
Reincarnated as my husband's ghost assistant

Lilian is a regular woman in her late twenties who works as a team leader for the video game editor department. Married to a calm and loving spouse who cherishes taking care of and spoiling his wife. In a nutshell, an average happy married family lives with an established daily routine. Once, just like every other day, Lilian was rushing to work when her forgetting the car keys at home, causing an unavoidable tragedy. And I wouldn't say that Lilian was truly unhappy with her circumstances, at least, until she was summoned into the unknown world and universe to serve her husband as a ghost familiar one day.

Aza_Iva · Fantasia
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7 Chs

The name is Lilian Whats. Nice to meet you.

- Ok, I'm out! – she hollers as she races down the sidewalk. The sound of her heels clicking down the stairway followed her shout as the door was still closing.

- Wait! – A guy's delayed response from the kitchen - You forgot your lunch...box? – could never reach his wife.

She flies out from the main exit and towards her parked car.

- Where is it? - A frustrated woman dives inside her large handbag, again and again, - Ah, come on... – groaning as she realizes the necessity to run another sprint back home. Turning, she experiences a stinging sensation first, before detecting a sticking-out item around her abdomen. Her eyes trail to the hand that holds the knife, attempting to glimpse the attacker's face as another few cycles of acute agony cloud her vision.

- Honey! – appearing at the entrance gate with car keys in hand, her husband witnesses as a man in a dark hoodie fled from afar. – Honey! – He keeps shouting for his wife and speeding up toward the vehicle, though he is yet to find the body that is resting behind it.

"Yes, that was how I died in my previous life when I lived on Earth. One of the trillions and trillions of planets, universes, and realities and I had to perish from a pathetic stabbing on the street. Don't be concerned, the dying isn't as excruciating as it has been described above, and when you lose consciousness, you don't feel a thing. My husband, who was a bit hesitant and passive before my death, must have had it hard after I died. But we didn't have children, so someone like me must have chosen his indecisive, kind arse and molded it into a family. "Lilian," you'd say, "why are you so furious if it appears that you don't care?" I'll answer your question deliberately. It's because I'm forced to be a f**king babysitter to this arseh*le for the rest of his life!"

- Again. Who gave you the right to summon me?

- I'm sorry miss. It's just that the teacher instructed us that we needed a ghost familiar. I understand that not everyone is pleased when they are called, and I'd want to let you go as you choose, but...

- But what?

- But it seems that your spirit is drawn to mine. It makes it, you know, - twitching fingers nervously the young boy finally dares to gaze the lady in the eyes – for-ever thing?

- Wait a minute, - She grabs his face and gives him a stern look. When their eyes meet again Lilian gets the opportunity to apprehend her husband's soul in this boy's body – What? Why are you here? And, by the way, where is - here? – she releases him and directs her focus to the room inspection.

On one side, there is a bright area with windows instead of a wall and plenty of bookshelves on the other. A nook bedded in the corner has been joined by rather a large table in the middle of the room, which is filled with another ton of books on the floor beside and atop it. The setting gave her an image reminiscent of wizardries at magic schools, as they were depicted in fantasy films on Earth back in her days.

- Ahem - the twelve-year-old clears his throat, though whether to try and be brave or attempt to quit stuttering is unclear - As a traveling spirit, you may not always know where you are. Yes, as instructed by the teacher, I must introduce myself and our world to you, how could I forget... My name is Satis Fue; - he takes another deep breath - I'm 12 and a student at the Northern Maguswards Academy one of the continent's two institutions. The planet's name is Silvius, and we dwell in the third universe within the Snow Leopard constellation.

He aims his wand up, then illustrates all of his words into an image to help Lilian comprehend where she is. Looking at something that looks like a hologram above their heads, Lilian realized she was in one of those distant universes that can't be seen from Earth even as stars. Something about Satis's welcome speech perplexed her, though.

- Hmm… So, you say you are from Silvius planet?

- Right – the boy responds immediately.

- And you are a young wizard named Satis?

- That's correct – he replies calmly and still a bit shy.

- Let me ask you one more question. By any chance, is your continent ruled by Queen Maria Alta Affronter?

- Oh, that's absolutely right! - a happy youngster says with a big grin on his face. - Miss, do you know our planet? You're wearing funny clothes, so I guessed you were from somewhere far away. Despite this fact, it appears as if I was incorrect! – he continued to speak at top volume, forcing Lilian to speak up louder in order to overpower his words.

- No, I'm not from around here. - She cuts him off before he could go any further with his assumptions, - I'm from somewhere in space that's very far away. So distant that it'd likely take a couple of hundred years to journey across the cosmos to my planet.

- Then how come you know about us?

"That's correct. How can I know about you? It's impossible for me to be summoned as a ghost familiar in my own game, is it? Are you kidding me right now? If this is Satis and he's 12 years old, that means in another six years the planet will be destroyed and he'll be one of the causes. I can't tell him that right now, can I? To answer your question, what if it's a coincidence? A collection of similar names crammed together in one location isn't enough to prove anything to me. In order for there to be a connection between us, we'd have to look at more ties."

- I don't think that's crucial now; what matters is that I've never introduced myself. Lilian Whats. A funny name, right? – she smiled.

- No, - he sincerely insisted. - I believe it's a quite nice name and even mystical.

She remembers hearing her husband's voice come back to her as Satis responded in the same way that he had when they first met.

- Ah… Something doesn't appear to change regardless of the body you're in, right? - she replied thoughtfully with a sense of nostalgia in her voice.

- What do you mean? - Satis asks with a puzzled look on his face.

- Maybe I'll tell you one day. By the way, can we reconfirm with someone to make sure it's absolutely impossible for me to "woosh" and out of this world?

- We can inquire with my teacher, but I don't think he'll say it differently.

- Of course, he is. Isn't your teacher Tenebris…. Something… What was his name you said?

- But... I don't recall saying it, but yes, my teacher's name is Tenebris Noir, The Northern 3rd. He's the third most powerful wizard at this institution and the fourth on the continent.

- How is it possible?

- Well, he's more powerful than The Southern 2nd and 3rd wizards. He inspires me, he's only 24 years old and already the fourth-best on the continent. He's the youngest of the top five continent wizards to reach this position in history.

- Yeah, yeah. I'm amazed you're not carrying around a poster that has been autographed by him, fanboy.

- Hey! As my familiar, you are supposed to be more polite towards people I respect.

- Pfft. - She laughed, - You were such a recluse to speak up until now till "your familiar" had the audacity to speak ill of your hero.

- Don't laugh, that's extremely important to me; I ask for respect from my familiar at the least toward those I aspire - he grumbled in a huff.

- Total fanboy, - she chuckled once again.

Hey, guys, I'm starting this project to test my skills, willpower, persistence, and participation in the contest. I hope you enjoy what you read. For now, I've classified it as a short story but may move it to a novel if I can't fit my imagination into less than 15 chapters... Because everything changes as soon as my hands touch the keyboard and the idea wanders begin, I never know how things are going to turn out when I write.

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