
Reincarnated as Brendan in Pokemon

An average Pokemon fan gets reincarnated as Brendan in Hoenn. Will he be able to adapt to this new world? Well read and see bruh. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ This is my original Fanfic The first few chapters are short deal with it. The rest are still short, but 1.1k words each My first time trying to write anything, besides my narratives in school, so go easy on me :( If I made a mistake please point it out, I will try to fix them, there will probably be a lot of em xd. This fanfic is based on the games Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire because I've played Gen 3 the most out of all of the games and is an all-time favourite Generation of Pokemon for me.

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41 Chs

Chapter 18

Brendan hearing his name being called out, starts to walk to his side of the stage. To his side, three other trainers were walking at the same time. These three can be identified as Wallace, Anabel, and May.

Each of them, looking confident without a hint of nervousness, heads to their platforms.

"This is the semi-finals of the Rookie tournament!" The referee shouts, hyping up the crowd as they start to cheer for their favourites. The referee seeing the semi-finalists pm their platforms ready, "Begin!"

The trainers including Brendan, hearing this, threw out their Pokeballs. On Brendan's side of the arena two Pokemon can be seen right after the red light disappears.

"Munch Munchlax!"


Brendan seeing Anabel's Pokemon orders Combusken to use a flamethrower. Anabel, seeing this attack from Combusken, tells Munch lax to counter with shadow ball, then to use defence curl. Munchlax hearing his trainer use a shadow ball. Both attacks cancelling each other out, making a huge build-up of dust.

"Combusken use the dust as cover for bulk up!"

Anabel without much of a choice because Munch laxes the move set, goes for a rock slide. Brendans seeing this, shouts at Combusken to use detect quickly.

Combusken finishes off bulk-up uses detect, dodging most of the boulder. But was still hit directly by one near the end of the onslaught, knocking the wind out of Combusken. Brendan seeing his Combusken getting hit shouts,

"Combusken use flamethrower!"

Combusken hearing this goes for flamethrower and gets a direct hit on Munchlax. Munchlax as a very tanky Pokemon, can walk off the flamethrower with a few bits of damage but nothing it can't handle.

"Munchlax use screech then bite!"

Munchlax uses a screech making Combusken flinch goes in for a bite to deal some damage, not before Brendan tells Combusken to dodge and use a double kick. Combusken, dodging, the Munchlax, jumps up and proceeds to hit Munchlax with not only two double kicks, but hits it with a point-blank night slash.

The night slash finally finishes off Munchlax. Anabel proceeds to send out her next Pokemon after retrieving the Munchlax.


Anabel, deciding to attack first orders Growlith to use leer and flame wheel. Brendan seeing this tells Combusken to dodge and use night slash. Combusken dodging the flame wheel, goes for a night slash.

Anabel expects this to Growlith to side step and use bite. Growlith hearing the command side-steps the night slash and goes for a bite and ends up biting Combuskens arm.

"Combusken now, use flamethrower!"

Combesken while getting bitten by Growlith, uses a point blank flamethrower. The Growlith loses its grip on Combuskens arm flinches. CombuskenCombusken, seeing this goes for a night slash. Combusken, with his speed boost from being on the battlefield for a while now, instantly hits a direct night slash making Growlith faint.

The crowd went wild, seeing this Combusken being able to single-handedly beat two of the Salon Maidens Pokemon by itself. Courtney retrieving Growlith grabs her final Pokemons pokeball.

'It's up to you, partner.'

Anabel says in a whisper to herself as she throws a pokeball into the middle of the arena. The red light, now gone, shows her final Pokemon.

Pokemon: Kadabra (Blue)


Brendan seeing this tells Combusken to use all his power on his next attack.

"Use a full powered Flame night slash!" (Flame charge and Night slash).

Anabel expecting Brendan to use a risky move because of Combuskens exhaustion tells Kadabra to teleport and finish it off with a ps ybeam.

Kadabra Teleporting away from Combusken, goes for a direct psybeam. Combusken too tired to dodge, can only watch as he gets hit with a direct psybeam.

Brendan with two Pokemon left, sends out his next Pokemon battle Kadabra.

"Mightyen!"(Mightyena will be a reserved Pokemon from now on to be used when needed).

* * *Flash back no jutsu 40 minutes ago * * *

"Hey Professor Birch!"

"Hey Brendan been a while hasn't it? You've been doing well in the tournament so far boy making it to the semi-finals, what do you need?" Birch asks with a hint of curiosity.

"Yeah I want you to send Mightyena over to me to battle Anabel, the training conditions back in the city aren't the most ideal area so I hope he's been keeping up his training."

Brendan says remembering catching Poochyena for the first time, it's his first ever pokemon that he fought and caught.

"I will send him over to you right now! Good luck on the tournament boy, hopefully May can battle you in the finals but Wallace is no joke."

Brendan hearing this, nods and takes the Pokeball on the machine and heads to May.

* * *

Brandon going for the first move, tells Mightyena to go for a Snarl, then gets in close for a crunch.

Anabel seeing the Mightyena going for a dark move, tells Kadabra to dodge. Kadabra dodging the snarl, gets intercepted by Mightyena trying to go for the crunch. Before getting hit, Kadabra dodges and goes for a fire punch.

Mightyena tanking the fire punch like a chad hits the Kadabra for a super effective crunch, not without damage being dealt to it though.

Anabel, without any other moves to use calls out for Kadabra to use a charge beam. The charge beam going directly for Mightyena hits Mightyena's leg. Mightyena howling in pain, gets up. Brendan seeing this tells Mightyena to use a quick crunch.

Mightyena hearing this charges at Kadabra. Anabel, seeing this tells Kadabra to use another charge beam. Mightyena running up to Kadabra gets tanks another charge beam and uses the rest of its strength to land a critical crunch.

"Double knockout! the contestant still having one Pokemon left Making the winner Brendan from Littleroot Town!"

* * *

Guys, I've got this idea of making another ff about, ya know basic reincarnation into Pokemon world in Palet town son of a gym leader or someone else with the, world not having any talent system besides IVs. I might be making chapters on that way way later if I am bored.

But I still am deciding between Pokemon, MHA, and Naruto, so it's not guaranteed, but I probably will make a choice later. By later I mean like a long time later. I want to be able to write my next fanfic with better quality writing and a more fleshed out story so it will take a while.

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