
9 The Reveal: Way Less Dramatic Then It Seems

Kyōi fidgeted nervously as xey stood in front of the three adventurers seated on the ground after escaping the mansion. Xey had promised an explanation, but weren't sure where to start. After gaining promises from each of them that they wouldn't tell anyone else about what xey said, xey decided to start with xeir identity.

"So, uh, you may have noticed, I am not a normal Avian. I mean, technically I could be considered an Avian, but my species is not called an Avian. The form you saw with the horns and all from before was one of my skills, but so is this form. I'm not actually a black kite, that form is also from a skill. Zoryn, remember back when you thought you saw a phoenix?"

Zoryn jumped up and pointed at the winged child. "No way! You're not telling me...!" Kyōi could only nod. "I was the phoenix. I didn't think anyone would see me, so a lot of the time in the forest I used my original form."

Xey recalled the information given to xem by the man sent to spy on xem at the inn. "I'm very sorry. Apparently the master of that house noticed I was a phoenix. I don't know how, I thought my skill was enough since it could change my species in the status window. That's why he tried to capture me, and when I left the inn, he sent his men to capture the three of you."

Leilani immediately scooped up Kyōi into a tight hug. "Don't worry about it dear. Besides, you rescued us, didn't you? Malak, look into that mansion. We can't have someone trying to capture your son, right?" The tall mage nodded, saying, "I can get one of my men to look into it."

"One of your men?" Kyōi turned towards Malak, having given up on escaping Leilani's hug. Xey had thought that Malak was a normal adventurer like Leilani and Zoryn. But his words made it seem like he was someone important if he had men that followed him. His words confirmed xeir thoughts a few seconds later. "Not many people know this, but I am actually the heir of the Krow Family. I don't like using my family's name in public though." Remembering how Malak had told xem that the Krow family was thought to be evil because they were dark magic users, xey could understand why he didn't like using his family name.

Zoryn quickly spoke up to change the subject. "Kyōi, want to go practice magic with me and Malak?" Xey nodded, excited. "Okay then. Let's head back to the Amethyst. Annie and Bertholt, the owners of the tavern, have an area out back where adventurers can train. Malak, get your men together, then meet us there." The dark mage nodded and muttered a few words, causing his shadow to begin to wind around him like a black python. In only a few seconds he had completely disappeared. Using xeir God's Eyes skill, Kyōi could see that Malak had used a skill to both turn invisible and hide his presence.

The trio headed back toward the Amethyst Tavern, the two adventurers confident in Malak's ability to get to the bottom of the incident. Kyōi decided to get rid of the wings for now, transforming into a fully human form. Meanwhile, xey decided to check xeir stats. Even though xey hadn't killed anyone, xey still seemed to have gained exp, and xey weren't sure why.

~[Name: Kyōi (Woodsworth)

~[Species: Phoenix-Young (Avian)

~[Level: 18

~[HP: 550/550

~[MP: 400/400







~[Unused Stat Points:0

~[Passive Skills:

~[Fireproof, Rebirth of the Phoenix, Flight, God's Eyes

~[Active Skills:

~[Fireball, Fire Tornado, Polymorph, Fire Claw, Burning Heal

Kyōi grinned inwardly and quickly used their unused stat points, noting the fact that xeir passive Inspect had been replaced with God's Eyes. With the system given to xem upon reincarnating, xey could increase xeir power fairly quickly compared to the other beings of this world.

Xey glanced up and realized that the group had reached the tavern. Zoryn led them through the crowded tavern towards the back of the building. He waved to Annie, who gestured for them to go ahead. He opened a nondescript door near the bar counter to reveal what looked like an endless field of grass. Stepping through the door, Kyōi could see a few adventurers swinging swords, maces, and axes, as well as a some shooting arrows or crossbow bolts at some wooden dummies a short distance away. Further along a few mages that seemed to be meditating were seated near a medium sized lake fed by a waterfall that seemed to come from the heavens.

Xey stared in wonder. The field was clearly magical based on a few points. First, the field itself was only visible through the door in the bar. It didn't seem to be there when viewed from the outside of the tavern, even though it seemed to stretch on forever. Next, the waterfall seemed like it was endless, and appeared to come from thin air. Then, there was the dummies the adventurers were training with. Whenever they were destroyed, they seemed to disappear, then immediately become like new. Finally, there was the sun, or rather, the lack of sun. There wasn't a single thing in the sky, whether it was a sun or moon or even a star, yet everything was still as bright as day.

"This is a training dimension created by a spacial mage. They are pretty rare and hard to make, especially one of this size. I'm going to go see if anyone wants to spar with me." Leilani quickly headed over to where the adventurers were fighting the wooden dummies. Zoryn lead Kyōi to an empty area closer to the meditating mages. "Okay, first things first. How do you activate your spells? Most mages use the chants and gestures, though a few only need a few words or a single gesture." Kyōi tilted xeir head to one side, thinking. Xey had always used passive skills simply by speaking, or even just thinking, the name of the spell. Xey had also found out that as long as xey had a clear image of the spell in xeir mind, any name would work.

For example, xeir skill Fire Claw created a layer of fire around xeir talon, or in the case xey were in a humanoid form, xeir hand or foot. Xey could activate the skill with any of the following names: Fire Claw, Flame Claw, Fire Talon, Flame Talon, Fire Gauntlet, Flame Gauntlet, Flame Punch, Falcon Punch, Falcon Kick, and Flaming Fist of Fiery Death. Of course, the last name was too impractical to actually use, but you get the idea. Polymorph could be activated with the names Shapeshift or Transform, and Burning Heal could be shortened to Heal.

"I don't need a chant or anything to use my flames." Xey held up one hand and created a few small tornados of fire on the palm of xeir hand to demonstrate.

As soon as Kyōi had demonstrated xeir use of chantless magic, the mages who were previously meditating began to whisper among themselves, excitedly gesturing towards the phoenix in human form.

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