
Thank You

Good day to whoever is reading this. Once again, I thank you for your support and for reading my story. What happens now, in the universe of the fic? As I said before, it's up to your imagination, but I'm sure Poseidon and Athena will be together forever.

Where did I get the inspiration to write this fic? I got the inspiration to start writing this fanfic when I saw a video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1WGW8r39lI ( I don't know if the site will allow the link, but if not, just search for the title: All the Greek Gods After Fighting Kratos). This fic only came into existence because of this video, and I couldn't help but mention it.

What were those universes in the epilogue? Well, those were the fanfics I am writing about. There are a few spoilers here and there, but nothing that compromises everything. And in case you are wondering, I am currently writing two fics, one for TWD and one for EVIL DEAD. The TWD one... I'll be honest, the reviews/downvotes made me a little reluctant to continue to write it, but I'll finish it ... eventually.

However, I have one that is on hiatus, which is the Green Arrow fic. I will write it eventually, I just don't know when. The other one, the Star Wars one, I haven't even started writing yet, but I will, eventually.

I also have some fic I wrote back in 2019, I think, but they are trash, to say the least. So many grammar errors, and a plot that goes nowhere, but I like them a lot. I'll never write them again, but you also can read them on my profile on Fanfiction.net. https://www.fanfiction.net/~mrpopocap

They are trash, but maybe you might enjoy it.

Anyway, that was it. This 'chapter' was mostly a goodbye to this fic. I started writing it on November 2022 and finished on May 2023. It had 140K words, approximately. Was it good? I don't know about that, but I did enjoy writing it, and I hope you guys enjoyed reading it.

Remember, if I could write a fanfic, you can do it too! Just start small, it doesn't need to be a masterpiece, you just need to write down the story in your mind. You can do it!

A special thanks to my Patreon Supporter: Zumma, who's been supporting me since January.

See you in my next fic! Good reading to you all!