
Red Overpowered (English)

Logan is an orphan born with a genetic anomaly that gives his eyes the color red. Taken in by a benevolent family, his life will change dramatically. And he will be called to discover a new world invoked by it. As a hero? Certainly not, he will now follow his own path. --------------------- The art of the cover is not mine follow the artist here :https://twitter.com/1L9l2Aa8UCL0IGJ/status/1322058207842328576?t=xfRkboLUCb6KjBg7rgpM7A&s=19

Lyl · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
68 Chs

19/Apprenticeship 2

Thank you to my new contributor Bryce for his level 3 subscription. Thank you for your support and welcome to the Patreon community.


After finishing their first class, all the students headed towards the castle's vast training grounds. The place was bustling and well-organized, a testament to the importance the kingdom placed on their training. On the field awaited several individuals, carefully selected and hired by the kingdom, each an expert in their field.

Numerous guards were also present, ensuring the safety and logistics of the session. They had brought with them a large number of mysterious boxes, neatly lined up on the ground. As the students observed the scene with curiosity and a hint of apprehension, Moses stepped forward. He finally spoke, his strong and clear voice resonating across the field:

"Hello, heroes. Your first training starts today, and it will be a rather calm session. We will simply evaluate your combat abilities. After that, we will train you intensively, and for that, we have hired the best experts from the adventurers' guild and the kingdom." announced Moses confidently.

The individuals in front of them then stepped forward to introduce themselves. Each of them had a commanding presence, and their reputation preceded their appearance.

"I am Maximus, a great warrior of A-rank affiliated with the Purple Lightning clan." exclaimed a shirtless man, his strong build and bulging muscles testifying to his power and combat experience.

"I am Peney, an S-rank magic swordsman, also known as the Golden Blade." declared a tall man, his imposing aura seemed to radiate from his magnificent yellow eyes and glittering hair of the same hue.

"I am John, a priest serving the Church and the Goddess I represent." said a man dressed in a white, blue, and gold tunic, holding a staff adorned with precious stones that sparkled in the sunlight.

"I am Zem, the commander of the Sigma kingdom's army, nicknamed the Invincible Paladin." announced a man wearing a large, sturdy blue armor and a shield as imposing as it was protective.

"I am Eric, an S-rank alchemist affiliated with the alchemists' guild." said a man dressed in a black and purple robe, his eyes shining with sharp intelligence and insatiable curiosity.

Moses spoke again:

"As for me, you already know me: I am Moses, the king's magician, the most powerful mage in the kingdom."

The newly summoned heroes looked at each other, impressed by the assembly of mentors before them. The kingdom had gathered an elite team to train them, experts whose skills and experiences would guide them for a time.

"We will teach you the specifics of your profession as well as the basics of combat over several months. But for now, we will evaluate you." announced Moses with quiet assurance.

"And how will you evaluate us?" asked Shawn.

"Well, it's very simple, please take a weapon." replied Moses, pointing to a booth filled with all sorts of weapons.

The heroes headed to the booth, each choosing the weapon that seemed most appropriate to them. Most opted for swords, attracted by their simplicity and versatility. There was a palpable mix of nervousness and excitement in the air as they handled the weapons, getting used to their weight and balance.

"Good, now that this is done, guards, you can release the monsters." ordered Moses in a calm tone.

The guards obeyed and opened the boxes, releasing a horde of monsters. Angry goblins and low-level wild wolves sprang out, their eyes shining with a predatory gleam. Although these creatures were not among the most powerful, their sheer number represented a formidable challenge for beginners.

"Well, it is time to show us what you are capable of." declared Moses.

Suddenly, an earth wall rose from the ground, encircling the heroes and monsters, trapping them together in an improvised arena. The instructors watched from atop this wall, their sharp eyes scrutinizing every movement of the young heroes. They were to be evaluated not only on their ability to handle weapons but also on their capacity to work together and keep their composure under pressure.

The heroes prepared for battle, their hearts pounding. They were now plunged directly into the thick of things, facing their first real test. The monsters growled and charged towards them.

"Hey, what's this! Some of us have professions that are not meant for combat." exclaimed Eva, casting a worried look at Max and Dan, who had received the superior alchemist and elite blacksmith classes.

"Well, in that case, you just have to protect them." replied Moses nonchalantly, as if the solution was obvious.

"Maïli, what do we do?" asked Eva, desperation piercing her voice.

"The only possible choice, we fight!" replied Maïli with determination.

Without losing a second, a blade of wind shot from Maïli's hands, slicing a goblin in two under the astonished eyes of Shawn, the other heroes, and even the instructors. The precision and power of the attack clearly demonstrated Maïli's skills, instantly boosting the morale of her comrades.

"Oh, that girl already masters such an attack! What's her profession?" asked Peney, astonished by Maïli's demonstration.

"Her attacks are still incomplete but effective, and to answer your question, she holds the profession of Paladin." replied Moses.

"It looks like I'll be the one teaching her." said Zem, clearly interested in Maïli's potential.

While Maïli eliminated the monsters with ease, some of her comrades found themselves surrounded by creatures, paralyzed by indecision.

"What do we do, Shawn?" asked Maverick, panic in his voice.

"Well, we fight too!" replied Shawn, trying to muster his courage.

"But how do we fight? We haven't been taught anything!" protested Maverick.

"That's true, how can Maïli already be so strong?" added Maël, visibly frustrated.

"I don't know, damn it! Let's just charge in. These monsters are weak, it's just a test." said Shawn, trying to mask his uncertainty with bravado.

Shawn then launched multiple fireballs, but his attacks lacked power, speed, and precision, allowing the monsters to easily dodge.

"Damn it!" he shouted, frustrated by his failure.

"Well, that's rather disappointing coming from the supposed hero." remarked Moses, a hint of disappointment in his voice.

"What, it's him? We'll need to train him properly and take more time." said Maximus, critically observing Shawn.

"Too bad he's not like her, it would have saved us time." added Moses.

Maïli, after killing several goblins, passed by Shawn and his group, who seemed disoriented. She offered them a small piece of advice:

"Instead of throwing magic into the void, use your sword, it will be easier."

"Tch! That girl is really getting on my nerves!" growled Shawn, vexed.

"But she's right." said Jay, attacking a goblin in close combat. The goblin, being quite weak, suffered a fatal wound as Jay slashed its torso.

"Maverick." called Shawn.

"Yeah?" responded Maverick.

"Let's go!" ordered Shawn, determined to show what he was capable of.

The two charged at the goblins and wolves, accompanied by Jay. Although their attack was disorganized, they covered each other, compensating for their shortcomings with improvised solidarity. Shawn's sword strikes, Maverick's parries, and Jay's precise attacks created an unexpected synergy, allowing them to hold their ground against the creatures.

Meanwhile, Maïli, Eva, Dan, and Max, although two of them had classes unsuited for combat, had no trouble killing the monsters. Maïli, with her mastery and strategy, covered all their weaknesses. She gave attack and defense orders to coordinate her group with surprising efficiency.

"Eva, go help Dan on his right flank, there are more monsters gathering there." ordered Maïli with natural assurance.

"Okay, I'm on it!" replied Eva, rushing to support Dan.

"Max, don't advance too much and re-center yourself in the formation. Don't worry, I'll draw the monsters' attention," ordered Maïli, her authoritative tone cutting through the noise of the battle.

"She's handling her group masterfully." said Zem, impressed by Maïli's skill.

"The hero's group, on the other hand, is going in brute force, charging recklessly." observed Peney with a hint of criticism.

"We'll see if their strategy holds up at the end of this training." replied Moses stoically, his sharp eyes following Shawn and his group's chaotic movements.

Meanwhile, other students were struggling with the monsters and were in great difficulty. Some, unable to handle the pressure, fled the fight entirely. Others were already trapped, surrounded by creatures, and several had sustained injuries. Cries of pain and panic echoed across the field, highlighting the gravity of their situation.

"Marine, what do we do?" screamed a panicked girl named Beth, her face marked by fear.

"I don't know! I can't even properly use a sword, let alone magic!" responded Marine, desperate.

"Eleanor!" called Marine, seeking comfort and solutions.

"We have only one option: join a group and ally with them." declared Eleanor with determination in her voice.

"But there are only two groups managing to fight the monsters," noted Beth.

"And there's no way I'm allying with Shawn." added Marine, clearly irritated.

"Don't worry, neither will I. Besides, there's someone stronger than him, and she's intelligent and kind." said Eleanor with a smile.

"Maïli." guessed Marine.

"Exactly, with her group: Eva, Dan, and Max." confirmed Eleanor.

"And how do we join them?" asked Beth, anxiety still present in her voice.

"I've mastered a skill. Follow me!" replied Eleanor, the assurance in her voice inspiring confidence.

The two girls began following Eleanor, who, with fierce determination, charged at the monsters. In a fluid and powerful gesture, she summoned a strong gust of wind with her magic. The roaring wind rose, carrying the monsters in a chaotic whirlwind, violently hurling them in all directions.

Among the creatures caught up, a wolf was lifted by the storm and propelled directly towards Peney. In an almost imperceptible instant, he drew his sword. In a flash of blinding speed, he sliced the wolf in two with a single precise stroke, so fast that no one could perceive the man's slightest movement. The wolf's pieces fell to the ground, a testament to Peney's skill and power.

"Pff, they could be a bit more careful." murmured Peney, annoyed but impressed.

Eleanor's group finally managed to reach Maïli and her team.

"Can we join you?" asked Eleanor, looking Maïli straight in the eyes with determination.


If you want more, the 4 next chapters are already available here : https://bit.ly/3i1HaYm

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Thanks to the contributors.

Thanks to Cadméa for her subscription level 4.

Thanks to Allan Kellar for his subscription level 3.

Thanks to Jeffrey for his subscription level 3.

Thanks to Slik Silk for his subscription level 3.

Thanks to Bryce for his subscription level 3.


Special thanks to Rebecca/Amari/Zezima/Crowny_66/Bored dragon/ Sky_Shay/A_F_D/Fidelissama/Morgan/Arjunn/TheGreatSucc/Jared/ Grimjaw/Damion/ for her power stones.
