
Red Spades

Two worlds collided. One full of violence, horror, and trouble. The other full of loss, secrets, and betrayal. They are so different but so similar at the same time. Axel is the bad boy of River High school, people hide from him when they seem him and refuse to speak his name. He leads one of the biggest gangs on the streets that no one can control. He's cold and intimidates everyone around him. He's not afraid to kill or be killed. Aella is a girl that can't be intimidated. She ignores everyone that pushes her around as she keeps to herself trying to graduate high school so she can get away from her abusive uncle and aunt. With a broken past she covers with a mask she fights her inner and outer demons.

LionoftheStars01 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

6 Feet Deep


I didn't know where Axel was taking me and I didn't care. We drove up to a large home that honestly shocked me. It was a hell lot nicer than the dump I lived in. I noticed four cars parked outside.

'Does he own all of these?' 

I guess I shouldn't have been so surprised with his reputation and what he did for a living as a gang leader. He parked the bike and waited for me to get off. Once I did I looked around almost forgetting the memories. Axel looked over at me, 

"The guys will be here" I nodded. I hadn't really talked to them but I liked them after beating the shit out of Ryan's guys, and when they didn't kill me. Yeah, I appreciated that. Axel led me through the double doors. The inside was just as nice and impressively clean. 

I knew about the death of his parents, while I don't know what happened I did know he didn't have them anymore. Something we had in common. 

'Maybe that's why he was helping me, out of pity.' 

I stopped walking and he looked back at me, "I don't need your pity" His smokey eyes only looked back into mine and his face didn't show any emotion, 

"I'm not giving pity"

"Then why are you helping me?" he sighed leaning against the wall, 

"I don't know" he looked up at me as I turned around to leave. If he didn't have a reason then I had no reason for being here. "Where are you going?"


"Alright, but good luck getting far in this storm" he had a point. It was still pouring and it even began hailing. I sighed in frustration, 

'I don't even know how to get back...' I turned to look at him smirking a little, 

"I'll take you back later" I only nodded and continued following him through the large house. I heard yelling coming from the living room as we passed by. There sat the boys playing a video game on the large TV screen. Jack noticed us and his eyes widened, 

"How the fuck did she get here!?!" the others turned with just as much surprise. Axel glared at them as I took a step back from their hostility. 

"I gave her a ride." Austin gave me a smile before looking at Axel, 

"You sure about this? I mean we don't need her going around telling people where we live" 

"She doesn't have anybody to tell and they wouldn't believe her anyway" I glared at him. Mostly because he was right. Even if I did know someone I wouldn't say anything but he didn't have to go rubbing in that I have no friends. Gus got up and walked over to me, I stood my ground as he towered over me. He smiled and put a hand on my messed up hair and rubbing it, 

"Welcome to the home of the Red Spades!" He smiled and pulled me into a side hug. I felt Axel's glare on him as he did so. Gus must have noticed too because let go looking at my soaked clothes, 

"You are freezing!" I smiled a little and muttered, 

"Sorry" Jack walked behind Gus hitting him in the back of the head, 

"Then why don't you go get her some dry clothes dumb ass" Gus rolled his eyes, 

"Don't tell me what you should be doing" The two began bickering at each other completely forgetting about me. I chuckled at their behavior, I couldn't help it they were entertaining to watch. Axel took my hand pulling me after him, 

"I'm getting her dry clothes!" as we walked up stairs the weight of the day was crashing down on me.  He took me to his room and let me sit on his bed while he went to his closet. I looked around, the walls were white and the soft carpet a dark gray color. A huge window looked out at the mountains in the distance. A door led to what I assumed was the bathroom. Other than that his room was pretty bland. He didn't have any pictures, trophies, or posters on the walls. He had a black dresser in one corner with a tall mirror beside it. His huge bed stood against the wall across from the door. Unlike most boys he kept his room clean except for the unmade bed.

I watched him quietly as he went into the large bathroom. I heard the sound of running water as he came back tossing me a blue T-shirt, "I don't have pants that would fit you, so you'll have to make do with that until your clothes dry; it should cover you though." I nodded standing up. "Go ahead and take a bath to warm up" I gave him a suspicious look making him roll his eyes, 

"No I'm not going to get a peek, it might surprise you to know I'm not a pervert." I raised an eyebrow, 

"uh huh..." he gave me his signature smirk, 

"But take to long and I may barge in" I felt my whole face go red at the thought and I glared at him before going into the bathroom shutting and locking it. I heard him chuckle before walking away. Sighing I slowly stripped my wet clothes and got into the warm water. 

After a while I got out and wrapped a towel around my body before going over to the mirror. I pulled on my underwear and bra that were luckily not too wet. I looked at my exposed skin and frowned, Carl didn't hold back. I had bruises all along my ribs and stomach the size of baseballs. I tenderly touched one and winced. My back and legs had just as many bruises, but they weren't as bad. 

'son of a bitch'

 I sighed heavily and pulled the large shirt over me. I hated to admit it, but he smelled good. His cologne wafted into my nose as I slipped it over my head. The shirt stopped at mid thigh. I grabbed my clothes after folding the towel and peeked my head out to see if anyone was there. I was alone so setting my clothes on the edge of the bed I sat back down to wait until he came back. His mattress was really comfortable. I laid down on my side and closed my eyes, accidentally falling asleep.

I sat in the middle of the cemetery. There was no one around but I could hear their voices as I stared into the two holes. 

"She should've died with them"

"Serves them right"

"I heard her mom cheated and that's why her dad killed" 

"Poor child, now she has to live with that man. I bet he beats her"

"She'll end up a psychopath if she doesn't die kill herself before then"   

"Glad I'm not her, she should probably just kill herself already. Follow in her Dad's footsteps" 

I covered my ears trying to block out the noise but it only made them louder. I wanted to shut my eyes as tears welled up in them but I could only stare 6 feet down where in one hole my mom laid looking straight at me with dead eyes blood covering her face and stomach. Her skin was a sickening pale color as her once beautiful eyes were glazed over. In the other my Dad laid his eyes were gone and a large replace the side of his head. His mouth was slightly opened revealing nothing but blood that oozed out the corner of his purple lips. I screamed and I screamed...