
Reincarnated as Draco's Twin To Dominate Hogwarts

Finding himself getting thrown into the wizarding world of Harry Potter and being reborn as Malfoy's brother, Skyler, our protagonist, shall unravel the perilous path before him to prevent the resurrection of the Dark Lord and to raise Slytherin's honor. Using his knowledge before traversing, Skyler, who's known as a famous archaeologist from our world, will use all his knowledge to aid him in learning the magical spells. Born from the same mother, how can Skyler deal with the perk of being born as Draco's brother? Will he grow up to be as kind and loving as Narcissa, or will he grow into the proud Pure-Blooded figure of Lucius? This is a translated work with over 400+ Chapters The chapter will be updated every day on 23:00 GMT+7 You can read future 40 chapters ahead at [p][a][t][r][e][o][n].com/Scaramousse !

Scaramousse · Anime e quadrinhos
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284 Chs

Chapter 112 "Hufflepuffs Secret Technique"

After extensive exploration during the previous semester, Skyler had become intimately acquainted with the topography of the Forbidden Forest. Anticipating a significant upcoming battle, he discreetly signaled Dobby and Shining to depart.

Cloaking himself in the Night Star Cloak, enhanced through his alchemical skills and engraved with the "Guardian" rune, subtle light-blue ripples emanated into the surrounding air. Donning the Duel Gloves, crafted with unicorn and Thestral tail hair, interwoven with black and white yarn, the gloves emitted a cheery resonance when he grasped his wand.

Adorned with a crystalline sheen, the vine wood wand revealed the successful neutralization of the wand's "power of death" by the "power of holiness" from the glove—a transformation Skyler recognized from his extensive reading.

Contemplating the mysteries beyond death, Skyler's anticipation grew as he gazed at his magic wand.

With the Ravenclaw Diadem adorning his head, a familiar mental power surged into his mind, causing Skyler's pupils to shift through four colors: orange, turquoise, azure blue, and milky white, unable to conceal his heightened perception.

Wearing the Slytherin Locket, whose secret remained elusive, Skyler suspected that only people who have learned the parseltongue could unlock its mysteries.

Alone, he ventured towards Aragog's lair, ready for the challenges that awaited.

He didn't make an effort to conceal himself, so it wasn't long before the eight-eyed spider tribe discovered him. Giant spiders emerged from all directions, their countless legs creating layers upon layers as they encircled Skyler on the ground.

"Aragog! Aragog!" Several smaller spiders kept shouting in English, though their speech was challenging to comprehend due to the clicking and clacking of their large claws with each word.

Aragog emerged slowly from a concealed hole in the ground. The size of a baby elephant, its body and legs were a mix of black and gray, and each eye on its unsightly head, adorned with large claws, was clouded over—Aragog was blind.

"What's going on?" it inquired, with its massive chelators clicking rapidly.

"People," spoke a little spider. "There's only one this time, and it's different from the last two."

In an old and weary voice, Aragog asked, "Is it Hagrid?"

Skyler responded calmly, "I am not Hagrid. I am his friend, and he asked me to come and find you."

Aragog hesitated briefly before saying slowly, "Hagrid never sends anyone to me. You should explain yourself. What brings you here on his behalf?"

"Hagrid asked me to retrieve something deep in the spider's den," Skyler explained with a sly smile on his face.

Aragog appeared agitated, the large pincers clicking and clicking incessantly. "How dare you lie to me! Children, kill him!"

The eager eight-eyed spiders who had been observing emitted excited clicking sounds. Countless legs rustled as they slowly approached Skyler, poised like patient predators preparing to swarm.

For this outcome, Skyler had been prepared.

In the moment of being surrounded, he utilized "Illuminating Insight" to observe the precise locations of each spider in the vicinity. In an instant, he unleashed four consecutive Sonic Boom Spells, each finding its mark with precision.

Simultaneously, a deafening noise reverberated, momentarily stunning all spiders within the observation range. The distinctive piercing screams of spiders echoed in the aftermath.

Skyler took a deep breath, clutching his wand tightly in his palm, preparing to employ a magic he had never before used in actual combat.

"Pestis Incendium!" Skyler shouted with his wand pointed toward the children of Aragog's

A stream of blue flames erupted from the tip of the wand, crashing onto the ground with a resounding roar. The flames seemed to possess a life of their own, rising and falling in a spiritual dance, expanding and spreading with a crackling sound. Eventually, they merged into a towering tornado of flame, its momentum awe-inspiring.

The modification of Fiendfyre that Skyler has learned and came up with from the hours of reading to get his reference from, the hours of tedious practice he has been putting, and the amount of failures that repels his body into the wall as a malfunction happened while he tried to cast the spell, all of it finally paid off.

As the flame tornado dissipated, it transformed into a myriad of ferocious beasts—fire snakes, chimera, and fire dragons—all accompanied by menacing roars. They attacked in every direction, emanating from Skyler as the epicenter, scorching and scattering the eight-eyed spiders in a chaotic frenzy.

The violent, cursing-infused fire, also known as the Devil's Flame, proved unquenchable by conventional means. Infected by this fierce fire, spiders faced an inevitable demise regardless of their attempts to flee. The rapidly spreading flames engulfed the spiders, one after another, creating a gruesome spectacle. Soon, within the visible range of the field of vision, a hellish scene unfolded, with burning and shrieking spiders, resembling a purgatory on earth.

After this intense battle, only a fraction of the eight-eyed spiders remained in the Forbidden Forest, relinquishing their reign as overlords of the territory.

Upon the release of Fiendfyre, Aragog, sensing imminent danger, she hastily retreated to the crypt. Despite its advanced age and massive size, Aragog displayed remarkable agility and speed.

Recognizing the inherent danger of Fiendfyre's indiscriminate fire, Skyler swiftly pursued Aragog to ensure his own safety. Sprinting forward, he cast "Ventus" backward using his wand, propelling him forward like a propeller. The wind not only hastened his progress but also intensified the Fiendfyre trailing behind him.

Although blind, Aragog relied on his heightened sense of hearing, honed over many years. Guided by the sound of the wind generated by Skyler's movements, Aragog swiftly extended a massive claw, attempting to seize Skyler.

In response, Skyler's left hand dropped slightly, deftly retrieving a sterling silver dagger from his cuff pocket. Infusing it with magical power, the "Invincible Curse" activated, emanating a subtle aura of sharpness from the blade. Skyler narrowed his eyes without breaking his stride, wielding the dagger in a skillful Z-shaped motion. As if cutting through tofu, the dagger cleanly severed a pair of Aragog's colossal claws with effortless precision.

Aragog's anguished cry reverberated as dark green liquid spewed from his mouthparts.

Skyler's movements flowed like water, anticipating Aragog's venomous eruption. He gracefully ascended, rolling beneath Aragog's massive body.

Swiftly rising, he forcefully thrust the dagger into Aragog's chest with a "Stab!," seamlessly transitioning to a relentless advance. The dagger pierced through Aragog's chest, carving an unobstructed path across its lower abdomen and tail, accompanied by a long, hissing sound reminiscent of tearing cloth.

Unfazed by the monumental impact behind him, Skyler pressed forward without a backward glance. The resounding crash of a colossal object hitting the ground marked Aragog's fall.

Reaching the crypt's end revealed a vast underground expanse devoid of any other creatures. Skyler strategically revealed his position from the start to draw out the eight-eyed spiders and engage them on his terms rather than navigating an unknown crypt fraught with potential ambushes.

Skyler's magical eyes scanned in all directions, detecting a subtle wave of magical power permeating the air. Following this magical trail, he discovered an underground spring within the crypt.

At its source, a turquoise-hued magic circle emitted a radiant glow. Hovering above the formation's center, a group of seven-colored liquid energy radiated in the air.

The group of seven-colored energy, resembling a dynamic cloud, continually morphed its shape in mid-air. Delicate magical threads, as fine as hair, overflowed from it, permeating the magical circle's barrier and merging into the spring water. Skyler speculated that this phenomenon held the key to the enigma of the eight-eyed spider's reproduction.

Aragog's longevity and the prolific reproduction of the eight-eyed spiders were likely attributed to the consumption of this vitality-infused spring water over an extended period. The intricately layered magic array, adorned with ancient runes, resembled a series of barriers entrapping the seven-colored power at the array's core. The eyes of the magic circle bore a Gurunis charm, specifically the "Freezing" rune seen on the freezer's door.

These enchanted eyes acted as a portal, with the "Freezing" magic talisman serving as the lock. Now confident that he had uncovered Hufflepuff's true treasure, Skyler stowed away his wand and dagger. Closing his eyes, he envisioned every stroke and detail of the "Freezing" magic talisman, employing Gurunis to release the rune repeatedly within his mind.

With Skyler's augmented mental prowess, amplified by the Ravenclaw's Diadem, mere minutes elapsed before success was achieved.

Learning Gurunis for the first time was an arduous task, akin to a baby taking its first steps into the realm of speech—a journey from absolute naught to proficiency.

Recalling his progression from the initial encounter with Gurunis, casting spells (commencing with witnessing the fairy sacred fire Kaunaz the previous semester), to ultimately mastering his inaugural Gurunis magic talisman "Guardian" Skyler contemplated the considerable duration of this transformative process.

While "Freezing" and "Barrier" varied significantly in graphical composition and symbolic significance, Skyler drew inspiration from his prior experience. Raising his right hand, he sketched the "Freezing" rune symbol in mid-air with his index finger, and a magic talisman materialized. Emitting an intense chill, it transformed into white light, piercing into the magic circle.


Though visualizing the "Freezing" magic talisman might elude Skyler for now, his ability to project it like a spell, coupled with the palpable sensation of its chill, signified his initial mastery. Alongside "Guardian," "Freezing" marked the second magic talisman Skyler had conquered—an admirable feat.

Contemplating the proficiency of predecessors who effortlessly wielded Gurunis as a mere pastime in his previous life, Skyler couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy.

With the successful crack of the magic circle, the aquamarine radiance gradually waned. Raising his right hand, Skyler effortlessly guided the seven-color energy suspended in the air into his grasp.

Upon contact with the energy, Skyler experienced an invigorating and enchanting force cascading from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet. Profound sensory transformations occurred, enhancing functions from skin to muscle and bone.

His visual and auditory senses became acuter, surpassing their previous understanding. The magic power expended in casting the fiery fire curse instantaneously recovered and surged beyond, increasing by approximately 30% compared to its previous state.

Skyler discerned that this energy was the "source of life," as detailed on the elven slab, representing the pinnacle of magical power akin to Ravenclaw's "crystal of wisdom."

Having absorbed the life essence cultivated by Hufflepuff throughout her existence, Skyler's body resembled a masterpiece of alchemy, adorned with various magical patterns that manifested on his skin. Rather than black, these patterns emitted a radiant seven-colored luster akin to a rainbow.

A surge of potent vitality pervaded Skyler's being, continuously transforming his body. Not only did he acquire heightened self-healing capabilities, but his body also exhibited an increased capacity to harbor more magical power. It was as if Skyler's body had become an expanded vessel, accommodating a larger space that consequently amplified his magical prowess.

As Skyler meticulously observed the metamorphosis within, he grasped the profound implications of the accompanying unique abilities. The profound significance bequeathed by Hufflepuff could harness the immense vitality within, allowing instantaneous healing of any severe physical injury as long as he avoided death.

[ Hufflepuff's Secret Technique has been learned – The Mastery of Creation and Regeneration!]

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