
Chapter 1 - I'm Captain Raven Hawks

"Captain!" a voice yelled, calling for someone as I heard bullets firing around myself. I felt a bit dizzy and forced myself to open my eyes only to see a short goblin like creature listening to the beat of my heart. "He's alive!" the creature yelled and hopped up and down like a monkey.

"This is no time for celebration, Bloc!" a man shouted as I saw him backing away while firing a machine gun. But wait? I've never seen that model before. And to boot, what I thought were the sound of bullets was something else entirely. It was a strange glowing substance that resembled fire. I would have thought about it more but my head was seriously aching.

"Pick him up guys!" the same man yelled as two other men grabbed my shoulders and began pulling me along the hard rocky soil beneath. What the hell was happening? I didn't know but what I did know was that the sky had become something entirely different from the last time I saw it. Though, I don't quite remember when that was…No matter, the point is that the sky above now was red as fire and the clouds that filled it seemed more like balls of soot than fluffy white balls of vapor.

And what exactly were we running away from? I forced my neck to raise forward a little and saw the red demon-like eyes that were chasing after the group. What were they? Some seem dog like in nature but were twice as ferocious and threatening. Others seemed man-like but they too were taller and rougher than any man I've ever seen. And trust me, when you've been in the army for five years, you're bound to see the toughest guys around. But…what exactly is the army again? Arrrg. My head hurts!

"Stay with us, Cap!" the man yelled as he turned around and began running with the others. "You of all people can't die now." Huh? What does he mean? Actually, now that I'm thinking about it. Who exactly am I? My name…my name is…ahh damnit! I can't remember anything. And to boot, I'm feeling sleepy. I raised my hands to my face. They're cladded in steel armor. Were my hands always this big? Somehow they don't feel like mine. And then there's this pain in my abdomen. I'm beginning to feel cold. And even more sleepy. My eyes keeping shutting and with each blink, everything around me seems to move slower. I think I'm losing consciousness.

"Cap!" a voice yells. "Captain!" another cries. "Captain!" they cry together. And that was the last thing I heard before my mind became blank and I fell into a puddle of darkness. I stand up on the ink like substance and it ripples as I walk forward to the silhouette of a silver man. No, he's not made of silver. It's just that his armor is, he looks like super soldier dressed in that robotic armor. I can't even see his eyes through the blank tint of glass that covers his face. But what about me? I look at my hands and they're back to normal. And I'm wearing a army uniform. Ah yes, I finally remember now. I'm an army cadet. Or at least I was. But I died in a car accident, only recently.

The silver man then walks towards me and places his hand on to my shoulder. Man, he's tall. He must be at least seven foot!

"Sorry about all this." He says. His voice is deep and commanding like a roaring lion. "I'm gonna have to give you a ruff situation to deal with. You're probably not going to understand most of it but I don't have a choice right now. Those people need a hero to rely on." The man then walked away and kicked at the ground. "If only I hadn't gone and died on them!" he shouts angrily. He then looks sidewardly towards me. "You've gotta tough it out kid. My time's come so I have to leave this place but not you, you're still young and thriving." He then began walking away as a bright light appeared in the direction he was going towards. He waved backwards at me as he continued forward. "I'll leave my body in your care." He said and then my eyes sprung open to reveal that I was lying in a sleeping bag behind some huge rock.

"He's awake!" yelled the goblin like creature as I open my eyes and rose out of the bed panty heavily. My head still hurts and I grab on to it as I strain to remember what just happened. I can't. I don't remember anything anymore. I look around and it seems as though I'm in someone's room. I then look at myself and realize that I'm no longer in armor. I step out of bed to find myself naked with the exception of my groins that are covered by a pair of white trunks. I look into a mirror next to the bed.

"I'm really handsome." I thought to myself. "And tall as well." I added in my thoughts. "Though, was I always brown skinned? And were my eyes always silver?" I think as I continue to examine my features. It was then that a man walked into the room and called towards me with teary eyes. "Captain!" he yelled as he walks in for a hug with the goblin like creature behind him, hopping up and down in joy. I take a step back and look at him with distrust. He notices this and retracts his hands as he takes a step back himself.

"What's wrong?" the goblin like creature asks as he stops hopping and looks up at the other man.

"I don't know." The man replies and then glares at me with his fierce blue eyes. He then asks. "Are you okay, captain?"

"Captain?" I say confused.

"Yes…captain." The man replies as he bats an eye.

"Don't you remember who you are?" he asks.

"I…." I hold my head and close my eyes. It hurts. My mind hurts. "I don't." I say as I open them.

The man and the goblin creature look to each other and then the blue eyed man said. "Bloc, why don't you give cap and I some time alone." He says and then the goblin creature exits the room with his head downed.

"You must have hit your head real hard to not remember anything." The man said as he shook his head. "Better than you dying, I suppose." He added as he walked to a corner of the room where the silver armor was braced against a wall. The man then took off the helmet and threw it towards me. I reflexively caught it and saw that the tinted glass had been shattered.

"Put it on." The man says.

I do as I'm told and put the silver helmet on to my head and then the blue eyed man walks towards. He speaks, but not to me. He's speaking to the helmet. "Riot! Awake yourself! This is guest user 0001 requesting an emergency activation." And the helmet became lit in blue and I could see text written on the screen as a woman's voice read it out.

Guest user 0001 entry accepted.

What is the emergency?

"Cap here lost his memory. See if you can recover his memory files." The blue eyed man ordered as the helmet began running lines of code until the screen became red and the program seemingly glitches out before returning to its original blue negative. Once more the woman speaks.

Negative! Memory files has been corrupted due to damage to memory core

However data on combat skill and ability use are still available,

Would you like to restore those?

"Dammit!" the man says to himself as he braces a hand on to his forehead. "Well, I guess there ain't anything that I can do. Riot, restore combat skill and ability use." The man ordered and then I began to see numerous files unloading before my eyes. And soon a felt a small zap in my head and before I knew it, thousands of images of fighting styles, types of guns and weapons as well as various abilities that I possess were displayed before my eyes. I fell to my knees and groan as these images are forced into my brain.

"Bear through it cap." The man says. "Even without your memories, you're still too valuable to be left as a non-combatant. The galaxy needs you."

When it was all over, I fell to my knees panting as I took the helmet off. "What the hell was that?"

"All your combat skills should be restored. Get up!" the man said as he fixed himself in a stance with his fists ready for a fight.

"Hold on a minute." I say as I raise myself up but the man still struck a blow for my face. Reflexively, I caught it with ease. I don't quite remember my reflexives ever being this good. But then again, I don't quite remember anything, do I?

The man then pulled back and aimed a kick for my abdomen. I dodged to the side and grabbed his leg. Then with a might thrust, I flung him into a nearby wall.

Crap! I might have over done it. "Are you okay?" I asked as the man fixed himself upright and rubbed his head.

The man laughed. "Memories or not, you're still something." He said as he got up and stretched. "Hopefully, that'll be enough for now. Follow me." Then he walked out of the room but as he reached the door, he turned around and eyed me well. "Though, you probably want to put something on first. I'll wait outside."

With that said and the man gone, I looked to the closet in the room. I opened and took a white shirt and a long pants out. These I used to attire myself before going out of the room. There in the main room were three other persons and one…well…I still don't quite remember what that was. But as that thought ran through my mind, a familiar voice spoke in my mind. It was the same voice that I had heard from the helmet.

Bloc is from an evolved species of goblin apes.

Just as humans have evolved from chimps, these creatures have evolved to become more

Like goblin humans rather than goblin apes.

Their primary characteristics include short stature, muscular arms and green skin.

Though Bloc in particular is of a higher class making him stronger and faster than normal goblin

Humans which is why his skin pigment is blue.

What? Why can I hear this voice in my head?

To compensate for your lack of memories, I have taken it upon myself to download my AI

Directly into your mind in order to explain what you don't understand.

Just great. No memories and a robotic woman's voice in my head.

"Captain!" Bloc ran up to me.

"Hold on Bloc." The blonder man held out a hand to halt the little creature. "Captain's lost his memory. He can still fight but he doesn't remember any of us. So give him some space, alright?"

At that the little creature once more slouched and walked away. I felt somewhat bad but there wasn't anything I could do. I really don't remember anything.

The blonde man then looked to me and said. "Alright cap, take a seat." He told me gesturing to the two couches in the corner where the other three men sat in waiting. I went towards them and took a seat on the far left where the blonde then came and sat beside me. Bloc sat flat on the ground with his feet crossed.

"Now then, let's begin." He pointed to me. "You're Captain Raven Hawks, renowned hero of the milky way. You've saved the galaxy many times now." He then pointed his thumb to himself. "I'm Lieutenant Rouge Williams, your second in command." And then the man gestured to the three men on the couch beside theirs. And in order from left to right, they said. "John Hard. Rock Raves. Scott Iron."

Rouge then pointed to the goblin creature on the ground. "And last but not least, we have Private Bloc."

The blonde man then sighed and fell back into the couch. "Now it's time for a recap. Listen well cap. Right now, we're on a small planet called Fables. Its atmosphere looks a bit strange and the society is a bit underdeveloped but it's livable and serves a purpose as our hideout. To boot, the people here are on our side so they've been keeping us in secret. But seems as though they've finally found us."

"They." I ask with eager eyes.

"Demons. Well at least that's what we call them. They themselves refer to each other as Pure ones for some bullshit reason. But long story short, they're after you." Rouge pointed towards me again. "Our HQ's already been compromised and we've been losing troops like ants trying to get it back. And that's all the more reason why you need to get back in shape."

Just as Rouge said that, a man came rushing through the front door of the house. "They're here!" he shouted. "They've found the village. And Garlock's with them!"

Rouge stood up and clenched his fists. "Dammit!" he shouted. "To think he'd find a remote place like this so quickly. Arm yourself boys, we're leaving."

"Who's Garlock?" I asked as I stood up myself.

Rouge immediately went towards his armored suit that was braced against a wall. It looked just like own except it was smaller and blue in color. He pressed a button on its chest and the suite opened and swallowed the man. "Garlock's trouble." Rouge said as he walked back to me. "He's the reason we had to flee HQ as well as the reason why you've got that hole in your abdomen. For now, we'll have to leave this place. We're not yet ready to fight him. Leave your suite behind, it ain't much use as it is now."

The others soon became armored and armed themselves. Subconsciously they looked to me for orders but it was Rouge who told them what to do. "You three head outside and keep em busy while Cap and I make a run for it. Bloc, you come with us."

The men nodded and then marched out of the house. "Let's go." Rouge said and then marched outside as Bloc and I followed behind. We watched as our three companions trotted down the front of the hill and up another where another house was built. There they positioned themselves to look down and survey the surroundings. In addition to the hilly scape, I also noticed that we were surround by towering rocks over seventy feet in height. It was as if we were in a giant natural arena.

"How do we leave?" I ask.

"We'll make our way around while those three draw the enemy in. Then we'll take our chance and beat it." Rouge replied as he began marching down the right side of the hill. I and Bloc followed behind.

"So what will happen to them?" I ask in concerns for my other three companions.

Rouge replied fiercely. "They'll die for a good cause." He said and continued down the hill.

I heard sounds of battle as we ran along the tall rocks circling towards what was apparently the only entrance as well as exit to this village. I could hear the shouts and screams of soldiers and villagers alike. I suppose it was inevitable that the villagers get caught up in this as well. After all, they had hidden us from the enemy. I clenched my fists as I continued running. If only there was something I could do.

Soon enough we arrived at a hill where we could see both the ongoing battle as well as our exit which was but a tunnel that lead out of the village. I looked towards where the battle was happening. Our three companions had been firing down at the enemy below as the villagers desperately tried to help with the older weapons they possessed which were but a few barrel rifles, pistols and revolvers. Though, I still had no idea why I knew what those were. Regardless, it was easily visible that the old weapons couldn't pierce the aura shields that lit up on the enemy's armor when they were shot.

And at the exit, while most men had been trying to scale up the hill, they were some still waiting there. One such man was as big as myself and wore a red armored suit that had long claw like hands instead of the typical armored gloves. His helmet, too, was different as it was modelled after a dragon. And the fangs of that dragon was what bit on the black tinted glass that contained the man's face which I could not see.

"He's here." Rouge said beside me. "We'll have to find another way out." He then said as he looked up the tall rock. "Maybe we could scale it?" he asked he held a hand to his chin and looked up.

Well, maybe we could.

Negative! While scaling is a viable option by itself. Doing so while the enemy is on surveillance will lead to an almost certain scenario of being seen while climbing. In that case, it would be worse than if we were spotted now.

So, you're saying it's safer if we reveal ourselves now.

Affirmative! Waiting would only result in more allies falling making now the best time to try and confront the enemy.

Do you think I could beat that man? I then pointed to the red armored man.

Negative! However, hitting him hard in a surprise attack could immobilize him long enough for you to escape. Would you like to activate skill Paralysis fist?

Uh yes?

Skill Paralysis fist activated.

At that time my fist began to be engulfed by a yellow sparking aura. I looked to it and then to the man below.

What's the fastest that I can move?

Would you like to activate skill Dash?

Affirmative! "It's now or never guys. Follow me." I say to my companions.

Then in a blitz, I dash down the hill and before I knew it I was in front of the red armored man. Before he could even react, my fist met his chest and a sparking light funneled around me as well as those nearby. When it was all over, the man as well as the other enemies that were nearby had fallen to their knees and yellow sparks were occasionally seen zapping around them.

Though, the red armored man somehow forced himself to stand up. Dammit, I need him to stay down.

Activating Level One plasma fist.

Blue fiery aura engulfed my fist as I struck the man's helmet and he was sent flying into the rocky wall of the tunnel. It was then that I turned around and saw Rouge and Bloc now catching up to me. But a chill went down my spine as red shots were fired from the weapons of the demons that came running back from the hill. But luckily, our companions had been sniping those that got too close. I looked to them and saluted before Rouge, Block and I ran through the tunnel and left the village.

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