
Regartha the Scarlet eyes

A young dragon was told that he's apart of an ancient clan who mysteriously disappears and the only way to find them is if he learns and master the six primary elements.

Kvng_Khatyal · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Regartha Act 11: The World Of Teneyxd

Uncontrol power awaken

As we left, Ashura had caught the stranger who was near their campsite and dragged them so they could see the culprit's face.

Ashura (Evil chuckle): Now let's see who we caught.

Wrath: You know Ashura I keep forgetting that you're a demon at times.

Ashura: Heyyy.

Sapphire: Never mind all that. Just tell us who we caught!

Young Gargoyle grunts

Sapphire: Aww

Sapphire had let Wrath go to move closer to the young gargoyle and give them a hug. But once she got too close.

Young Gargoyle snarls

Silver: Sapphire, get away from him now!

Sapphire was scratched by the young gargoyle.

Ashura: Saph. Why you…

Sapphire: Stop it!! Can't you see he's scared.

The boys were stopped in their tracks when Sapphire said that. Then she slowly turned back to the Gargoyle and got up and continued to walk towards him. He was still frightened so he tried to scare her but nothing worked.

Sapphire was right on top of him. He was so scared since he didn't know what she would do to him, he closed his eyes to not witness the torment he was about to endure. However Sapphire only took the net off of the young gargoyle and sat on her knees to hold the frightened child. He slowly opened his eyes to the warm feeling of Sapphire's embrace.

Young Gargoyle: W-W-why?

Sapphire: hmm. Why what?

Young Gargoyle: why are you doing this? Aren't you going to kill me or sell me off?

Ashura: What?! Kid, we don't do that. We're just regular travelers just passing by 'Ight?

Young Gargoyle nods

Sapphire: You must be starving?

Young Gargoyle: No I'm…(stomach growls)

Silver(light laughs): Come on, you can eat with us. Wrath how are you…(shock)

Wrath(breathing heavy): Yeah. Yeah, I'm fin-(past out).

Ashura and Sapphire gasp in shock

Silver: Damn it he most likely hasn't fully re…

Loud rumbling

Silver(under breath): This sensation is it.. (out loud) Quick everyone get…

Explosion, Energy humming

-(breathing heavily) Is… everyone… alright?

Sapphire: Yeah we're ok? But what the hell is that?!

Silver: It's Wrath. His powers are getting out of control. So most likely his familiar isn't born just yet.

Ashura: F-familiar? Can you explain, Silver?

Silver: Those bands on his wrists. You see normally you would have reserved the gauntlets during the graduation ceremony. The gauntlet stones would glow and transform into a weapon that best represents you by taking a fragment of your soul so it can only work for you.

Ashura: So the familiar is like a piece of the user?

Sapphire: So there's a mini Wrath that hasn't been born yet?

Silver: Kinda yes. But…

Before finishing his sentence another burst of flames came from Wrath and this time it began swirling around him like a massive tornado. Slowly grown in both power and mass. Meanwhile deep inside Wrath's subconscious.

Wrath gasping for air

Thinking: What's going on? I can't breathe. Am… am I going to die?

Children crying

-W-what who's crying?

Little girl: You forgot who we are?

Little boy: It's to be expected. He's always like this. Right sis?

Little girl: True.

Wrath: Who are you?! Tell me!

Both: First you must show us.

And how do I do that?

Both: Open your eyes

I can't.

Little girl: Such a weak soul.


Little boy: Your fear is driving your power out of control. We can control it… for a little while.

Little girl: But for YOU to have full control like you once did. You'll need to learn and master Fire, earth, and darkness as well as your magic.

Little boy: Doing so will fully awaken you to your true self.

Wrath (Chuckles): My true self learning and mastering fire, earth and darkness. What a load of bull. I will never use my powers NEVER!

Little girl: Even if it means you'll kill your friends and family?

Wrath: What?! What are you talking about?!

Little boy: Look for yourself.

Wrath slowly opened his eyes and saw what looked like a projection of what's going on outside. He was in shock seeing that his own flames were running rampant. Silver is holding it back but it's only a matter of time til he can't anymore.

Wrath: What is this, why is this happening?!

Both: It's because of you.

Wrath (softly): What?

Little Boy: You've been rejecting yourself.

Little girl: You must overcome this. But for now to stop this immediate threat, you must accept us as your familiars.

Wrath (Softly): Please… stop this from repeating again.

Both: Very well…Father.

Little boy: I'm your son… My job is to help you control and master your elements.

Little girl: And I'm your daughter… My job is to help you control and master your magic.

Both: We are always with you father. (Fading)

Wrath: Wait! Please I haven't…

Wrath suddenly woke up. The flames had scorched the ground and nearly everything it came in contact with. All except Silver's barrier and everyone behind it.

Young Gargoyle: Is- is it over?

Silver: Yeah for now it's over. His familiar must had finally awaken but still we need to be-

Ashura: Yo Wrath are you ok man?!

Ashura ran up to Wrath to check and see if he's alright. When he got close he noticed his wrist bands are both glowing red, yellowish-brown, and dark purple. Ashura slowly approaches him.

Ashura: Hey Warth you ok man?

Wrath(Groans): I feel like I was hit upside the head with a mountain. Huh? What the hell happened?

Ashura: Shouldn't we be the ones who should ask that?

Wrath: Oh right I- I lost control sorry guys.

Ashura: Ehh as long as no one got hurt from those flames it's all good?

Sapphire: Speak for yourself. This poor boy almost got killed by that living pyro.

Wrath: Sorry.

Silver: Never mind all that you three.

Sapphire: But an-

Silver: Wrath what did your familiar tell you when it awakened.

Wrath: Hmm well to skip all the boring stuff. They said I need to learn and master: Fire, Earth, Darkness, and my very own magic.

Sapphire: Huh? Wrath that doesn't make sense. Ok I get fire but why earth and darkness?You weren't born with those elements, I mean everyone last creature here is only born with one element at birth and nothing can change that. Right Ancestor Silver?

Silver: No, there are a few exceptions to that and Wrath is one of them I'm afraid.

Everyone gasp

Sapphire: What do you mean ancestor?!

Silver: I can't go into details at least not right now.

Ashura: Huh? The sun's coming up. Wait, where are we Unc?

Wrath: Let me guess the gate to the realm of darkness right?

Silver (Chuckle): Yes, here we're going to meet an old friend of mine.