
Redoing My Life (Modern Family)

Daniel is stuck in a dead-end job with no direction in life, but he is given a second chance when he wakes up as a kid again. He realizes that there are subtle changes in the world around him, particularly in popular culture like movies, music, and technology. He decides to make use of this opportunity to the fullest The story is set in the modern family world, where the main character has only vague memories of the TV show. If you wish to support me check out my patreon.com/Illusiveone

Illusiveone · TV
Classificações insuficientes
109 Chs

Drunk Daniel is Fun Daniel

It was almost new year, it had been a hectic few months as i was busy with starting a new publishing company and helping develop a movie. It was more time-consuming than I expected.

Since school was out for the winter break, I decided to take some 'me time' to play some games, hang out with my new friends, and maybe even start helping Joanna.

It was just after Christmas when Matt, John, and I decided to go to the mall. We were there to get our hands on the new Mass Effect game. They weren't too sure about it, but I convinced them to try it. Now, they too would join me in being disappointed by the ending in the future.

We navigated through the bustling crowds, surrounded by festive decorations.

"Are you sure this game is going to be good?" John asked.

"It's because you don't play anything related to sci-fi. Oh, wait, you barely play any other games at all, Mr. World of Warcraft," Matt replied.

"I think it will be good; it's getting great reviews," I said as we entered the shop. After buying the game we decided to get something to eat.

I was walking back from the restroom to the table where Matt and John were sitting when I heard a girl's voice call out my name.

Turning around, I saw a blonde girl approaching me with a determined stride. Her face was familiar; I believe she was the captain of the cheerleading team.

"Hey, Daniel, right? " she asked excitedly.

I nodded. "Yeah, that's me."

"I'm Tara" she introduced herself.

"Nice to meet you, Tara." I replied.

"So, listen," Tara continued, her eyes sparkling, "I'm throwing a party next weekend. It's going to be huge. It would be very cool to have you there. You'll come, right?"

Huh… A party? I was thinking of a quiet vacation..... maybe i can go with the guys.

"Uh, sure, I guess I can make it," I responded.

"Awesome!" Tara's face lit up like a Christmas tree. "I'll text you the details. Can I get your number?"

Wait, was this some elaborate attempt to get my number?.... Ah, screw it. I gave her my number, and she saved it in her phone.

"Trust me, it's going to be great. Can't wait to see you there!" she said with a wink and disappeared into the crowd.

As I approached the table, Matt and John were in the middle of a conversation that seemed all too familiar.

"I just don't understand why we're always left out of the party invites," Matt expressed, his frustration evident in his voice.

John couldn't help but laugh, "Maybe if I stopped hanging out with you, I'd get some invites."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Matt's confusion was clear.

As we all settled down, Matt turned to me, seeking clarity. "Danny, is it really because of me that we don't get invited to parties?" he inquired.

John looked at me, prompting, "Are you going to explain it to him?"

"Alright," I sighed, facing Matt. "It's about how you dress, Matt."

"How I dress? But I dress just like everyone else," Matt defended.

"You come across like the stereotypical loner who might be plotting to shoot up the school," I told him straightforwardly.

John burst into laughter, while Matt stared at me, shocked.

"Why hasn't anyone mentioned this before? I could've changed my look... Is this the reason...?" Matt's voice faded.

"You don't need to completely change yourself, just tweak your wardrobe to something less intense," John suggested.

"So, you guys will help me out?" Matt looked at us with a glimmer of hope.

"Sadly, I'm no fashion guru," I admitted with a chuckle. "All this" i said pointing to what i was wearing "Is because my mom and my agent pick out my cloths"

Matt turned to John, "Joanna picks out my outfits."

Frustrated, Matt buried his face in his hands.

"Don't worry, Matt. I can get my mom and Lucy to give you a hand, or John could ask Joanna. But we need to act fast," I offered.

"Why the rush?" John queried.

"Because, gentlemen, I've just been invited to a party," I announced.

Matt's interest peaked instantly, "Who's throwing it? Where and when?"

"I ran into Tara earlier..."

"Tara? From the cheer ream, the blonde with huge tits ?" Matt interrupted eagerly.

"Yes, that Tara. She's hosting a party this weekend and extended an invite," I revealed.

John's excitement was palpable, "Daniel, you have to bring us along!"

Matt nodded eagerly, "Absolutely. If Daniel Adler is attending a party, then we're his entourage."

"Looks like we're all going to the party, then," I confirmed.




Haley stood in front of her bedroom mirror, adjusting her outfit for the so-called 'sleepover' at her friend's house. With a practiced ease, she applied the finishing touches to her makeup, ensuring she looked perfect for the night ahead. The party she was actually attending was the talk of the school, and there was no way she was going to miss it.

"Hey, honey, you ready to go?" Phil called from downstairs.

"Yeah, just a sec!" Haley shouted back, grabbing her overnight bag, which was carefully packed with a change of clothes for the party.

As she descended the stairs, Claire eyed her suspiciously. "You sure are dressed up for a sleepover," she remarked.

Haley rolled her eyes. "Relax,We might go out for ice cream or something," she said, offering a half-truth.



[Haley's Commentary] 

"So, my parents think I'm going to a boring old sleepover. I'm actually hitting the hottest party of the year."

"I mean, come on, a girl's got to have some fun, right? And sneaking out is practically a rite of passage."

[End Commentary]




As Matt, John, and I arrived at the party, it was evident that it was the place to be that evening. The front yard was already bustling with students from our school, music blaring from the house, setting the mood for a night of partying. We had barely made it a few steps towards the entrance when a voice cut through.

"Hey, aren't you Daniel Adler?" The question, innocent and curious, acted like a beacon, drawing the attention of those nearby. 

Within moments, I found myself encircled by a group of people, mostly girls, their eyes lit up with recognition and curiosity.

"Your book changed my life," one fan gushed, holding onto my arm.

"I have dyslexia and it was great to be finally represented in a book it was so relatable"

"I can't believe I'm actually meeting you," another said, her cheeks flushed with excitement.

Matt and John, quick to adapt, took up roles as my impromptu security. With a mix of amusement and determination, they began to gently guide the crowd, creating a path for us to navigate through the sea of students.

 "Excuse us, coming through," Matt said, his voice firm yet polite, as John added a layer of protection from behind.

We finally made our way inside, the interior of the house pulsing with energy. The music was louder here, the lights dimmer.

As I glanced around the room, my eyes catching the sight of cups being filled and passed around, I couldn't help but hope that none of the drinks here were spiked.

Drunk Daniel was fun Daniel and Fun Daniel was unhinged. A shiver ran down my spine, remembering my alcohol-fueled days in college—not something I wanted to repeat again.

We were looking for another drink when I heard someone tap my shoulder.

I turned around to see a girl with wavy brunette hair and an oval-shaped face, which gave her a soft and approachable look. Her eyes were her most striking feature: large and expressive.

"Hey, aren't you the guy who looks like that writer? Can I take a picture with you? My sister is a huge fan, and this would totally make her jealous," she said, holding her phone.

I looked at her, slightly amused by the request. It wasn't the first time someone had mistaken me for just a lookalike since the rumor at school. "Actually, I am that writer," I corrected her, expecting a reaction of surprise or excitement.

Instead, she laughed, a sound that was light and genuine, thinking I was playing along with the joke. "Oh, sure, and I'm Beyoncé," she said with a playful roll of her eyes. "Come on, just one picture," she continued, her phone ready in her hand.

I heard Matt and John laughing behind me. Her misunderstanding struck me as funny, and I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. "No, really, I'm Daniel Adler. But sure, let's take that picture."

She looked at me for a long moment, trying to figure out if I was telling the truth or just pulling her leg. Finally, with a huff, she lowered her phone. "Fine, if you're going to be like that, forget it," she said, clearly misunderstanding my amusement as mockery.

"Wait, I didn't mean to offend you," I said quickly, as John and Matt continued their laughter behind me. "I really am the writer. Here, we can take that picture."

"No, just forget it," she said as she walked away.

"What did I say?" I asked, looking back at my friends.

"Ah, forget it, man," Matt said as he handed me a drink.

I shook my head and continued to mingle with the crowd. Some time later, I lost sight of both Matt and John and found myself surrounded by girls again. Oh, I didn't mind the attention; I welcomed it actually who would't.

After a while, I found myself being dragged to where they were playing beer pong—no, it was soda pong. I doubted they would be using alcohol openly here. I was pretty good at the game remembering the times back in my first life in college. so I decided to play a game.

As I stepped up to the soda pong table, a guy from the football team stood across from me, ready to challenge. The crowd around us was buzzing with excitement.

Each shot I made landed perfectly, drawing cheers and laughter from the onlookers. My opponent, while skilled in his own right, struggled to keep up with my unexpectedly sharp aim. My previous life's experience had paid off here.

As the game progressed, I couldn't help but show off a bit. Each throw I made was more elaborate than the last: behind the back, under the leg, even a no-look shot that landed perfectly in the cup. With every successful hit, the crowd's excitement amplified.

"Daniel! Daniel!" they chanted, fueling the atmosphere.

As my opponent conceded defeat, I called for another, and then another after that.

"Watch this," I announced before one particularly audacious shot, catching the ball and spinning it on my finger before flicking it towards the cups.

 With each successful shot, I noticed a gradual shift in my perception. The first couple of shots went down easy, tasting just like any other soda, but as the game continued, a slight buzz began to hum at the edges of my consciousness. I initially attributed it to the adrenaline of the competition, the cheers of the crowd egging me on.

You should stop now the soda has alcohol in it a voice in his head reminded him.

No I think I can keep going.

But after facing my fourth opponent, there was a noticeable lightness to my steps, a certain fluidity in my movements that wasn't just from the thrill of the game.

My throws became more daring, less calculated, yet they still found their mark with surprising accuracy. The crowd's cheers seemed to echo a bit longer in my ears, their faces blurring around the edges as I focused on the cups ahead.

By my fifth opponent, the realization hit me just as the buzz started to settle in. "Oh no," I thought to myself, "not tonight."




[ General POV ]

Matt and John were searching for their friend who had vanished over an hour ago.

"Where is he?" Matt asked looking around.

"I think I found him," John said as he pointed at a large crowd.

There, in the center of a living room transformed into a makeshift dance floor, stood Daniel. But this wasn't the Daniel they knew. Daniel was perched atop a table, dancing with uncharacteristic abandon, surrounded by a circle of cheering partygoers.

"I am the god of pong!" Daniel yelled out, his voice riding high over the music and the cacophony of the crowd. His proclamation was met with roars of approval.

Matt and John exchanged looks of disbelief. This was far from the Daniel they spent their days with, discussing games and planning D&D sessions.

But it didn't end there. As they pushed through the crowd for a closer look, they witnessed Daniel, with a marker in hand, signing his name on the exposed skin of girls' shoulders and, more shockingly, across their breasts.

Each time his marker made contact with skin, the crowd around him cheered louder, and Daniel's antics escalated.

Matt turned to John, his expression a mix of concern and disbelief. "Is he... Is he signing on girls' breasts?"

John, equally flabbergasted, could only nod. "We need to get him down from there. He's completely lost it."

They made their way to the table, pushing through the crowd that was now chanting, "Daniel! Daniel! Daniel!"

"Daniel, come down from there, man!" Matt shouted, trying to make his voice heard over the noise.

But Daniel seemed to hear nothing. He continued his dance.

"Who dares to challenge me?" he yelled out.

"I'll take you on," a voice cut through the cacophony of the party, clear and confident.

The crowd parted like the Red Sea, and through the throng stepped Haley. Her expression was one of determination.

"You," Daniel said as he let go of the two girls in his arms.

"Yeah, me," Haley replied, stepping up to the table. "Think you can handle it?"

The crowd murmured and shuffled. Matt and John found their way back to Daniel's side.

"Dude, are you sure? You're already…" Matt trailed off.

Daniel waved him off, his focus solely on Haley. "I remember you. You were the one who asked me for a photo. Maybe I will allow you to take it this time if you manage to beat me."

"Oh, please, as if I need a photo with you," Haley retorted.

Daniel headed towards the table with the crowd following him.

Haley went to her friend and whispered something in her ear the friend nodded and went to were the drinks were being poured.Haley the proceeded to the table with a smirk on her face.

The game started, and with each successful shot, Haley and Daniel traded insults.

"If you're as good at writing as you are at this game, I'm surprised your books sell," Haley teased, a smirk playing on her lips as she effortlessly sank a ball into one of his cups.

"Oh, coming from someone who… um…" Daniel seemed to stumble over his words.

"Oh, nothing to say? Give up, I think the king of pong is done for the night," Haley said, her voice too sober for a person so close to winning.

Daniel managed to sink one final shot, though it was more out of luck than skill at this point.

Haley looked surprised for a moment. "Okay, maybe you're not as bad as I thought," she said, lining up for what would be the winning shot.

"Well, looks like the 'king of pong' has been dethroned," Haley declared, her voice triumphant and the crowd around roared in approval.

Daniel tried to come up with a comeback, but all he managed was a half-hearted "Good game," before the room started to spin more noticeably.

"Yeah good game" she said and then turned to Matt and John "I think you should catch him before he falls over".

Matt and John caught Daniel and took him to a more quiet place




[ Daniel POV ]

I was seated outside the house with Matt and John, with a glass of water in my hand.I had just finished throwing up.

"You were on fire, man," Matt said from my side.

"Alcohol and I don't mix very well," I said.

"Yeah, we saw that," John said, bringing me another glass of water.

"Who is coming to pick us up again?" John asked.

"Don't worry, my cousin will be here soon," Matt said.

"Oh fuck, I can't let my mom see me in this state," I said with a bit of dread in my voice.

I quickly called Nathan and told him about my situation. He could help me sneak into the house, , he agreed to distract Mom.

"That was fun," I said.

"Yeah, yeah, it was," Matt answered. "I even made out with a girl," he added.

John and I looked at him skeptically.

"What? I did," Matt replied.

"Who?" I asked with a small smile.

"She doesn't go to our school."

"Of course, she doesn't," John and I said together and began laughing much to Matt's chagrin.




As the sunlight filtered through the curtains, hitting my eyes, I winced at the sudden brightness. My head was pounding. Groaning, I pushed myself up, feeling the weight of my headache intensify with every movement. I needed water. My memories of last night were fuzzy at best; I remembered sneaking in with Nathan's help, so I was relieved Mom hadn't seen me drunk.

I made my way downstairs, each step feeling like a small earthquake in my head. As I reached the living room, the sight that greeted me wasn't the one I was expecting.

Mom was there, sitting on the couch with a smile that was too sweet, bordering on scary. Lucy was next to her, an amused look on her face, while Nathan looked like he wished he were anywhere but here.

"Morning, everyone," I managed to say, my voice hoarse, trying to sound as normal as possible.

"Good morning, Daniel," Mom replied, her smile widening in a way that sent a chill down my spine. "Anything interesting happen last night?"

"No, not really," I lied, hoping my voice sounded more convincing than I felt.

Lucy opened her laptop and turned the screen so I could see. She hit play on a video, and my heart sank as I saw myself dancing on a table from last night. The video was titled 'Daniel Adler: Party Animal,' and my embarrassment deepened.

As the video ended, I turned to face them, Mom's smile now downright terrifying.

"I can explain,"