
chapter 2

The dark castle had just barely started to swim into view of his mind's eye when he heard someone saying his name and felt them shaking his arm he woke up his friend was staring down at him or was he thought he saw the outline of a dark figure for a moment but he soon dismissed this as his imagination as he walked down the streets of new York city towards the empire state building where there would be a public exhibition match to commemorate the upcoming tournament in London Isaac would be dueling someone but he didn't know who his challenger was he stepped onto the podium outside the empire state building the crowd cheered at the sight of him and the man who had organized all of this stepped forward with a mic "alright ladies and gentlemen I present to you the north American champion and owner of the largest gaming corporation in the united states Isaac Horsley" the crowd cheered and he stepped forward accepting the mic "thanks first of all I want to thank you all for being here to watch this exhibition match in order to show off the new duel disk system that my companies chief engineer Michael Lynch designed please a round of applause for Michael" the crowd cheered "now Michael don't be shy bring up the new duel disk" Michael came forward with the suitcase and placed it on the podium and opened it up the screen projected onto the building behind them a picture of the new system the duel disk was incredibly slim and able to fit comfortably onto ones arm with little to no effort at all and the card zone on the duel disk was a solid hologram so that it didn't add extra weight the people oohed and ahed at the marvelous piece of technology Isaac once again began to speak "these new duel disks are extremely accurate to the real thing and aren't for the faint of heart if you don't think you can handle it then don't buy one the prices are starting at 200$ apiece for each one and they are customizable depending on the person 16 of these have already been ordered for the upcoming world championship tournament next Saturday in London anyone who orders one before then will receive a free ticket to London and seat in the colosseum to watch the games up close and personal" the crowd went wild and many people were already demanding to put in orders at once "alright folks calm down you can order one on our website later we have plenty in stock at the moment" a voice rang over the crowd "so you're the great Isaac I have heard much of your dueling skill and I came to ask you whether or not you would accept my challenge the crowd parted and a tall dark figure was standing there he spoke again "unless of course you don't think you can defeat my dark devourer deck" Isaac thought for a moment "very well I accept your challenge step onto the stage and we shall shuffle each other's decks" the man stepped on stage and presented his cards and they began to shuffle their cards they stared at each other thee entire time as if they were trying to kill each other with a stare they then handed over the decks shuffled and crossed to opposite sides of the stage it was now the moment they had prepared for Michael came between them and said "since we are on a limited time frame here are the rules the match will last 20 minutes and each of you will set your gear at 4000 LP instead of 8000 understood DUEL!"