
regression, reincarnation and transmigration

the story of a person with multiple personalities. as they travel the world all completing the dream of their past life

benenu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
53 Chs

a walk to the city

*Zao Gu is in control*

I ignored this sudden sence of hunger I felt comming of of him. I turned to look around and saw outside, that Xu Wen had gone to the level of a advanced cultivation disciple of the 9th level. He asked politely. ''Could I stay outside for a while.'' He said in a lofty manner. He had heard the fight but had not responded. I responded to the question with a very simple yes.

*Yu Chen is in control*

I was still in the qi gathering chamber but I stood up. I opened the door which had slightly blown open due to the pressure which had exploded from my body due to reaching the level I had reached. Now I had to venture out to do something worth the upgrade in my cultivation again. I had originally thought that fighting the leader of the blood cult might have been enough but due to the activation of my domain the laws of the world had seen me as a being of much higher cultivation fighting a being of much higher cultivation as he had also fought with his domain.

As I walked through the hall I came across Hi Ruin, the person with a great potential. She gave a little bow and said hello to me refering to me as, the exhalted sect leader. I knew not why as I deserved such a title in my previous life not this life where I was worth less than a fly according to my previous self. I had realised that the terms of the lower realms were alot more thant those from above. I ansered with a hello back and gave a nod of my head. He looked back and stood still for a second before begining to ask me a question. ''What do you think of all of the current affairs of the sect.'' He asked it with a serious face full of approval of me but also a different emotion which I could not quite place. I thought for a second before answering with a slightly raised voice above my ussual to immitate the voice which would have belonged to Zao Gu.

''I think of this question alot to myself. Sometimes I think I am inadequate to run a sect as magnificent as this one. Sometimes I wonder if I should just give up, merge into a bigger sect. Sometimes I really feel like giving up. Sometimes a feeling of melancholy enters my heart suddenly. I dont know if this power is really meant for me. I dont know if I can answer the will of the heavens sometimes. I always wonder if I really can continue. This sect would have been better without me, but you all believe in me.'' I say as a smile permeates onto my face. ''I believe we will make a better of this sect. I believe in myself. I love you all I am certain this will go well.'' The smile on my face still blooming.

He looked at me in a look of suprise. He looked happy with what I had told. A surge of relief seemed to flood over his a now booming smile on his face. ''Thank you for telling me right here.'' As I looked at him a hole appeared in her eye. A type of glitching effect. I closed my eyes in fright and opened them again and it was back to normal. I gave him a pat on his shoulder and walked past his right side. I continued walking and then summoned the door to the outside. I walked into the grass and saw some of the sect members relaxing. I hid my pressence as to not alert any of them. The had not to bow.

I blinked past hiding my presence I noticed one or two question the sudden wind but none noticed me. I kept walking through the forest surrounding the sect door. I looked back but the door had long been gulfed up by the surrounding trees which grew high and thick. I kept walking nearing the exit of the forest and the entrance of the city which I had originally accidentaly blown up due to droping the small compressed rock or something like that. A smile flood over my face again remembering the memories from but a couple days ago. I looked down from the hill atop which the forest and the sect hill were located.

I jumped of of the hill down to the right of the city walls. I crashed into the ground at a high velocity and created a small hole where I had landed I walked to the front of the city and there I stood perched as I noticed that a carriage had appeared afront the city with the letters CCS-cultivation central society.

Hello it is a me again

benenucreators' thoughts