
Reincarnated As Karna With System In Mahabharata

(This Story Takes Place In AU So, Don't Expect To Go Things As It Was In the Original Mahabharat.) A Young Boy From Kalyug Named Jaswant An Orphan But Was Hardworking And Caring To His Fellow Orphan. But When He Was At The Age Of 16 Years Old When He Died Mysteriously And Got Reincarnated- As Karna From Dwapar Yug With Boon As A System. Let's See What A Boy With a System From Kalyug Does In His Second Life, Will He Live As the Original Karna, Will He Walk On His Path? Disclaimer: Remember, This is fanfiction of Mahabharata. Not "Original" Mahabharata. I have no intention to harm anyone's religious belief, I am just writing what-if story from my perspective. If you don't like it, So I kindly request you not read further this. 4 Chapters/Week Minimum. Bonus Chapter Depends On Mood Teehee~

Suryaputra_Karna01 · Fantasia
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198 Chs

Chapter No.183 Bhishma's Regret (1)

[Hastinapur, Kingdom Of Kuru]

[One Month Ago]

It's been more than one hour since Karna left after killing Devraj Indra while sparing the army of Devraj at the request of Krishna.

The whole palace was left crumbling, destroyed under the weight of mighty battles fought in just a few hours. The aftermath of the battle left the kingdom of Kuru in disarray, with the once-grand palace reduced to ruins and the streets littered with the debris of war.

Mahamahim Bhishma still didn't stand up from his kneeling position which he unwillingly took under the monstrous aura of Karna

As Bhishma remained kneeling amidst the palace ruins, his mind raced with conflicting emotions. He had witnessed firsthand the sheer power and determination of Karna, a warrior whose strength and resolve seemed unmatched. Yet, Bhishma couldn't shake the unease lingering in the air.