
Chapter 9 Commander Pixis

"This should be it." I muttered as we arrived at the Garrison Headquarters, in here would be a very important piece to the puzzle that was my plan. "I still don't understand what you're going for, and I've been confused by your actions ever since we came back from our Expedition but I hope your plan succeeds." Levi replied before we dismounted our horses.

"Excuse me soldier, but may I have a meeting with your Commander Pixis, I am the Commander of the Survey Corps Erwin Smith." I said showing my badge which indicated my status. "Ah Commander Erwin Smith, of course I just have to inform the higher ups." He replied before quickly going over to someone.

About 5 minutes later we were allowed into an office, in which an old bald man sat with a gray moustache. "Greetings, Commander Pixis." I said entering the room. "Likewise, and this must be Levi?" Pixis replied to which Levi simply nodded.

"I've heard about you two, you seemed to have helped with the evacuation quite a bit." Pixis chuckled as I took a seat, Levi standing beside me. "How do you feel about the weather? Its quite nice isn't it." The old man noted as we locked eyes.

"Yes, its unfortunate it won't last for long." I replied a what I can assume only be described as a stone-like expression dawning on my face. "Haha, you're quite a funny man Erwin Smith, now what business do you have with me?" Pixis said it seemed he finally wanted to know what I was here for.

"...Is this room secure?" I questioned my eyes darting around the room. "Don't worry about it." He assured as I finally let out a long sigh. "I'll be honest I don't expect nor do I think you will want to do as I ask so I only need you to let some things slide for me in the coming period."

"Which will be?" He replied seemingly intrigued. "You must know of the current talks of sending 250,000 to go die to the titans, and I'll be frank they have no chance of survival at best they might serve as titan fodder." I voiced, to the side Levi's face immediately darkened.

Even Pixis looked a bit downcast when hearing about this matter it was true that there had been talks at this point but nothing concrete had been put into motion yet. I knew it would come to pass though, and I banked on Pixis' personality and he knowing it would come to pass to.

"So what are you getting at?" Hearing this I simply smiled. "I am here to give you an option, would you rather they die saving humanity or would you rather they die in vain. If you choose the former then I need you to do me 2 favors. Firstly I need you to ignore any actions of the Survey Corps in the coming weeks, and secondly I need your help to push up the date of this, it has to happen in the next 2-3 months or so or else my plan will fail completely." Explaining what I needed of him, it was obvious the man wasn't completely convinced.

"The thing is, you've given me nothing concrete so why should I trust you." Pixis gave his doubts shaking his head seemingly uninterested. "While I can't tell you much as of yet, there is one thing I can tell you, whether you want to test it or not is up to you though." I chuckled sliding the man a letter.

After that I rose from my seat and turned around. "If what's in that letter is true, which it is I hope you'll adhere to my wishes. Those people don't care about humanity but rather their own survival." Leaving him with a cryptic message I left the room with Levi in tow.

"Why would you want them to die sooner, shouldn't you let them at least have more time." Levi muttered as we walked out of the building. "Levi, if 200,000 of those who are sent out die but we achieve our goal I am sure those 200,000 men and women can die in peace. On the other hand without my plan they will only die in vain their only accomplishment being lessening the mouths to feed." I declared, yes was it cruel? Definitely, could it be avoided? Probably not then again I wasn't a God so how could I know?

Mounting our horses once again, Levi and I made our way to the headquarters once there I entered my room and took off my cloak. Gazing towards the direction of the Garrison headquarters I couldn't help but become solemn.

"Its all on you Pixis, if you interfere with my plans then I'll probably have to kill my way to victory, but even then it will lower my chances of success by at least 50%."

The Garrison was the largest military force directly under the Military Police so if they decided to oppose me it would only make my plan that much harder.

"Haa, sometimes I wish I was reincarnated in an easier world than Attack On Titan, at least I got Star Platinum I suppose." I sighed, after all Attack On Titan wasn't anyone's first choice for a relaxing reincarnation.