
Reincarnated as my husband's ghost assistant

Lilian is a regular woman in her late twenties who works as a team leader for the video game editor department. Married to a calm and loving spouse who cherishes taking care of and spoiling his wife. In a nutshell, an average happy married family lives with an established daily routine. Once, just like every other day, Lilian was rushing to work when her forgetting the car keys at home, causing an unavoidable tragedy. And I wouldn't say that Lilian was truly unhappy with her circumstances, at least, until she was summoned into the unknown world and universe to serve her husband as a ghost familiar one day.

Aza_Iva · Fantasia
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7 Chs

Silvius : Planet : Meaning - Forest

- What's the plan for today, master Satis Fue? - Lilian asked with an ironic grin as they were leaving his room.

- There are just five days till our next lesson with Professor Noir, and we have some schoolwork to complete before.

- What exactly do you mean by "we"? I thought we cleared everything up with your excruciatingly long and tedious lecture slash interrogation yesterday, - she shot back immediately.

Lilian's reaction to Satis' proposal for today makes sense. In a nutshell, Lilian Whats' plans for today. First, go explore the castle and become acquainted with the environment. She had to satisfy her curiosity after her first visit to a magical castle, so that was reason one. Second, learn how to float in mid-air. No, she knows how to float; it's just that she needs to know how to move about as a ghost properly. And lastly, she wanted to try going through walls and doors. It goes without saying that spending another day glued to her husband's soul's new body wasn't on her to-do list today.

- Yes, Miss Lilian, as my familiar, you and I will have to train constantly. First, we need to identify your level of cosmic power control and then check how well we can channel each other's magic forces. We should also see if you have a skill for controlling any of the three: mind, will, or emotions; though we don't need to hurry with it." – Satis said seriously as he walked down the hall explaining their training plan to Lilian.

- Ah, come on, - Lilian responded back, looking far too exhausted to argue. - What if I say I don't want to? Judging from the number of books in your room, surely you can find something else to occupy your time. - she looked hopefully at the kid. When she received no reaction, she continued speaking, - Does it have to be today? What day is it today anyway? You don't seem like you have classes today - she glanced at him again with hope.

- The students at the Northern Magusward Academy don't get weekends off. We have classes once a week, and the other six days we spend doing research, assignments, and projects before the next class. - with the same stern demeanor Satis responds back to Lilian as they walk by a massive backyard garden.

For the first time, Lilian was astonished by anything she saw after being called to this world. The library didn't disappoint in the least; though she knew what to expect from a game as a creator. On the other hand, her team did not go into Silvius' visuals in-depth and simply concentrated on developing Tenebris' backstory and a few of his subordinates. When looking at just a little bit of the planet's unaltered beauty while viewing what appears to be an endless garden within a dormitory. Silvius, which means "forest", was aptly named so for a reason. The people of Silvius are the ones to have learned how to live in balance with their planet.

Children wearing robes identical to Satis ran around the garden of the Northern Magusward, some with their ghost familiars and others flocking in groups. The garden was changing in appearance and shape under children's spell, with each part - trees, grass, or flowers - transforming. The magic would revert the position of wherever the student left the area. Despite the fact that it's in the northern part of the continent, any precipitation melts away in the air before reaching treetops, whether it's snowing or raining. The Northern Magusward's students might enjoy an open-air garden, which is more like a park, and don't have to worry about the weather. As a result of the garden being filled and surrounded by magic, it has become home to a variety of small animals as well as some earth and air creatures.

- That's incredible! Look at this little fellow, Satis. – Lilian was indicating at a tiny creature that looked like a hedgehog but was green in color and carried a little grass hill with a small house instead of spikes on its back. - Isn't he absolutely adorable? What's on its back?

- It seems like the house of a forest fairy. - Satis replies calmly, still not slowing the pace for a bit.

- Amazing, - Lilian came closer to look at the tiny home on top of the hedgehog's hill when she saw a finger-tall fairy sticking out of the door. The fairy started spouting something, but its voice was so thin that Lilian couldn't understand anything. – What is it saying?

- I'm not an air creature to understand it, but I believe the fairy is annoyed by your presence. – Satis was forced to stop as Lilian got too distracted by her surroundings to keep up with his pace.

- Hmm, are we going somewhere specific? - she kept walking deeper into the garden, forcing him to follow her. - There are a lot of kids here wearing cloaks like yours. I assume they're students too.

- We'll need to go to the training ground, - he interjected as she was pacing forward.

- Is the scenery as lovely over there as it is over here?

- In our academy, we only have one garden.

- You, know, - she stopped and then said softly, - I like it here more. Can't we do all the training and stuff here? - Lilian spoke to him gently, as if tempting him with her voice and encouraging him to favor her request.

- But there are too many people here, - Satis murmured in response, his eyes flicking to the group of students on the side. - I don't think we will be able to concentrate on our training in this environment.

- Tell me, - she whispered, as she squatted down to his level, - are you not comfortable around other children?

- Nonsense. What gave you that idea? - he spoke, straightening his posture to look sharp on his words.

- Means you have friends, right? Then let's join them, - she grabbed his hand.

- Ahem, - he pulled his hand from her grasp slowly and murmured - I have a few classmates that I'm friendly with, but they aren't here.

"Man, you have only my husband's soul, you don't need to take on his character as well." Lilian thought to herself as she watched Satis' conflicted responses. "Fine then, whether you're my husband or not makes no difference to me. I've always known how to deal with people like you."

Thanks for reading the new chapter. The next update will follow as usually. Have a greate week ahead ^-v-^

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