
Chapter 1

Hello, my name is Magnus and I'm your typical shut-in. For most of my life, I did little work I needed to survive, and the rest of the time I played games, read books, or watched tv. Just like today, I was walking home from the shop with a new strategy game, headphones blazing with music, that I didn't notice the truck charging at me. Let me tell you, getting hit by the truck hurts like a bitch. I flew a few meters and rammed my head through a nearby shop window and then black.

Waking up in lifeless good without body was an experience, I freaked out then cried about not being able to play the game I was hyped about, yeah I know my priorities, and then after I don't know how long I just laid there and did nothing. There wasn't anything to do anyway.

An unknown time later I was woken up by bright light. That light Introduced itself as R.O.B. That got my attention alright, it told me that I'm a lost soul and would not be able to reincarnate or continue to some version of hell or heaven. But here was another chance at life, you guessed it. Every shut-in and nerd dream, reincarnation with gifts, 3 in fact.

My first choice is to have abilities like Jean Grey from X-Man, Telepathy will be most useful, telekinesis as strong as hers is so variable that you can do almost everything with it with enough skill, and pyrokinesis with phoenix fire is the most OP power in existence, with it even if I provoke gods I will have a fighting chance.

The second choice is regeneration like Wolverine, but stronger. I want to be able to survive indefinitely and heal from anything. I also want to be able to share this ability, not only because with this I can build a powerful army in most settings but also Immortality alone without partner or partners is not a pleasant motion. Gift will be shared by blood, which means if I want to give someone immortality I need to cut my palm with the intent of giving it so someone just can't take it without me wanting them to.

The third choice is to have the ability to create gateways to other worlds, this gateway would need to be charged with energy and it would take a lot of time but with my regeneration and functional immortality, time was hardly a problem. From what R.O.B explained I will be able to open a gateway once every hundred years that is enough time for me to do everything I want in the world I choose and it is not like I will lose connection to an old world.

"What world would you like to start on?" asks R.O.B

What world? In life, I was a passionate reader of fanfictions, the most interesting one for me was Harry Potter. Where Harry or other OC/SL were gray, not horrible monsters but also not a Hero Complex idiots. They would help someone if it fits them and didn't hurt purposely but also they would not solve other problems without reward.

Another type was SL in GoT where he would with help of magic or technology build himself his or her own Kingdom, bring people from uneducated peons to enlightened citizens under his/her rule.

"I would like to start in GoT as the firstborn of Ned and Catelyn Stark."This will get me a good start, I can change North while south bickers then after Robert dies I will cut out from the south and declare myself a King of the North.

"Wery well, on you go. I hope we will not see each other very soon." R.O.B tells with a jovial tone.

"Thank you for this. I love you!" I yell excitedly. I can't wait for this new life to start. As I was thinking of all possibilities blackness took me.

New Life and getting used to powers.

I woke up from slumber in terrible pain. So many voices around me, I instinctively knew they were thoughts of people around me. They were so loud and so many. I focused through the pain at only one voice, soon I realized that it was the sound of me crying. The pain was starting to be unbearable and soon darkness took me.

It took me 3 months of constantly trying to get telepathy under control. I still heard every thought but now they were just background buzz until I focused on a specific person. I don't know why my powers were present right as I came to this world when Jeans awakened at the start of her puberty but I was thankful.

I started training Telepathy after getting it under control. Being a baby is boring so I spend all my time getting a better grasp on my powers. After a year of trying I was able to create a trigger that if a person with malicious intent is within a radius of my telepathy it will automatically alert me. Very useful. After finishing this trigger I was alerted to a few people working as servants. After looking into their minds I found out they were spies for the Spider. I can't do anything to them just yet but the time will come when they find themselves in unfortunate incidents.

I continued to train my Telepathy for another year when I managed to implant emotions and compulsion, it was very subtle and weak for the time but I managed to get mom to care about Jon, he deserved family like everyone else and I didn't like how she behaved towards him in the show.

I also started to influence her thinking about the Seven. In the future, I will not have any other religion than Old Gods in the North. Not that I believe in them or anything but I like the philosophy of Old Gods religion, live and let live, that and trees are nice.

Also, spies decided that leaving Winterfell is the best idea in the entire world.

Two years after my birth I was bored out of my mind. Still waiting for Telekinesis to awaken and nothing to do other than experiment with telepathy so I sneaked out of my room and to a Maester Luwin library.

I had a book in my hands reading when Lurwin found me.

"What are you doing here young lord?" He asked. From surface thoughts, I knew he was surprised to find me here.

I was still a 2-year-old baby so I just replied "books reading" excitedly. Wawing my hand around the library.

"You can understand what is written?" Luwin asks, I didn't even need to read his thoughts that he didn't believe me.

"U-huh, Family-History" I exclaimed and pointed at the book in my hands.

I was trying to go for an excited and really smart but still a child else they could get into the head I was possessed or other such nonsense.

That got Luwin's attention, he looked at the book I was holding in surprise. I read his thought "He is holding History of the House Stark, could he really understand? At such a young age?" he thought.

"What is it about?" Luwin asks interested.

I scrunch my brows in concentration "Don't know, words hard." Looking at him with big puppy eyes "Can you read me?" I ask

Amusement flashes from him "Of course young Lord, I will read you"

He read me about Brian the Builder, long night, and how they managed to drive Other away and build the wall. That's when I felt another consciousness walking towards us. It was my Dad, he found us sitting in seats with Luwin reading me. "Maester Luwin," he said with a nod, his expression hard in stone as always. His eyes found me and his expression softened. From his mind, I knew how much he loved me and my Mom.

"Lord stark, you have one gifted son. I found him here as he was trying to read History of House Stark. When I asked if he could understand he said that words are hard. "He laughed and my father didn't manage to hide forming a smile. " He then asked me if I can read it to him and here we are. To think he is only two name days old when he grows up he will be the smartest lad in North on my word!" Luwin explains excitedly.

"Da!" I say putting my hands up, a universal sign I want up. "Starks so old, 8 thousand years that's like a lot!" I announced with authority, or as much authority as 2 years old can have.

Father smiled at the display and picked me up "Yes, that's a lot. We, Starks, have a long history." He says. From telepathy, I feel pride towards his son.


I continued to study with Luwin, after a few weeks I stopped pretending I don't know how to read. Also, mom and dad announced that I will have another sibling! This should be Sansa and that means I need to get rid of Septa in the next 3 years. I will not have that old spiteful bitch teaching my siblings useless knight in shining armor shit.

Mom started to drift away from Seven under my compulsion and started showing more love to Jon, he is still only 3 years old but even he noticed a change. The crack in Mom and Dad's relationship also started to heal.

I continued to study and train Telepathy until the day of birth of my sibling. By now I was able to erase memories of my target. They would notice of course it wasn't very precise but it did a job. By the time I was 3, I started talking like normal. My parents declared me a Genius of course and from the feeling, I got from them they were proud.

Few weeks after my sister was born my Telekinesis finally awakened, I was in the library like any other day when I wanted to pick up a book that was on the upper shell, just out of my reach. As I was trying to get to her something washed over me, the book flew out of the shelf and smacked me in the head. Looking at I could not help of joyous exclamation "FINALLY!" I had Telekinesis. I tried to replicate the feeling I got from when I tried to reach the book and after a few tries I managed to get the book to float. It was uncoordinated and I lost control after a second but it didn't manage to dampen my mood.

I threw myself completely into training with Telekinesis. I tried to pick up an object and let them float, throw them or squish them. My control and power over Telekinesis grew splendidly, in just a few weeks I was able to pick up a heavy sword and throw it with such power that it skews through training dummy.

Years passed in a blur as I continued to train and expand my powers. At the age of 5, I managed to cover a kilometer in a radius around me where I was aware of everyone. My Telekinesis was not far behind, I was able to lift a few tons of earth. Other than that I continued to build a relationship with Jon, mom finally let go of the hatred for Jon and actually supported him.

We spared together in the courtyard when I thought of something.

"Wait a sec Jon, I want to try something"

"What? Another sorcery?" He asked in jest. I showed him my Telekinesis a while back. I knew I could trust him when I said it is a secret. I peaked into his mind and found out that he was completely loyal to me and his family. He loved us all and he would not betray us at any cost.

"Something like that." I didn't bother to explain that it was not magic.

I got the idea from some fanfiction I read in my previous life. Infusing my telekinesis with my body and feeling how my mussels constricted and expanded I tried to reinforce them with Telekinesis. Walking to a rack with training weapons I picked up the heaviest of greatswords. It was still a chore to get it up but I managed. I started to swing it around and with every swing, I got an understanding of how to reinforce my mussels, joints, and bones.

"How are you so strong Robb?" Ask Jon in awe

"Well, you know how I can pick up things with my mind?"

"Like when you let the swords hover around you? Jon asks in wonder

"Yes like that, I had an idea of using that power on myself. I reinforced my muscles, joints, and bones. I don't think this is even anywhere my limit."

I feel a spike of jealousy from him. He is loyal as they come and family is everything for him but that doesn't mean he can't feel jealous. Hmm, I could do something for him too. "Say, Jon, you know I love you as Brother?" I ask

That thew him out, jealousy lessened "Yes, and you are my brother. What brought this on?" He asks curiously.

"Well, I discovered something different and this I can gift others. Let me show you." I then use the sword currently holding to stab myself in the palm of my hand.

"What are you doing?! Are you crazy?" Panicked Jon asks

Before he can run for a Maester I stop him "Stop, just watch" he stops panicking when he sees a hole in my palm filling up and in less than a minute sealing itself shut. He inspects my hand where the injury should have been.

"Another of your sorcery? " He asks

"No Jon, this is different," I say. Looking him in the eyes with the serious expression "I can't give you my Telekinesis but this is a different matter. With this, you will be able to survive and heal from anything short of beheading, your stamina will be almost unlimited and you will need fewer hours of sleep, no diseases will find you and you will not age after your psychical peak."

I let him think this through, peaking into his mind reveals that he is debating whether or not accept this would indebt him to me and he doesn't think he will be able to pay the said debt. I decide to throw him a bone.

"Of course I want something for it" Now he is looking at me, from his mind I pick up that he would do anything for a family and that he trusts me.

"What?" Jon asks

"I want an oath" I reply seriously. I want him to be my right hand not for him to end up in a criminal dumpster place known as Black Watch.

"What oath?" He is thinking about taking the Black just the thing I want to avoid.

"I want you to be my right hand, Jon. My brother, my sword, my voice, and my counsel. I may be Lord Stark in the future but every Lord needs someone he can trust inexplicably" I say to him

He thinks about it for a moment but in the end, the most important thing is family, and if his brother needs him to be his right hand so be it. He gets to a knee and in full seriousness say

"I Jon Snow bastard of Winterfell pledge my loyalty to a Robb Stark to be his sword, his voice, and his counsel until the day of my death"

Just as seriously a put one hand on his shoulder and say

"I Robb Stark accept Jon Snow but not as a bastard but as a brother to my service until the day I'm not worthy or I die." I then pick up a dagger from my belt.

"Now Jon, to receive this gift you will need to drink my blood." He doesn't question it and I with the intent of sharing a regeneration cut my palm.

He drinks a little bit of blood until my wound heals.

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