
Reincarnated as a Fish but I can become a Dragon

When I woke up, I was in the shape of a fish in the river. Why did I look like a fish, and who am I in the first place? While leaving only the memory of being human in the previous life and being puzzled by the loss of all memories of himself, the days of hunting for prey to live in the world to live have begun. And it seems that this small fish can become a dragon as it evolves. When I heard that from the skill of the “voice of heaven” and had the purpose of living, I went to enjoy this world. This story is about a small fish aiming to become a dragon.

_novel_Fan · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
56 Chs

Chapter 47

The intense pain has been gone.

But it's not the usual pain of reconstrucktion bones in the body.

The pain is like something was melting in my body.

I can feel the sensation of the bones vanishing.

That was really disturbing

My body is getting bigger than before.

Soon my size became the size of the cage, but the growth haven't stop at all..

The cage bars caught up with my body.

Screeeeech .......

Uh, Ummm.

Scraaaaaaaach ....

S-stop! It hurts! Oh no no no no no!

scratch, crack ....



Finally, the cage break from the over capacity.

Does that mean the cage destroyed because how big I am?

The debris is scattered in various places.

The animals are miraculously safe … and Alena seems okay too.

"Hueeeh, you become so big~"

The moment Alena saw me, she took a deep breath in awe.

Then she just plopped on the side of her body.


Don't tell me, Alena just fainted?!

Isn't that a bit too much?!

Hold up, what kind of body that I have right now?

[Infinite Water Manipulation]! Please show me!

When I saw the water reflection, there was a huge earthworm.

My body is as thick as a tree trunk, and my body length is extends to about 10 meters.

And lastly, I have the same white coloured body.

However, my skin seems to be thick and it seems it has a completely different body surface from the earthworms in Japan.

And my mouth is round.

It's the mouth of a worm … Fangs are lined up neatly inwards.

There was one eye on the forehead.

Nuoooooo! !! !! !!

My! My beautiful body!

My face is – nuoooooooo! !! !! !!

Wait a minute! Hey heavenly voice! !!

Give me another explanation of this species once again!



A giant earthworm. A worm that are said where ever the land that passed by Datworm will replenished even the dried land to a highly nutritious land.

However, this species can't go out on the ground whenever the sunlight is on the earth surface, and if this species accidentally go out to the ground if the sun still out, this species will go wild.

The legend says if DaftWorm going wild, it can destroy a whole village.

The DaftWorm is characterized by its round eyes.


What the heck with 'It has round eyes'?

Its plural! But I only have one!

This is very weird!!

And also, my appearance make Alena fainted too!

It's disheartened me if we meet again later! Did you understand that!?

Let's say, I will meet with her again with this wormy figures.


The more I see myself, the more it break my heart!

It's physiologically unacceptable!

Heavenly voice! I will definitely kick your a̲s̲s̲ someday!

Damn it!


...pardon me? I can hear something really unpleasant. The source is from below me …

When I looked at my feet, the carriage's floor was about to fall out.

I noticed it and tried to get out, but that caused the floor to tear further.

Finally, the floor broke off and I fell off the carriage.

Since my body has become bigger than I imagined, my weight should be far heavier than before.

The carriage broke completely while making a scattering noise, and it completely collapsed.

A cages with animals inside it has rolled around.

Some animals seem to be injured.

I was worried about Alena, but the cage seemed to protect her and she didn't seem to be seriously injured.

Because the cage was big, it probably wasn't swung around very much.

That's good.

However, the men who heard such a loud noises rushed in immediately.

"Hey! Wh-! What happened!"

"Hold up!? That the f̲u̲c̲k̲ is that!"

Oh, They found me.

I'm on the ground, but I can't be driven by the urge to destroy everything around me*.

*(the DaftWorm natural instinc?)

Do I have to escape to the ground with this lingering feeling?

Maybe I can escape from here!

But I don't know how to escape!

Heavenly voice! Hurry up and show my status!


Name: Ouren

Race: Daft Worm

LV: 1/40

HP: 1232/1232

MP: 170/170

Attack power: 324

Defense: 654

Magical power: 195

Agility: 20

-Special skills-

[Voice of Heaven] [Rare Species Benefits] [One's Past life Language]


Offensive: [Herculean Jaw] [Pursuit] [Ferocious Poison Fang] [Water Spear Volley] [Reamed Water Spear] [Great Water Blade] ![Strong Acid Spit]

Magic: [Haze Manipulation] [Infinite Water Manipulation] [Golem] [Sediment Destruction] [Rock Break] ![Shadow Cover]

Defense: [Fluid Barrier], [Water Shield] [Mud Armor]

Recovery: [Recovery] ![High Regeneration] ![Recovery] ![Heal] ![Area Heal]

Trap: [Water Trap] [Swamp Camo]

Peculiarity: [Luminous] [Soil Purification] [Soil Creation] ![Soil Modification] ![Purification]

Auto: [Strengthening <Bad Weather>] [Swimming]


[Dazzle] [Strong Acid] [Explosive] [Corruption] [Poor visibility] [Blind] [Poison] [Distraction] [Cold] [Curse] [Pollution] ![Infection] ![Sickness] ![Corruption] ![Unclean]


Err … the heck?!

My physical strength has exceeded a thousand point!?

Hmm … I'm kind of curious, but that can wait later!

Is there any skill that can make me move in the ground …

Is this it? [Strong Acid Spit]!

How about [Soil Modification]?

Shot! I don't have any time to see the skill explanation!

The men was still scared of me … it's just a matter of time.

Before they do something, I want be able to- somehow dive into the ground!

Alright! Let's go! [Strong Acid Spit]!

In addition to that, [Soil Modification]!

Then, I'll dive to the ground head first.

When the skill was activated, it first melts the soil with [Strong Acid Spit] and I dived to the ground.

When I entered about halfway, my mouth started moved freely, and I went on the ground while eating the soil.

Soil modification seems to be a skill that changes the properties of the soil, and it automatically changes the targeted soil to soft soil and I can even eat it.

... Maybe I didn't need [Strong Acid Spit] in the first place.

I think I'll use it when I hit a stone while I'm diving.

I can go deeper.

I can dive into the ground much more deeper.

[You have gained experience points. LV is now 2]

[You have gained experience points. LV is now 3]

[You have gained experience points. LV is now 4]

[You have gained experience points. LV is now 5]

[You have gained experience points. LV is now 6]

[You have gained experience points. LV is now 7]

[You have gained experience points. LV is now 8]

Oh … the level goes up with tremendous momentum.

If this keeps going … I think I'll be released from this unfortunate figure soon …

It seems I ate the microorganism in the ground.

Both plankton and microbes do a good job there.

In the end, there is no way they can give any experience point more than this.

[You have gained experience points. LV is now 9]

[You have gained experience points. LV is now 14]


Why did the level leap a little now?

...Eh? wait- wait, wait, wait a sec!??

What did I just eat now!?? What did I just eat earlier!

No no no no no no!

I don't want to wait! This species is too unreasonable! Physiologically unreasonable!

I definitely ate something mixed in the soil!

And I'm afraid whatever it was!

Ahhhh my back feels a chills!

Oh right! Let's evolve with a haste!

Otherwise I will not be me anymore!

My spirit will collapses!

[You have gained experience points. LV is now 15]

[You have gained experience points. LV is now 16]

N-no…. I think I will stay as this species for a bit, I will.

[You have gained experience points. LV is now 17]

[You have gained experience points. LV is now 32]


I'm really sorry! I can't!

It's hard not to see anything!

Tell me what did I jast ate!

Otherwise I-I'm going to die! Mentally dead!

Why did this happen … Why did this happen!


I wanted to stop it, but I couldn't stop until I'm able to evolve, so I just ate the soil and collected moore experience points.

And I tried to not think about anything.

Don't think about anything …

I'll be nothing …

[You have gained experience points. LV is now MAX. Evolution is possible. Current status —]

Yes! Yes! Evolve now!

Because my status is already good enough!

Tell me the path of evolution! !! !!

Eh? I can't evolve here?

The evolution path was decided after I go to surface.

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