
Reincarnated as a Mountain Spirit

He was a normal person, and one day boom, he was brought to the unsuspecting world of magic. His chance to explore the world of magic came with a boon and a price, now he has a Job he must complete. But fear not for he has his system and AI to help, but it won’t be an easy track. He must either change with the world or fight against it. Will he change the world to a better one or will he fall and become cruel just like the world wants him too. Come with us in this journey to find out, while others fight the heavens and the skies to achieve immortality, he fights to change the world and achieve World Peace.

DimensionRider · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter 8

'Where did -'

Just then the feeling that came towards him when the Demonic rabbit attacked him the first time returned, he felt it in his back, this time it was worst. He instantly used all the muscles in his body to jump to the left, but he barely managed to get out unscathed, the clothes on his right hand were torn off and shredded by the claw attack as it continued to the ground and caused a spider crack that continued until 25 meters away from the attack, while he was already 50 meters away in a safe location.

'That was close, it wouldn't be a fatal attack, but it would definitely have been a serious injury to my back.'

He looked at the claw of the Bunny, which had slight wind moving around it, but it slowly disappeared.

'So it has wind claw attacks, but how did it disappear for a second and reappear the next, maybe teleportation...no its more likely a wind-related ability that increases its speed'

He looked at the Bunny with caution and fear, waiting for the rabbit to make its move this time instead of moving in first. As he looked at the rabbit he noticed that it panting and it looked towards him with wariness.

'Looks like the speed increasing wind ability, and the wind claw attack took a lot of energy from it. It probably didn't expect me to survive, now is the best time to strike'.

So he went forward with exceeding speed already crossing the 50-meter distance in one second.

'Now' He screamed.

Just as he screamed in his head, the demonic-looking rabbit jumped up and used its legs to counter his punch, but the power of his fist was too powerful for the rabbit. When they made contact, the legs of the rabbit were broken and blood drizzle out of its legs onto his body. The force of the attack was so strong that it caused the rabbit to go flying backward like a thrown bat.

John looked towards his work in shock.

"Did I just do that?"

Just as he was about to get lost in his own thoughts again, the rabbit's adrenaline died and the pain kicked in. It howled in extreme pain as it slowly died a very painful death.

He looked towards the dying rabbit screaming in agony, it looked pitiful compared to his terrifying counterpart when he fed on the dead creature.

John's hand started shaking, his eyes closed shut and his mind trying to voice out the continuous cries of pain that echoed in his ear from the dying rabbit.

'I know he just tried to kill me, and I did what I had to but.. the cries..it hurts hearing them'

The screams got lower by the second until the last one died. He opened his eyes to look at his work while his hand still clenched, his eyes watery looking at the eyes of the creature he killed. His legs gave out at the sight as he kneeled while silently crying about all the events that have been occurring, this was the final straw.

'I miss home, I miss the days when I just had to get up and go to school...Oh and the internet, how could people here live without the internet, can't believe I'm still alive without it.' He sat down and laugh cried at his own train of thoughts.

'Oh, I miss the days where I could surf through the net looking for a way to spend another boring afternoon, or where I would watch some random scientific youtube video that I absolutely didn't understand, oh the good days'. Just then he felt a danger on his back, his facial expression completely changed to a serious one as he rolled to the left, just as he did another creature similar to the demonic rabbit appeared in his exact location. It looked towards the dead rabbit with a deep gaze, it made very soft howls, after which it looked towards him with deep-seated hatred, but John didn't fear his strength, it didn't feel as threatening as the one he fought.

'The one I fought was probably a Rank 5, this one is at most a Rank 4, I can take it.' His danger senses fired again but this time, he didn't feel one but instead felt 7, just as he felt them 7 more rabbits of the same species appeared 3 being in the 5th Rank, while the other 4 appeared to be in the 4th Rank. One of the Rank 5 looked towards the dead rabbit with the same sad look the previous one did, tears could be seen flowing out of it.

'She's was probably his mate, and the previous Rank 4 that attacked me was probably their offspring'. He felt bad knowing that he robbed a family of their father and husband. He looked toward the group of 8 rabbits. His eyes wavered, while he tightened his fist in conflict on what to do before he gave them a final look, and let the air he was holding in his throat out.

'I will let them go...I feel bad enough as it is and they aren't even a threat, so they cant cause real trouble for me'.

Just as they were about to attack him he swiftly fled, they tried chasing him, but he didn't even bother looking back losing them after an hour.

'That was a horrible experience, but that's the law of nature, I will probably need to do it again, but I must always remember that I have to do this to grow stronger, but to make up for the lives of beasts I have taken I will help ten more humans for each beast live I have taken, this is my way of giving back.'

And so he continued on towards his destination with clarity of mind, aware of the actions he has to take in the future.