
Reborn With A Doomsday System

[ Novel is Under Editing.] Everything in these world are gotten through pain. I accept the pain. Bath in the blood of my enemies and Grow to be the strongest enhancer in the world. A young man reborn 2 months back before doomsday, sworn to protect his families and friends, to give humanity a second chance, to fight and eradicate all the dangerous creatures from the world. But, can he do it?. with evil lurking in the dark, ready to be unleash on the world, to consume the life and shadows of everyone, but they forgot one important information. "I'm the only supreme primordial in this world and you are all below me!!." All the creatures tremble in fear hearing his angry roar and feeling his terrifying powers. read and unveil the mystery and dangers in these dystopian world. follow Leo to the end and discover how he will save the whole world from doomsday.

OP_Supreme · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
109 Chs

CHAPTER 77: Killing A Black Zombie

"You four forgot one thing and that is black zombies are sensible and shape but they have only one weakness." Mila said walking forward drawing out her long sword which in turn glow with a blue light.

"Make sure to remove their head" Nora said landing beside Mila.

The two girls smiled at each other and shot forward.


The black zombie let out a loud growl and lunged forward with his Hand forming a terrifying mace.


The mace smashed on the ground destroying it instantly, the two leaped into the air dodging the attack.

"That is easy" Nora said with a smile and send a yellow crescent blade with a swing of her sword while in mid-air.


A cloud of smoke rose to the air as the blade collide with the zombie.

When the smoke cleared the zombie stood still staring at Nora with killing intent.

"Oh nice, I think l've found something to test my full power on." Nora said with a smile.

"Not after I kill it" Mila said landing beside her and shot forth.

The zombie raised his mace and smashed it on Mila, to everyone shock including Leo, Mila dissolve into liquid and move behind the zombie.




Sam: "do you know she could do that Leo?"

Leo: "not a clue"

Ricky: "Are you kidding me"

Tyson: "am I seeing things?"

Rest of the group: "..."

Everyone was speechless including the black zombie who was busy smashing his mace on the liquid.

'Potentate how is she doing this?'

[ subordinate mila is using her summoning unique skill and water domain, so instead of summoning water warriors she Turned herself into liquid form.]

"That's Fuck" Leo said out loud.



Mila burst out from the group and cut off the weapon hand of the zombie causing it to painfully growl out.

Mila landed calmly and pointed her sword at the black zombie.

"Time to have your head and present it to leo" she said.

"Calm down dear am till here" Nora said walking toward Mila, her sword making sparks appeared on the ground.

Jack: "this two are monster"

Thiva: "do you guys what to till court her?"

"More than ever!"

"Why not"


thiva was speechless hearing the two answer.



"Who are those people mom?" A young girl asked staring at Leo group.

"I don't know dear" a woman beside her answered and added "I think they are here to save us"

The two were currently on the station third floor observing everything. The woman turned her head and observe everyone inside the building.

A total of 100 people hid inside the station with some law enforcement officials among them.

"Stay close to me, ok?"

Another young girl walked up to the woman and hug her leg. The two girls were no less than 7 years old.

"Mommy, what about brother?" The one standing at her right side asked.

The woman stared at the people fighting from a distance and said "Don't worry, your brother is save, he is out there... somewhere." The woman said trying to hold back her tears.

"Don't worry, he will be ok" a man putting on a black police uniform with two stars on each shoulders walked up to them.

"Thank you chief, if not for you I won't know what would have happened to my children and I" the woman said with a small smile.

"What are you saying Mary? Any one would have done the same."

"Not everyone are like you chief, when those things were attacking, they only thought of themselves not even their families so why would they bother about a friend or stranger." The woman said calmly.

'Can't she stop calling me chief? I am but hearing it from her sound weird.' The man thought and changed the subject.

"Do you have any idea about those people outside?"

"Not really but that woman who turned herself into liquid sure look familiar"


The man said surprised and focus his daze on Mila after a while he said out loud.

"That is Mila! she was with Leo at the conference when he announced doomsday to the world!!"


"Leo is here?"

"We are save!"

"Let him in"

"What are you waiting for chief let him in, we are save!"

Everyone stood up and walked toward the window to see what is happening, some even asking the chief to open the door immediately.

"Are you sure she is the one?" Mary asked after everyone settled down.

"I was present when the conference was held, I can never forget her and Leo" he said a little surprise too.

'We are save at last'

The hundred of people in the station already lost hope when the horde of zombies matched towards them but now hearing Leo might be outside they got hope again.

"Mom who is Leo?" The other girl who look around 6 years old asked with a confuse look, not understanding why everyone because agitated hearing Leo's name.

"Leo is our savior, the one who will save and take us all to a very good and save place." The woman answered with a smile.

"Chief, are you sure it's Leo?" a man putting on a black business suit asked.

"Have not seen Leo outside but I know he is close by" the chief said Turing to his friend.

Everyone stood inside watching the battle, all hoping to be save from this nightmares.


Nora and Mila shot forward together toward the black zombie.

Nora hair and body glow with a mixture of silver and yellow which shown she is going for her strongest attack ever.

Mila notice this and as someone who was trying to prove themselves to Leo, she won't let Nora take all the credit. Her sword glow with a blue glow making the temperature dropped slightly.

From when Leo gave her the sword she finally used it skill.

[ Yin divine sword, have 40% chance of causing shock to any opponent 2 realm below the user. This ability can be resisted by any opponent stronger than the user. A-Class sword.]


The black zombie let out a furious roar as he leaped into the air and smashed his newly formed battle Axe on the girls.

"Wrong move!"

Nora said and leapt up meeting the zombie head on with her sword.

'Time to test my new skill, I was planning to test it on Leo but I have to use it now.' Nora thought.

"Phantom winds slashed!!"

She yelled and move her sword with incredible speed sending 20 silver and yellow wind blades toward the attacking zombie.





The zombie growl painfully as countless wind blades cut off his four limps, causing it to fall on the ground with a THUD! Creating a mini crater.

Nora landed and turned around to the zombie who was trying to get up with difficulty.

"That's easy" she said walking toward it.


The zombie shot forward with his weapon hand trying to grab the human who caused it pain, his two legs have been cut off but his two hands have grew back.


Nora was not expecting these and was a little late to react, luckily for her Mila interfered cutting off the hand of the zombie.

The zombie growl in pain and remained till, no matter how he tried it body remained motionless.

[ Shock from the yin divine sword activated. Target one realm stronger than subordinate, timer 00:00:05 ] potentate answer Leo question before he could ask.

Leo nodded calmly and said "Mila you have three seconds to end this."

Hearing Leo, Mila didn't waste a second and shot forward at the shocked zombie with all her speed.


She stopped behind the black zombie as she raised her sword, black blood flow slowly on the blade dripping on the ground slowly.


The zombie finally collapsed on the ground with his head rolling on the ground.

"Whoa! Our kings did it!"

"Yeah our sixth king is the best!!"


"Sixth king!!, first king!!, sixth king!!, first king!!"

Celestial fighters were all screaming out loud, cheering Mila and Nora for just killing one black zombie.

"Shut up all of you!" Leo said loudly silencing all the fighters.

Leo turned to them and said. "What are you all cheering about? Only one black zombie made them fight for a whole 30 minutes, what if they are two or three? When we get back I will set the simulation to black and higher evolve zombies let see how you do." Leo said and turned to his subordinates.

"I hope you four learnt something from this?"

Celestial fighters gulped down their saliva hearing Leo while the four lowered their heads not saying anything, they could only nod slowly.

"Now get ready, find and take any spirit stones you can find and give it to Nora," Leo said walking toward the two girls.

"YES!" The death squad members nodded and quickly spread to search the heads of all red zombies.

"You two did good." Leo said.

"Thanks" Nora nodded calmly while Mila gave Leo a stone which shock the four behind him.

Sam: "is that?"

Mike: "A black spirit stone."

Jack: "I think so"

Leo took the black spirit stone, looked at it for a while and gave it back to Mila and said.

"Swallow it"


All if them blurted out shocked. Leo opened his palm and a black spirit stone appeared on his palm, he then gave it to Nora.

"Swallow this"

The two girls stared at the stones on their palm and after some thought they swollen it, boasting them to the sky realm.

Nora three stars and Mila one star, both in sky realm, one realm above the four.

"You guys will get yours after killing a black zombie." Leo said to the four and walked toward the station gate.

The four looked at themselves, guilt written all over their faces.

Sam: "Leo is right"

Mike: "Yes, from now on we must not underestimate any enemy."

The other two nodded, agreeing to Mike words.


[ those of you who forgot.]

[10,000 Doom stones for 10 black spirit stones. Exchange function 😁]


Much love, stay save.


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