
Reincarnated as Harry Potter's Twin

Dying by getting shot, young Barry Potter gets shot and Death gaves him a visit. He gets a chance to get reincarnated as a brother of Harry Potter. He replaces their version of Barry Potter and takes control of the story. Changing the course of History as a new threat to the world is unleashed. But at the year of one, his memory is thrown deep inside his mind, making him forget his past. Meet Blaze, an alter ego of Barry, who has the memories and helps Barry remember his past. Will he survive the threat, or die trying? Read Now to find out! This story takes place in an Alternate Universe of Harry Potter world where Harry has a twin brother. New chapters every week thrice from 11:30am to 11:30pm ist. This is a fanfic, I do not own the all the characters in the stories. I also do not own the cover page, I will take it off if its rightful owner says to take it off.

Reyansh_Ranjan · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Ch-8 : Are we in trouble?

""We might be weak, but will not fall!"" Our Phoenix spirit came to a new level as fire covered our entire body. Our body released a fiery wave which threw Harbinger and his followers off the ground. Harbinger stands up and whispers to himself in shock, "Huh, Phoenix spirit?".

""Hhessh hsaahhss shaah,"" We used Parseltongue magic on Harbinger, who dodged them easily. He took his scythe and lunged forward. Our first met his scythe and so the fight began. I tried kicking Harbinger in his face, which he deflected and hit us in the stomach pretty easily. With our eyes filled with determination, we shot flaming arrows simultaneously. Harbinger phased through the arrows and kicked us in the face, then the stomach, arms, and legs. Our body ached. We used our flaming fist, hitting Harbinger in the face, and throwing him to the opposite wall.

"Young Barry has some strength, eh?" Harbinger used mocking as a weapon, "Now the real fight begins."

Our fiery body healed any bruises left, readying me for the boss fight. We flew towards Harbinger, who himself ran towards us. Our fiery fists met in the face, which did nothing. He threw us at the ground with so much strength, that blood left our body. My Phoenix spirit healed me, but it was having no effect as Harbinger kept hitting me everywhere. We gathered every bit of strength left and hurled it to Harbinger, who took the hit without sweating. "Barry... Barry... Barry, why are you wasting your time and strength? You can't defeat me."

Harbinger kicked us in the back while we punched him but had no effect. Blood shot out of our mouth as we looked at Harry, we couldn't do anything to protect me.

Suddenly, Harbinger vanished and emerged behind us, stabbing us in the back with his scythe. The scythe pierced through the lungs and skin, showing the tip of the scythe in my chest. Breathing became difficult as we tried to hit Harbinger but in vain. Ron, Hermione and Harry struggled through their fight as well.

Dumbledore emerged from the thin air and looked in horror as we struggled to even stand up. "Barry! Harry!" Dumbledore came rushing towards me as we fainted. The last thing we heard was Dumbledore screaming, "Lanuaem Vacuie.".


1st September 1991


I woke up in the train compartment beside Harry. The golden trio were sleeping. Suddenly, all three of them woke up. """Whoaa!""" They screamed. I hugged Harry, content that he was okay.

A student came into our cabin and said, "Change into your school uniform, we are nearly there." and then went to tell the same in the next cabin.

"We are back?" Ron asked, looking at his skin, which was back to normal. "Was it all a dream?"

"No," I told him, "I think Professor Dumbledore sent us back here."

"Let's not waste time and change into robes."

We changed into our uniform, but there was still a little time left before the train came to a halt.

"Hermione, do you know anything about time manipulation on the trains to Hogwarts?" I asked, as she had read many books on Hogwarts according to her.

"No, this is a completely different topic and it's very advanced," Hermione said while thinking for an explanation.

"Ron, do you feel like in the dungeons, like hearing and smelling amplified?" Harry asked, hoping for a yes.

"No, I feel completely normal," Ron said while trying to hear like he could in the dungeons.

The train came to a halt, and it was time to go to Hogwarts. We left the train and saw the half-giant telling the first years to come his way. "Firs' years, come 'ere an' follow me. Firs' years, 'ere."

We followed Hadgrid to a river which had several boats. We all sat on one and admired the view of Hogwarts from there. We entered the school and waited outside the Great Hall.

"So it's true, Barry and Harry Potter have come to Hogwarts." said a blond boy with long hair, with emerald green eyes and thin lips, "I'm Draco Malfoy."

To which Ron chuckled and made Draco angry. "And who do you think you are? Oh, don't tell me. A redhead, with hand-me-down clothes, you must be a Weasley."

To Draco's surprise, Professor McGonagall stood behind him and heard all his talks. "In some time, you will be going inside and will be sorted into your houses. Your house would be your family, and discipline and good work will grant tour house points while misbehaving," McGonagall looks at Draco, "will result in deducting points from your house. At the year's end, the house with the most points would be granted the house cup. Now, follow me."

We followed Professor Mcgonagall inside the Great Hall and she stopped us in our tracks. "Now, the student who will be called will come here and the sorting hat will sort you into your house," McGonagall explained. "Hannah Abbott."

Hannah walked towards Professor Mcgonagall, sat on a chair and wore the sorting hat. "Hmmm... Loyal, Determined, HUFFLEPUFF!" The hat thought loudly and sent Hannah to Hufflepuff's house. Many people came and went until it was Hermione's chance. She wore the hat and thought, "Hmmm... Intelligent, Brave, Determined. A thirst to learn new things. Where to put you? Ravenclaw or Gryffindor?" The hat took several minutes until decided, "GRYFFINDOR!" Hermione rushed and sat at the Gryffindor's table. Relieved that she had come to Gryffindor's house.

"Barry Potter."

Many students started gossiping about me and my name.

I walked towards the hat, who without even touching me, declared, "GRYFFINDOR!". I walked away and sat beside Hermione.

"Ronald Weasley," McGonagall called.

"In which house do you think Ronald would go in?" Hermione asked me, to which I replied, "Blaze is telling it's Gryffindor."

Ron walks towards the hat, scared. The hat said annoying, "Ah! Another Weasley. I know where to put you. GRYFFINDOR!"

Hermione raised her eyebrow and looked at me, "Do you know the future, Blaze?" She asked rhetorically.

"Harry Potter."

The hat thought for a while before speaking, "You can either be a Slytherin or Gryffindor. You are Cunning and Clever. But you are also Determined and Brave. It's up to you what you choose."

"Gryffindor," Harry said excitedly, happy we get a chance to spend the years with us and not in any other houses.

"GRYFFINDOR!" The hat declared.

After all the sorting, Dumbledore stood up and declared, "The feast begins."

We ate contently, especially me, who had skipped many weeks of lunch due to the Dursleys. The feast ended and Dumbledore said, "All house prefects, guide the students to their common rooms, Harry, Ron, Barry, Hermione, may I have a word with you?"

I gulped, a word with the headmaster on the first day at school. Are we in trouble?