
Chapter 6 (Dungeon Challenge III)

The room from inside was pitch dark. There were no longer annoying minions nor any routes. It was just a dark plane huge room.

Koji used his fire magic to create a small torch and went inside the room. Looking at every corner and being cautious, he reached the end of the long slim road.

"Hmm, it's awfully quiet and empty. I don't feel the presence of any monster. Is this room really empty? I'll just have to find it out myself by reaching the end."

As he got off the long road and went inside the circle textured place, the atmosphere suddenly changed and he felt some sort of energy when he entered.

"What was that feeling just now? I'll try to look into in." he said and used his spectating skill to look around the room.

What gave him the feeling of weird energy current was a field put by someone. It had a requirement and selective amount of humans could pass through it.

"Well that solves it. Of course there would be requirements for something as fancy as a boss room."


Koji suddenly sensed a very strong presence in the room.

"Huh, what's this, what's with this heavy presence. This aura, it's swallowing me. Don't tell me I have to fight something this monstrous. It's stronger than anyone I have fought till now. HEY GODDESS WASN'T THIS SUPPOSED TO BE A B GRADE BOSS?" he shouted in confusion.

"Haha, hahaha, you thought it would be this easy? I've seen you fought A grade monsters before and it would be boring if you were to fight a lower grade so, I present to you, one of the five most strongest A grade monster."


The ground suddenly started to vibrate.

"What the hell is it now?"

"You have awaken the king from it's slumber, good luck surviving. And you have two hours left. If you won't defeat it in that time, you'll be sent to the punishment chamber.lt's a dimension of its own with many monster."

"And what if I complete in time?"

Isis looked at him and smiled.

"If you complete it in time, you'll be sent back to your world and there, you may just be able to get your existence back."

"Huh? What's going up th—"


Another weird energy tried to manipulate Koji mind but his divine defense ability stopped it.

He picked up a movement from that string presence.

Red eyes were shining. Eyes of terror.

"The affect of eyes of terror, it drives people in fear. You would've lost already if it wasn't for my protection. Now he's all yours, good luck!"

Goddess Isis cut the connection leaving Koji alone with the monster.

"This guy sure has amazing abilities, Now then, I should go for him."

He equipped the sword of orc general and went towards the red eye.

It was pitch black so he couldn't see anything until he got close enough.

It was a giant orc sitting on a throne. An intense aura was emitting out of it, screaming not to fight him.

"An orc on a throne, an orc king. But he's way too careless, sitting there without moving or any protection. No guards whatsoever. And why isn't it moving? Is it even alive?"

He then looked around the throne to see anything related to the stage or how to move him.

The place around the throne was a total crap with nothing useful.

"For God's sake I'm running out of time."


"Hm? I think I picked on something."

He took a right turn from the middle of the room and got across a pillar. It had some sort of words written on it.


The words said

"To awaken the king, You must be worthy of his audience."

"So I just have to show him my worth, in other words, my power. I think I can do that."

Koji once again stood in front of the throne. He looked at the king with a creepy smile.

"You wanna judge me by my power? Here, I'll show you, the power that will soon out you on gravel."

Koji let all his aura out in an intense speed and pressure which destroyed his surroundings completely.

The area was covered with smoke and after it spread around the room, it could be seen, a scary smile on the face of the orc king.

"You're pleased now? Then get up so I can entertain you more!"


The orc king attacked in a fast speed with no warning.

Koji was somehow able to dodge it by jumping back.

"Don't attack randomly just like that, it took a lot of my stamina to dodge that. But I bet that speed took quite amount of your stamina too."

The orc king pulled up his arms and started to suck energy from nearby plants.

"Hey hey that's seriously cheating. But I'm ready to dye the world in red for my quest so it'll take more to stop me. Come at me with all you've got!"

*At Tokyo*

"FORCES OF SQUAD E ASSEMBLE." Yasuhiro orders.

All the thirty members of squad E ;the weakest squad; assembled.

'Why do I have to do this, telling this young lads go commit suicide..' Yasuhiro thought.

"Sir you look unwell, is something bothering you?" a member of the squad asked.

"Oh don't worry, I'm fine." He responded.

"That's good to hear sire."

Squad E was a suicidal squad with no use and Monaka Matsuoka (the sister of Koji) was also in this squad because she wanted some sort of income to live on.

So accordingly, this squad was assembled for a suicidal mission under the 1st General orders.

Yasuhiro braces his self and with a great tone says.

"Before telling you the reason I called you all out here, I must inform you of something else. You are the weakest of the whole squads and treated as a suicidal squad to clear the way. Keeping that in mind, the mission you have for today is, take care of the dungeon outbreak in the city."

Everyone went silent after hearing it all. It was expected as they were all suddenly told to die themselves.

Yasuhiro tried to speak

"I know I'm telling you to die but-"

"So what? If it's for the cause of peace, we'll put down that rampage and come alive and show the general that we aren't mere meat shields. You don't have to feel bad, being here was our choice. All you have to do is, lead us, captian." A man named Tada Seiichi said from the team.

"Alright then, act as you will. I'll lead you."

They all picked up their equipment and headed directly to the site.

It was thirty at beginning but eighteen remained.

Other punked away.

And the suicidal mission of squad E begins.

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