
Regartha the Scarlet eyes

A young dragon was told that he's apart of an ancient clan who mysteriously disappears and the only way to find them is if he learns and master the six primary elements.

Kvng_Khatyal · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Regartha Act 3: What The Hell!! We have to fight it!!

Narrator: From what last seen. Wrath had just made an unknowing mistake with a young girl that she was speaking with in from the Earth stone. While the others are preparing to fight this mysterious creature that has come from out of nowhere and may return every soon.

Little girl (sinister laugh): You're dead!

Zeno (Laughs): Ohh… you've done it now.

Wrath: What are you talking about?

Loud rumbling

Zeno: You see this "little girl" as you call her is one of the youngest and most powerful Earth elemental masters in over 5 centuries.

Wrath (scoffs): Oh yeah? Well, if she's so powerful then I would love to see it, little girl.

Wrath was looking straight at the young girl who was said to be one of the most powerful earth masters in the world, an exciting and yet at the same time raging look. But it was before he could see what she got stored from him the entrance where Wrath came from had opened up. Everyone's focus on the gate opening and without any sort of warning Wrath flew towards the entrance to see who it was.

Wrath: We'll finish this later! Little squirt!!

Young Girl (Growling in anger): What did you say? I was going to give you a little taste of what I'm capable of but forget it. I'LL SHOW YOU WHY YOU SHOULD FEAR ME!!!

Loud Rumbling Laugh sinsterly

Wrath: What the…

Scene 2: What is all this?

Back at the school Sapphire, Racheal, Rex and his crew are still in the infirmary waiting for the nurses to come and see what they can do about the crystalized people.

Rex: Ugggghhh why are we just sitting here doing nothing?!

Sapphire (annoyed): Well if you would at least shut up for at least 5 minutes?! You'll get your answer once Ancestor Asami gets back!

Footsteps approaching, door opening

Ancestor Asami: Alright everyone we… Oh, is something wrong?

When Ancestor Asami walked in she saw Sapphire and Rex standing at each other with a fierce look like they were going to fight each other.

Racheal: Ancestor is there any word on how long it'll take for the nurses or doctors to get here and see if there's a way of reversing this?

Ancestor Asami: I'm afraid they won't be coming at all.

Everyone gasped

Sapphire: Why not?!

Ancestor Asami: It seems that whatever that did this doesn't want anyone from entering or leaving this place. But rest assured both Silver and I are going to find a way to get everyone to sa… Wait, where is Ashura and Wrath?

Everyone mumbling

Rex: Maybe they went somewhere to "have fun" together.

Rex and lackeys laughs

Sapphire (sacastly laugh): Oh. oh how funny Rex really. But you want to know something that's more hilarious? (shouts) YOU SHUTTING THE FUCK UP AND STOP BEING A DIMBASS!!!!

Once Sapphire had said that Rex began hissing, his legs began to turn into a giant tail as he made his ways towards her. While Sapphire's wing spread out as her eyes began turning white and a small cloud began forming above them.

Thunder and lightning Booming

Ancestor Asami: Easy you too. We do not what an incident RIGHT?

Sapphire (breath heavy): Yeah sure whatever.

Sapphire walked out without saying a single word but on her way out she ran into Ancestor Silver who was carrying a bunch of books, stone tables, and information gems fell everywhere around them.

Sapphire (groans): Oh Ancestor Silver, I am so sorry for running into you like that.

Silver (groans): It's alright Sapphire. It was my fault for not watching where I was going.

Sapphire helped Silver pick up everything that fell to the ground when they collided. As she was picking up the stuff she noticed that the books and stone tables were all about the Celestials and so might the information gems. Sapphire slowly looked up at Silver with a confused look on her face.

Sapphire (thinking): Why are all these books about the Celestials and… are...are these Wrath's medical and birth records? (Out loud) Ancestor why do you…?

Silver: Ahh thank you Sapphire for your help.

Sapphire: But Ancestor?

Silver: Sorry Sapphire but I need to go.

Before getting a word out Silver flew away. Leaving Sapphire standing there wondering what to do next and then.

Sapphire: I don't know what's going on but one thing is for sure I need to go and find Wrath. Now!

Sapphire backed into the infirmary and grabbed Racheal by the arm and ran back out as fast as she could.



Racheal (blushes): LET...GO!!!

Sapphire let go of Racheal and stopped in their tracks.

Sapphire (panting) What's wrong?

Racheal: You know I can't leave my brother and also why do we need to find Wrath so badly I thought you were still mad at him?

Sapphire (sighs): I am. But there's something I want to ask him and if my hunch is right he might be the one who can end whatever is going on.

Racheal gasp

Racheal: Alright let's go.

Scene 3: Why are you?!

Loud Rumbling

Ashura: Well it seems I'm at the right place but why is this place shaking so much? No it's not shaking, someone is changing the earth's structure.

Little girl (echos): TAKE THIS... QUACKING SPIKES PLUS GOLEM!!!!

Wrath: What the?

Info( As we left off Wrath was speaking to six mysterious creatures and their kids by using "Elemental geo stones" in which allows one to not only speak to one another but it can allow them to use their power by channeling it through the geo. Of course not everyone can do it, only a selected few are able to do such an advanced technique.

Zeno: Hey don't you think you're going a little too far with this?



Earth Creature: That's enough my princess.

Little girl: But daaadddd he has to paaaayyyyy!!

Earth Creature: You kids may not know this but that dragon may be the one who can change the world.

Zeno: What do you mean?

Dark Creature: He means the ancient old legend. But for now we better go.

Little girl: Ugh fine.

With that the little girl had stopped her attack before it even started and everyone who was talking through the geo's has left and the geo's even under.

Ashura was on the tree trying to find where the master the user could be located but instead he found…

Ashura (gasp): Heyyyy Wrathhh!!!

Wrath: Huh? Ashura?

Wrath flew right down to talk to Ashura. But before Wrath could get a single word out Ashura jumped towards him and knocked him out with no warning. Wrath fell on the ground and Ashura came down.

Ashura: Sorry Wrath. But for some reason we need you back at the school asap.

Ashura picked up Wrath's unconscious body and ran off this strange gate that he came from and headed straight towards the school without any clue of who he's going to run into.