave regular food. I would rather not find out if I would starve without food.

During and after dinner, we came up with a plan to implement my idea. Tomorrow, we will go to the amazon village.

Meanwhile, at the elf council.

"Two amazons arrived claiming to be the human's wives. They were escorted to his room." Daphne reported to the queen and her advisors.

"Amazons too!?"

"How is that possible? He did not look very strong to me."

"Maybe he defeated them with magic."

"To my knowledge, amazon marriage duels are a melee. Magic wouldn't be much help at close range, and amazons are incredibly strong. They spend their entire lives training in combat."

"Could it be that he is also a very strong fighter? Is he really a human?"

"Did the amazons say anything else about him?" The queen asked Daphne.

"No, they said we would have to ask him."

The elves' discussion continued on for a while, and their confusion only grew. Eventually, they decided they had too many unanswered questions to continue. So, Queen Sera went to meet with Titus to ask him about several things.

Sera also hoped to learn if there was anything Titus wanted besides the crown. She was prepared to offer him practically anything and everything but the palace and its throne.

Sera and Daphne arrived outside Titus' room to find that the elf guard stationed there was flushed and unsteady on her feet. There were loud noises coming from inside the room.

They heard Lily shouting through the door: "Stupid muscle-head!"

"What in the world is going on in there?"

"I believe they are having sex, your majesty." answered the guard, blushing even more.

Sera and Daphne both blushed as well.

"Well, I suppose we'll have to come back in the morning."

Sera and Daphne turned and walked away.

"So, he means to provoke our envy, does he? Provoking our lust was not enough for him." muttered Sera. "How shrewd."

Sera returned to the council with renewed determination.

"I have decided on a plan. We shall wait until he grows impatient and revises his proposal. Until then, we will act as if we do not care." said Sera, resolutely.