
Red Spades

Two worlds collided. One full of violence, horror, and trouble. The other full of loss, secrets, and betrayal. They are so different but so similar at the same time. Axel is the bad boy of River High school, people hide from him when they seem him and refuse to speak his name. He leads one of the biggest gangs on the streets that no one can control. He's cold and intimidates everyone around him. He's not afraid to kill or be killed. Aella is a girl that can't be intimidated. She ignores everyone that pushes her around as she keeps to herself trying to graduate high school so she can get away from her abusive uncle and aunt. With a broken past she covers with a mask she fights her inner and outer demons.

LionoftheStars01 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs



I heard the steady beeping sound of something beside me and could feel myself lying in a bed. I groaned in pain and slowly started opening my eyes, someone was holding my hand. I was met with bright lights a plain white ceiling. I looked to my side seeing Axel holding my hand tightly as looked down at the floor. I croaked out, "Axel?" his head bolted up as he looked at me with red puffy eyes. He moved closer to me sniffling as he rested his arm above my head beside him on a table was a vase of white flowers, 

"Aella, you're okay!" I nodded my body feeling like something heavy crushed me. It was most likely whatever pain medicine they had me on. 

"Where am I?" he began combing my hair with his free hand, 

"The hospital, I thought I lost you" then it all came back to me. I tried to kill myself. My eyes became watery as I looked into his, 

"Oh my god! Axel I'm so, so sorry" he wiped away the tears from the corner of my eyes, 

"Shh, it's okay...You're okay that's all that fucking matters" I nodded swallowing the lump in my throat. The door to the room opened revealing what I assumed was the doctor, 

"Oh good you're awake. How are you feeling?" He walked over to  me checking the monitors above me before writing something down on a clip board, I nodded. He smiled genuinely, "That's very good. The officer to escort you to the mental clinic will be here shortly" My heart started racing as I tried sitting up looking at him, 

"What? Why are you sending me there?" He sighed and looked from my bandaged arm to my face, 

"I think you know the answer" 

"But, I'm okay. I made a mistake; I'm alright. Please don't send me there" He frowned, 

"I'm sorry Aella, but it's mandatory with your record and this attempt" I felt my breath quicken as I looked at Axel and I started to sob, 

"Axel, please don't let them take me...I can't go back." he pulled my head to his chest and I could feel his heart beat as I clung to his shirt.  After he calmed me down some he squeezed my hand before standing up and walking over to the doctor, 

"Can we have a talk" he nodded swallowing hard as he reluctantly followed Axel out of the room. I tried to take deep breaths  before I gave myself a panic attack and hyperventilated, because that would cause even more problems. I could only hear a little bit of what they were saying, "Let her leave with me, or she won't be the only one laying in a bed..." Axel walked back in and over to me "It's alright, you just have to stay here over night then I'll take you home tomorrow, and when I mean home I mean my house" I leaned back into my pillow sighing in relief, 

"Why won't you take me to my actual home" he frowned and sat at the edge of the bed, 

"My home is your home now. You are not going any where near that ass hole again. Carter and Austin have already packed your things and set you up in a spare bedroom" I was shocked but before I could say anything he moved closer to me, "I'm never letting anything ever happen to you ever again Aella" our lips were only centimetres apart and butterflies were erupting in my stomach, "You drive me fucking crazy, and when I thought I lost you...I couldn't take it."

'Dammit Axel' 

I pulled his face closer to mine and captured his lips to get him to shut up. He was surprised but soon kissed back passionately. Fucking hell he was an amazing kisser. his lips were soft against mine as we moved in sync. It was like I just tried a new drug and was now permanently addicted. When we finally pulled apart to breath we only looked at each other. We didn't say anything, because we didn't need to. 

The nurses tried to get him to leave when visiting hours were over but they were all too scared to even approach him, so we cuddled in the small bed falling asleep in each others arms. I didn't know if this would last but even if it didn't I knew my heart would belong to him no matter what.