
Reincarnated as my husband's ghost assistant

Lilian is a regular woman in her late twenties who works as a team leader for the video game editor department. Married to a calm and loving spouse who cherishes taking care of and spoiling his wife. In a nutshell, an average happy married family lives with an established daily routine. Once, just like every other day, Lilian was rushing to work when her forgetting the car keys at home, causing an unavoidable tragedy. And I wouldn't say that Lilian was truly unhappy with her circumstances, at least, until she was summoned into the unknown world and universe to serve her husband as a ghost familiar one day.

Aza_Iva · Fantasia
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7 Chs

The Boss-level vilian: Tenebris Noir

After a long walk, they arrived at a teacher's room that turned out to be a vast library. Lilian was taken aback by how effortlessly the multidimensional chamber worked. Mages may freely wander between several libraries as if stepping into and out of them. This chamber is a part of a knowledge-sharing agreement between wizards and witches in this universe, and from the game history, which her team was responsible for, it includes libraries from throughout the world as well as another two hundred libraries around this universe as part of a knowledge exchange program. Each library is restricted by the rule, and any visitor from another planet or nation that steps across a different dimension may only do so if they comply with three regulations.

Rule number One: Only Archimage-level spell-casters are allowed to utilize multidimensional libraries. The lesser-powered magician will not be able to concentrate the flow of their magical energy and attempting to cross the dimension will result in one's death through destruction.

Rule number Two: Each planet has only one shared interplanetary connection point for the library. Because the link must be maintained at a power of five Archimages to avoid disruption. As a result, there's a reason why three out of the five most powerful mages are found in the Northern Maguswards Academy.

Rule number Three: A being that enters another dimension's library is confined to that room only. It was agreed that the inter-dimensional Archimage, who is using the library, may stay in that room and cannot leave it until returning to his/her own dimension for the purpose of migration control.

After Satis with Lilian arrived at the Library, they were asked to wait by the entrance as a messenger was delivering a meeting request to Tenebris Noir, who was apparently engaged in another dimension. In this world, they employ a unique method of communication. If you leave something of yours with someone you don't mind getting in touch with, that person can communicate with you telepathically by writing down a note containing what you left, and you'll receive a telepathic message. So, in most situations, people are opting to be contacted with their left 'words'. It's similar to sending an email with the correct ID, but instead of the internet, they utilize their intellect for it to be sent. So, knowing the proper ID will allow you to deliver your message to the appropriate person. It doesn't require much of magic power, so it's widely utilized as a messaging technique. Although not everyone will share his or her word with you, particularly not every Archimage.

- Apologize for keeping you waiting, Prof. Noir promised to arrive shortly. – after a while, a polite young man spoke to them. - Do you mind waiting a little longer? Perhaps you'd want to leave a message with me instead?

- Ah, no. We'd rather wait. Thank you. – Satis remained assertive in his response.

- What's this? Is that your hero, boy? – Lilian smirks as she looks at Satis.

- Hey, not so loud, - as red as a tomato Satis murmurs.

- Are you serious? Man, your Tenebris is fantastic... - she murmurs back in a mocking tone.

"No, but seriously, I've never imagined that we'd create Tenebris so handsome. He is the most beautiful man I've ever seen in my life. Yeah, he was designed to be a jackarse. But now I hope that this universe isn't connected to our game because a guy like him simply can't be a villain. Oh, Dear God, please don't make this hot guy into a villain. Please?"

- Satis. What's the urgency? - asked a dark-haired, green-eyed man as he approached them.

- Professor Noir, as part of your assignment, I've summoned a familiar and this lady answered my call but unwillingly. - The boy started explaining the whole problem at once.

- I don't see a problem here, Satis. You don't need to be so indulgent with them. Familiars are called to be controlled; they are not your companions but servants. You don't have to treat them with such care. – A strong and calm voice was carefully instructing Satis, completely oblivious to Lilian's presence.

- Excuse me?! – Lilian exclaimed in astonishment. - Who do you call a slave, you sneaky lizard?

- You must also improve the attitude, and remember to explain this… – looking at Lilian without any emotions - "thing?" - as if doubting Tenebris categorizes her, - before our next lesson. You may be dismissed now.

- Ha! - Lilian was about to throw a huge fit at his arrogant arse when Tenebris silenced her with a simple motion of his hand.

- And next time, be sure to keep it quiet in here; it's a library, after all. - As he spoke those words, he turned around. Lilian was emotionally swearing by his presence in silence but with energetic gestures including giving him a middle finger as he walked away.

"I f**king made you, and if I didn't, you'd be a red-haired dwarf with one eye missing and a crippled leg in your 70s! It was I who offered to make you into a gorgeous and flaming hot forever "daddy". You should be thankful to me that you can wear clothing revealing half of your torso with six-packs! Ayo, God, do you recall me talking about a man earlier? Forget it. I'm glad to be here to smash his smug expression. You wait, Prof. "thing". I am all aware of your dirty schemes and I will destroy your pompous arse!"

Lilian kept swearing quietly before they were finally able to return to Satis' room and break the spell.

- Couldn't you do it over there? - Lilian was enraged and almost barked at the kid.

- I'm sorry, Miss Lilian. However, as a result, you would have attacked the teacher.

- Of course, I would have!

- That would be a mistake on your part.

- Why is it, for example? Is this because you're fanboying him? Is that why?

- Not exactly. Familiars, which are uncontrollable and can't be let go of, are frequently discarded.

- What exactly do you imply by that? Where did you even pick up this word, "discarded," - she asks in a high-toned voice.

- You know... We'll have to erase you; diminish your existence; consign you to nothingness; disregard your soul; trash your being...

- Okay, okay, I get it. You can stop flexing your abilities in playing associations for the word "kill." – she sighs heavily – What am I supposed to do now? I'm not going to turn into your pup. I've already lived once, so I won't be controlled by someone else's rules any longer.

- I had no intention of doing that to you, Miss. If coexistence is inevitable, perhaps we can establish some common ground to discuss one another's perspectives.

- May you refrain from talking like a fifty-year-old who memorized all of Mr. William Shakespeare's works by heart.

- Shake-who?

- Ah, yeah, you most probably don't know him. It's even more amazing why you speak in such a manner when you don't know him. I bet you have very few friends if you talk to everyone like this.

- That's none of your concern, - pouting Satis turned around and feigned to be searching for something on his table.

- Okay. My bad here. I apologize for being rude. Because of your "teacher," I was venting my anger on you. And for it, I apologize.

- I'm not angry about your words in any manner, since they must be real for the one to influence them.

- Yeah, sure. Whatever floats your boat.

- Pardon me?

- I mean suit yourself.

- Alright, Miss Lilian, we are ought to determine the list. - He says as he sits at his desk and prepares to take notes.

- What list?

- The list of your strengths, benefits, and drawbacks. Your spell conditions as well as the behavioral compromise we're attempting to strike a bargain on.

- Are you a student or a prison guard? Actually, the last ones won't try talking stuff but will start enforcing them on you. Okay, let's have a little chat, mister. I had some questions of my own as well. - She approaches the mirror, - Something has been bugging me all this time. What did you mean by me being dressed funny, fanboy?

Hope you'll enjoy the read.

P.S.: Please don't be upset with me for the ginger dwarf, it just felt right for this character to say it. I, in fact, adore ginger hair. And by a dwarf, I meant a mythical creature.

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